

单词 政治的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕The public's cynicism about politics is at an all time high. 公众对政治的怀疑情绪空前高涨。朗文写作活用〔Europeanism〕Belief in or support of the economic or political unification of Europe.欧洲主义:坚信或支持欧洲经济或政治的统一联合美国传统〔FIRST〕The new party promised to break the mould of British politics. 新政党答应要打破英国政治的陈规旧习。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The US government is still trying to extend its influence over European politics. 美国政府仍在设法扩展对欧洲政治的影响力。朗文写作活用〔NEWSPAPERS〕Do you think the press has too much influence on politics? 你认为报刊对政治的影响太大了吗?朗文写作活用〔active〕When did you first become politically active? 你是什么时候开始投身政治的?牛津搭配〔animal〕She's not a political animal.她不是搞政治的那种人。牛津高阶〔apolitical〕Having no interest in or association with politics.不关心政治的,对政治无兴趣的:对政治不感兴趣或与政治无关的美国传统〔appendage〕Macmillan must have loathed being judged as a mere appendage to domestic politics.麦克米伦肯定极不喜欢只被当成国内政治的附属品。柯林斯高阶〔appendage〕Macmillan must have loathed being judged as a mere appendage to domestic politics.麦克米伦肯定极不喜欢被当成国内政治的附属品。外研社新世纪〔arm-twisting〕The use of personal or political pressure in an effort to persuade or to gain support.压力:在设法说服或取得支持时使用个人的或政治的压力美国传统〔boil〕The scathing editorial simply boils down to an exercise in partisan politics.措词强烈的社论可以简单地归结为政党政治的纲领美国传统〔computer age〕The current era as characterized by the development, applications, and sociopolitical consequences of computer technology.计算机时代:目前的年代,以计算机科技的发展、应用及其对社会政治的影响为特征美国传统〔conciliate〕The President has a strong political urge to conciliate.总统有强烈政治的意愿去和解。外研社新世纪〔consciousness〕Her political consciousness sprang from her upbringing.她对政治的关注源于她的成长经历。外研社新世纪〔consideration〕They should not allow partisan political considerations or interests to cloud their judgment.他们不应该让党派政治的因素或利益影响他们的判断。外研社新世纪〔creature〕She's a creature of politics.她是政治的产物。韦氏高阶〔deepen〕Living in the country's capital had deepened her knowledge of politics.居住在这个国家的首都加深了她对政治的了解。韦氏高阶〔direction〕We have to nudge politicians in the right direction.我们必须把搞政治的推向正确的方向。牛津搭配〔essence〕The freedom to pick your leaders is the essence of a democracy.自由选举领导人是民主政治的精髓所在。牛津搭配〔example〕Cross-party groups have been held up as an example of the new politics in Scotland.跨党派组织成了苏格兰新政治的有力证明。外研社新世纪〔excrescence〕The trade union block vote is an excrescence on democracy.工会的集团投票法是民主政治的毒瘤。外研社新世纪〔featherweight〕This featherweight comedy fuses office politics with sexual politics.这部浅薄的喜剧糅合了办公室政治和性别政治的元素。外研社新世纪〔focus〕He said his sudden focus on foreign policy was not motivated by presidential politics.他说他突然关注外交政策并非受总统政治的驱使。柯林斯高阶〔framework〕The book provides a general framework for understanding modern politics.这本书提供了解读现代政治的总体原则。韦氏高阶〔free〕The press has now been freed from political control.新闻界现在已经摆脱了政治的控制。朗文当代〔fringe〕He has always remained on the fringes of mainstream politics.他一直处在主流政治的边缘。牛津搭配〔geopolitical〕Those problems are political in nature, not geopolitical.那些问题在性质上是属于政治的,而非地缘政治的。文馨英汉〔geopolitics〕A Nazi doctrine holding that the geographic, economic, and political needs of Germany justified its invasion and seizure of other lands.生存空间说:一种法西斯学说,以德国对地理、经济和政治的需要证明其侵略和掠夺别国是正确的美国传统〔glaze over〕His eyes glazed over as they started to talk about politics.他们开始谈论政治的时候, 他的目光呆滞起来。