

单词 简陋
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕The hotel was like a different world compared to the spartan accommodation I'd had in the army. 和我在军队的简陋宿舍比起来,这家旅馆宛如另一个世界。朗文写作活用〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕The students’ rooms are spartan but clean, with no carpets or central heating. 学生房间没有地毯也没有中央供暖装置,虽然简陋但很干净。朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕Not long ago, computers were crude, unreliable machines, used by only a few experts. 不久以前,电脑还是只有少数专家使用的既简陋又不可靠的机器。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕In comparison with modern methods, it seems an incredibly slow and unsophisticated way of making cars. 与现代的生产方式相比,用这种方法制造汽车显得极其缓慢,极其简陋。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕In those days, dental equipment was primitive and a visit to the dentist was a painful experience. 那时候牙科设备很简陋,看牙医是件痛苦的事。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕It is a primitive but effective device for raising water from a well. 这是从井里汲水的一种简陋但很有效的装置。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕Students ate in an austere hall built by New England Puritans. 学生们在一个简陋的大礼堂里就餐,这礼堂是新英格兰的清教徒建造的。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕The Lodge is nothing fancy -- just a row of cottages huddled on the side of a hill overlooking the sea. “小旅馆”很简陋—只是一排聚在山腰上的面海小屋。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕The crematorium chapel was cold and austere. 火葬场的祈祷室冷冷的,也很简陋。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕The men started gathering wood to construct a crude shelter. 那些男人开始收集木头搭建一个简陋的棚子。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕They lived in crudely built huts. 他们住在简陋的小棚屋里。朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕There was only one dinky store with a few cans of soup and some other useless junk for sale. 只有一家很简陋的商店,卖的是一些汤罐头和其他一些没有用的杂物。朗文写作活用〔Spartan〕Hotels here are Spartan.这里的旅馆很简陋。英汉大词典〔TIME〕These simple tools were used for hunting in the Stone Age. 这些简陋的工具是石器时代狩猎用的。朗文写作活用〔barn〕They live in a great barn of a house.他们住在一所简陋的大房子里。牛津高阶〔barrack〕Often barracks A large, unadorned building used for temporary occupancy. 常作 barracks 临时工房:用于暂时居住的简陋的大房子美国传统〔basic〕The accommodation is rather basic.住处相当简陋。麦克米伦高阶〔bothy〕A hut or small cottage.棚屋,村舍,简陋小屋美国传统〔cell〕A small, humble abode, such as a hermit's cave or hut.小的隐居处所:狭小、简陋的住所,比如隐士的山洞或棚屋美国传统〔cheap〕It was tatty and had been decorated on the cheap.地方破旧, 装饰简陋。外研社新世纪〔condition〕Working conditions here are primitive.这里的工作条件很简陋。剑桥高阶〔crib〕A small, crude cottage or room.棚屋:小而简陋的屋子或房间美国传统〔crude〕These implements are crude but effective.这些工具虽然简陋但却有效。外研社新世纪〔crude〕They built a crude shelter out of branches.他们用树枝搭了个简陋的窝棚。韦氏高阶〔death trap〕From the point of view of fire, those shanties are complete death traps.从防火角度看, 那些简陋小木屋绝对是死亡陷阱。外研社新世纪〔do up〕Nicholas has bought a barn in Provence and is spending August doing it up.尼古拉斯在普罗旺斯买了一座条件简陋的大房子,8月份正在装修。柯林斯高阶〔doss〕A crude or makeshift bed.简易床:简陋的或权作使用的床美国传统〔equipped〕Their schools are very poorly equipped.他们学校的教学设备很简陋。