

单词 考试及格
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔advance〕Passing your exams will advance your career.考试及格,有助你的事业发展。牛津同义词〔bear〕You will have to bear down if you expect to pass the examination.你要是指望考试及格的话,就得加一把劲。英汉大词典〔delight〕To the teacher's great delight, all his students passed the examination.使教师大为高兴的是,他的学生全部考试及格。英汉大词典〔let through〕The teaher let all the students throught the examination last term.上学期老师让所有学生考试及格了。21世纪英汉〔most〕Most of the class passed.班上大多数人都考试及格了。外研社新世纪〔pass〕Did you get a pass in English? 你英语考试及格了吗?朗文当代〔pass〕I got a pass in my Literature course.我修习的文学课程考试及格了。剑桥高阶〔pass〕She got a pass in French.她法语考试及格了。牛津高阶〔pass〕She got a pass in her piano exam.她钢琴考试及格了。外研社新世纪〔pass〕She got a pass in maths.她数学考试及格了。麦克米伦高阶〔work〕You haven't worked but you'll pass your exams.你从来就是为了考试及格才用功的。英汉大词典He passed in German, but failed in English. 他德语考试及格了,但英语没及格。译典通He's really asking for it (=likely to fail), if he thinks he can pass his exams without studying.如果他认为不必用功就能考试及格,那是存心准备让自己不及格了。剑桥国际My examination certificate (=document stating that I have passed an exam) arrived in the post today.我的考试及格证书今天寄到了。剑桥国际My parents were glad about my passing of all the exams this semester. 我父母为我这学期门门功课考试及格而高兴。译典通She must reconcile herself to the fact that she must do some work if she wants to pass her exams.要是想考试及格的话,她就必须用点功。她得使自己接受这个事实。剑桥国际Tom got through. 汤姆考试及格了。译典通




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