外研社新世纪〔green〕He was an early champion of green politics.他是绿色政治的早期倡导者。朗文当代〔have〕He says he's had it with politics.他说他已吃够了政治的苦头。麦克米伦高阶〔human〕He is the human face of party politics.他是政党政治的标志性人物。牛津高阶〔imbecile〕He was repeating all his usual imbecilities about politics.他又在重复他那套关于政治的愚蠢言论了。韦氏高阶〔inactive〕He certainly was not politically inactive.他无疑是热衷政治的。外研社新世纪〔indifference〕He was amazed at the indifference of the general public toward politics.一般民众对政治的漠不关心使他感到惊异。文馨英汉〔infrangibility〕The infrangibility of the given word is the first rule of politics.不可违背诺言是政治的首要法则。英汉大词典〔ins and outs〕I'm still learning all the ins and outs of American politics.对美国政治的方方面面,我还在学习当中。韦氏高阶〔intricacy〕The intricacies of American politics bored me.美国政治的错综复杂使我感到厌烦。外研社新世纪〔kindle〕The Second World War kindled his enthusiasm for politics.第二次世界大战激发了他对政治的热情。外研社新世纪〔leftish〕Tending toward the political left.左派的,左翼的:政治的观点上有向左倾向的、左倾的美国传统〔mainstream〕Environmental ideas have been absorbed into the mainstream of European politics.环境观点已被纳入欧洲政治的主流。朗文当代〔mainstream〕His radical views place him outside the mainstream of American politics.他的激进观点使他脱离了美国政治的主流。牛津高阶〔manner〕I haven't lost my interest in politics by any manner of means.我对政治的兴趣丝毫不减。朗文当代〔margin〕His ideas were relegated to the margins of conservative politics.他的观点被视为保守政治的非主流思想。麦克米伦高阶〔minority〕Even in the 1960s, politically active students and academics were in a minority.即使在20世纪60年代,热衷于政治的学生与大学教师也是少数。柯林斯高阶〔mould〕Breaking the traditional mould of local politics is not going to be easy.打破地方政治的传统模式并非易事。牛津搭配〔mould〕When they first started, they said they were going to break the mould of British politics.刚开始时他们说他们将打破英国政治的原有格局。柯林斯高阶〔name〕Lying in politics? Hell, that's just the name of the game. 干政治的说谎?他妈的,那还不是这一行的老一套! 英汉大词典〔negotiate〕He'd given up trying to negotiate the labyrinth of Westminster politics.他已经放弃了搞清楚错综复杂的英国议会政治的努力。麦克米伦高阶〔nook〕Cole has a vast knowledge of the nooks and crannies of British politics.科尔对英国政治的方方面面都非常了解。外研社新世纪〔one〕I'm not one for political discussions.我不是个热衷于谈论政治的人。柯林斯高阶〔outlook〕The book totally changed my outlook on politics.这本书完全改变了我对政治的看法。韦氏高阶〔overlay〕Her new novel is overlaid with political concerns.她的新小说包含着对政治的关注。剑桥高阶〔overshadow〕Her interest in politics began to overshadow her desire to be a poet.她对政治的兴趣开始盖过了想当诗人的愿望。朗文当代〔pall〕His interest in politics has palled over the years.这些年来,他对政治的兴趣减弱了。韦氏高阶〔parish-pump〕All the articles are about parish-pump politics.这些文章都是关于地方主义政治的。韦氏高阶〔party politics〕The decision was influenced by party politics.这一决定受到党派政治的影响。朗文当代〔point〕They spent the evening discussing the finer points of (=the small details of) world politics.那天晚上他们讨论了世界政治的微妙之处。朗文当代〔political〕I'm not a political animal(= person who is interested in politics).我不是搞政治的那种人。牛津高阶〔political〕I'm not really a political animal.热衷政治的人;政治动物麦克米伦高阶〔political〕Of, relating to, or dealing with the structure or affairs of government, politics, or the state.国家的,政治的,政府的:属于、关于或有关政府、政治或国家的结构或事务的美国传统〔politician〕One who is actively involved in politics, especially party politics.政治家:积极参与政治的人,特别是政党政治美国传统〔politicize〕Many new voters are believed to have been politicized by the protest.人们认为很多新选民是受到抗议活动的影响而开始关心政治的。外研社新世纪〔politics〕He talked about the ways in which global politics are changing.他谈了全球政治的变迁方式。