剑桥高阶〔favela〕A shantytown or slum, especially in Brazil.棚户区:简陋棚屋住宅区,尤指在巴西美国传统〔grave〕The grave was marked by a simple headstone.坟墓上只竖着一块简陋的墓碑。牛津搭配〔grim〕The house was lonely and rather grim.房子孤零零的,而且很简陋。麦克米伦高阶〔house〕The soldiers were housed in poorly heated huts.士兵们被安排住进了供暖条件差的简陋小屋。韦氏高阶〔hovel〕A small, miserable dwelling.狭小简陋的屋子美国传统〔humble〕They lived in a humble two-roomed flat.他们住在一套简陋的两居室公寓里。麦克米伦高阶〔hut〕A crude or makeshift dwelling or shelter; a shack.简陋小屋,茅屋:粗糙的临时住房或隐蔽处;棚屋美国传统〔ill-equipped〕Poorly or inadequately equipped.设备简陋的:设备简陋或是不适当地装设美国传统〔incapable〕The army was badly equipped, and incapable of offering serious resistance.军队装备简陋,无法进行有力的抗击。麦克米伦高阶〔inconsiderable〕It now appeared mean and inconsiderable.现在它显得简陋而渺小。外研社新世纪〔knock down〕They have since knocked down the shack.从那以后他们拆掉了简陋的棚屋。外研社新世纪〔least〕Accommodation was basic to say the least.往轻里说是住宿条件简陋。外研社新世纪〔lodging〕We found the lodgings on the tour rather primitive.我们发现旅途中的宿处相当简陋美国传统〔meanly〕In a poor, lowly, or base manner.简陋地,谦卑地,卑鄙地美国传统〔mean〕We lived in the meanest hovel on the mountain road.我们住在山路边最简陋的茅舍里。外研社新世纪〔note〕The carpet was a curious note in that seedy hovel.那条地毯放在那间简陋的小破屋里显得十分不协调。英汉大词典〔nothing〕Nothing remains of the old house but the cellar hole.老房子除了这个狭小简陋的酒窖之外什么也没留下美国传统〔pallet〕Chiefly Southern U.S. A temporary bed made from bedding arranged on the floor, especially for a child.【多用于美国南部】 简陋的床:在地板上搭成的一种临时的床,特别是为小孩美国传统〔poorly〕The house was poorly furnished.这所房子的陈设很简陋。外研社新世纪〔primitive〕Conditions at the camp are very primitive.营地条件非常简陋。朗文当代〔primitive〕The camp had only a primitive outdoor toilet.这个营地只有一个简陋的户外厕所。韦氏高阶〔primitive〕The conditions are primitive by any standards.不管怎么看, 条件都十分简陋。外研社新世纪〔primitive〕The conditions are primitive by any standards.无论用什么标准来衡量,其条件都很简陋。柯林斯高阶〔primitive〕The conditions in the camp were fairly primitive.露营地的条件相当简陋。麦克米伦高阶〔primitive〕The facilities on the campsite were very primitive.营地的设施非常简陋。牛津高阶〔primitive〕The first station buildings were quite primitive.最初的车站很简陋。朗文当代〔primitive〕The primitive surgery of those days left him virtually deaf in one ear.那时候简陋的外科手术让他一只耳朵几乎失聪。柯林斯高阶〔rig〕We rigged up a simple and crude shelter for the children.我们为孩子们临时拼凑着搭了一个简陋的栖身之处。21世纪英汉〔rig〕We rigged up a simple shower at the back of the cabin.我们在小木屋的后面凑合着搭了一个简陋的淋浴间。朗文当代〔rough it〕If you go camping you'll have to rough it.如果你去参加野营,你就得过艰苦简陋的生活。21世纪英汉〔rough-and-ready〕She put up with the most rough-and-ready living conditions.她忍受着最为简陋的生活条件。外研社新世纪〔rough-and-ready〕The living conditions were a bit rough-and-ready, as there were no beds.生活条件稍嫌简陋,连床也没有。英汉大词典〔rough〕He had constructed a rough shelter of mesquite branches.他用牧豆树枝条搭了个简陋的窝棚。外研社新世纪〔rough〕I made a rough table out of some old boxes.我用几个旧箱子做了一张简陋的饭桌。剑桥高阶〔rudely〕Roden had already constructed a rude cabin for himself and his family in case of necessity.罗登已为自己和家人搭好了一个简陋的小木屋,以备不时之需。柯林斯高阶〔rude〕The stable was little more than a rude shack.马厩不过是个简陋的窝棚。外研社新世纪〔rudimentary〕The classroom equipment is pretty rudimentary.教室里的设备相当简陋。朗文当代〔sanitary〕The vast majority live in tin shacks without electricity, clean water or sanitary facilities.大多数人生活在简陋的铁皮屋子里,没有电,没有干净的水,也没有卫生设施。柯林斯高阶〔scantily〕The bedroom was scantily furnished.那间卧室陈设简陋。文馨英汉〔shabby〕He walked past her into a tiny, shabby room.他从她身边经过,走进了一个狭小简陋的房间。柯林斯高阶〔shack〕A small, crudely built cabin; a shanty.小屋:简陋的小屋美国传统〔shantytown〕A town or a section of a town consisting chiefly of shacks.贫民区:一种主要由简陋木屋构成的小城或城的一部分美国传统〔shanty〕A roughly built, often ramshackle cabin; a shack.简陋木屋:一种粗简建造,常常近于倒塌的小屋;简陋小屋美国传统〔slum〕He was staying in a hotel while the rest of us were slumming it at a campsite.他住旅馆,而我们其他人却呆在简陋的营地。麦克米伦高阶〔starkly〕The room was starkly furnished.房间陈设简陋。柯林斯高阶〔stark〕It was a stark room with a bed and chair as the only furniture.这个房间很简陋,仅有的家具就是一张床和一把椅子。剑桥高阶〔such as it is〕Welcome to my humble home—such as it is.欢迎光临寒舍——尽管敝舍简陋。韦氏高阶〔third class〕Accommodations, as on a ship or train, of the third and usually lowest order of luxury and price.三等房:轮船或火车上的三等房间,常是最简陋最廉价的房间美国传统〔tolerate〕They have tolerated poor working conditions in order to finish the job.为了完成任务,他们忍受了简陋的工作条件。麦克米伦高阶〔unlovely〕She found a small, inexpensive motel on the outskirts of the town; it was barren and unlovely.她在城郊找了一家便宜的小汽车旅馆,那旅馆既简陋又难看。柯林斯高阶〔unlovely〕She found a small, inexpensive motel on the outskirts of the town; it was barren and unlovely.她在城郊找了一家便宜的小汽车旅馆;那旅馆既简陋又难看。外研社新世纪Conditions are now so primitive in the town clinic that operations are frequently performed without anaesthetic.在小城镇的诊所里,现在的条件仍很简陋,做手术常常不施行麻醉。剑桥国际He lived simply (= with few possessions and little money) in a small hut in the middle of a forest.他在森林中央的一所简陋小屋里过着简朴的生活。剑桥国际His childhood was spent in a shanty. 他的童年是在一个简陋小屋里度过的。译典通I found a billet in a flimsy shelter with five other men who were lying side by side.我发现了一处简陋的掩壕,里面并排躺着五名士兵。剑桥国际Over half of the inhabitants of this city live in slum conditions.该市一半以上的居民居住在简陋的环境里。剑桥国际People are living in tents, without running water and in primitive conditions.人们住在帐篷里,没有自来水,生活条件简陋。剑桥国际The family lived in a humble cottage. 这户人家住在一所简陋的农舍里。译典通The great man is said to have been born in a crude hut. 据说那个伟人生于一个简陋的小屋里。译典通The house had a mean and dirty appearance.房子看上去很简陋。剑桥国际The hut afforded little protection from the elements.这座简陋小屋挡不住风吹雨打。剑桥国际The incendiary device had been crudely made.燃烧弹制造简陋。剑桥国际The lowly cottage was dignified by the two great pear trees in front of it. 简陋的村舍因门前两棵大梨树而显得气派。译典通The room was furnished barely but neatly. 房间陈设十分简陋,但很整洁。译典通The students share a grotty little room.学生们合住一间条件简陋的小房间。剑桥国际The whole family shares one poky room.全家都住在一间狭小简陋的斗室里。剑桥国际The young couple made their home in a mean dwelling. 这对年轻夫妇在一个简陋的住处安了家。译典通These families live in one-room shacks which they made out of cardboard, wood and tin.这些人家住在他们用纸板箱、木头和白铁皮搭建成的简陋的单间房屋中。剑桥国际They live in a poky little flat.他们住在一个简陋的小套间里。剑桥国际They lived a rough life on a small island. 他们在小岛上过著简陋的生活。译典通We built a rude shelter from rocks on the beach.我们用海滩上的岩石建了一个简陋的庇护所。剑桥国际While he was in prison, he was served a meagre diet of rice, bread and gruel.当他在狱中时,供应他的简陋的伙食是米饭,面包和粥。剑桥国际




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