韦氏高阶〔politics〕The key question in British politics was how long the prime minister could survive.英国政治的关键问题在于首相能坚持多久。外研社新世纪〔reference〕She won a grant to study political science with special reference to China.她获得了专门研究中国政治的政治学奖学金。牛津搭配〔rouse〕This roused my interest in politics and I went to work for the Democrats.这激发了我对政治的兴趣,于是我开始效力于民主党。柯林斯高阶〔satire〕The novel is a stinging satire on American politics.这部小说是对美国政治的尖锐讽刺。牛津高阶〔semipolitical〕Political in some aspects or activities.半政治的:在某些方面或活动上具有政治性的美国传统〔shake-out〕The party needs a shake-out, if it is to be the driving-force of the new politics.如果想要成为新政治的主力,该政党就需要进行重大变革。柯林斯高阶〔similarity〕Here the similarity with Western politics ends.和西方政治的相似点到此为止。牛津搭配〔single-handed〕She changed the face of British politics almost single-handed.她几乎是一手改变了英国政治的面貌。柯林斯高阶〔sociopolitical〕Involving both social and political factors.社会政治的:同时涉及社会和政治因素的美国传统〔spell〕Any discussions of politics would spell disaster.任何关于政治的讨论都会招致灾难。外研社新世纪〔stage〕The UN has moved to the centre stage of world politics.联合国已经成为国际政治的核心。朗文当代〔survey〕This chapter briefly surveys the current state of European politics.本章对欧洲政治的现状作了简略概述。牛津高阶〔technocrat〕An adherent or a proponent of technocracy.技术专家政治论者:技术专家政治的信徒或支持者美国传统〔transition〕There will be an interim government to oversee the transition to democracy.将会有一个临时政府来监督向民主政治的过渡。剑桥高阶〔triumvirate〕The office or term of a triumvir.三头政治的职位或任期美国传统〔uncharted〕The nation's geopolitical strategy is yet uncharted.该国的地缘政治的策略还不被人所知美国传统〔undertow〕The existence of an emotional undertow is an aspect of all politics.具有情绪感召力是所有政治的一个方面。柯林斯高阶〔watershed〕The 1932 election represented a watershed in American politics.1932 年的选举是美国政治的分水岭。朗文当代〔where it's at〕Education is where it's at in politics.教育是政治的关键所在。韦氏高阶August is a fallow period in British politics.八月是英国政治的不活跃期。剑桥国际Born of a plutocrat family, he wanted to pursue political power ever since he was a child. 出生于一个富豪的家庭,他从小就想追求政治的权力。译典通He found himself in a room full of intellectuals discussing philosophy and politics.他发现自己置身于一屋子讨论哲学和政治的知识分子中间。剑桥国际He is a student of international politics. 他是研究国际政治的学者。译典通He is an enthusiast about politics. 他是个热衷于政治的人。译典通I'm not cut out (=I'm not the right type of person) to be a politician/for politics! 我不是搞政治的料。剑桥国际In the British system of government, the Queen is supposed to be above (= not be involved with) party politics.在英国的政府体系中,女王应该是不卷入党派政治的。剑桥国际In the old days of two-party adversarial politics, voting was easy.在两党对抗性政治的昔日,选举是容易的。剑桥国际Investors did not want to be long in dollars due to political uncertainties.由于政治的不确定性,投资者不想做美元多头。牛津商务It was this incident that sparked her interest in politics. 是这个事件激起了她对政治的兴趣。译典通Linda's talks always get me fired up (=excited) about Latin American politics.林达的谈话总是激起我对拉美政治的兴趣。剑桥国际She is a political animal at heart.她内心有着搞政治的禀性。剑桥国际The Prime Minister cut her political teeth on (=got her first political experience from) student debates.首相自学生时代参加辩论起就开始有了从事政治的经验。剑桥国际The physical and political damage of the war will affect the lives of millions.战争所造成的物质、政治的损害会影响数百万人的生活。剑桥国际The report gives a no-holds-barred view of the politics.这个报告提出了对政治的无顾忌的看法。剑桥国际We got involved in a rather rambling discussion about politics.我们参加了关于政治的一次非常混乱的讨论。剑桥国际




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