

单词 神经细胞
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Purkinje cell〕A large, drop-shaped, densely branching neuron that is the characteristic cell of the cerebellar cortex.浦金埃细胞:一种属于小脑皮质中层内的特殊细胞的水滴状密枝的大型神经细胞美国传统〔action potential〕Stimulating a nerve fiber causes an action potential to spread across the nerve cell, making it contract.刺激神经纤维导致动作电位传遍神经细胞,从而使之收缩美国传统〔arborization〕A branching, treelike shape or arrangement, as that of the dendrite of a nerve cell.树枝状,树枝分枝:分枝的、似树的形状或排列,如神经细胞的树状突分布美国传统〔arcuate nucleus〕Any of various specialized groups of nerve cells in the medulla oblongata, thalamus, or hypothalamus of the brain.弓状神经核:延髓、丘脑或脑的丘脑下部的一种特殊神经细胞群美国传统〔associative neuron〕A nerve cell found within the central nervous system that links sensory and motor neurons.联络神经元,联络神经细胞:中枢神经系统中将感官与运动神经细胞连在一起的神经细胞美国传统〔axon〕The usually long process of a nerve fiber that generally conducts impulses away from the body of the nerve cell.轴突:一般传导远离神经细胞体的冲动的神经纤维突,通常为长突美国传统〔chemoreceptor〕A sensory nerve cell or sense organ, as of smell or taste, that responds to chemical stimuli.化学感受器:对化学刺激作出反应的感觉神经细胞或嗅觉或味觉等感觉器官美国传统〔convey〕Nerve cells carry and receive nervous impulses.神经细胞传递并接收神经冲动。美国传统〔excitation〕Physiology The activity produced in an organ, a tissue, or a part, such as a nerve cell, as a result of stimulation.【生理学】 刺激:产生于象神经细胞之类的器官、组织或身体一部分的行为,是受刺激的结果美国传统〔fire〕Physiology To generate an electrical impulse. Used of a neuron.【生理学】 冲动:产生一个电冲。用于神经细胞美国传统〔fundamental〕The method they pioneered remains fundamental to research into the behaviour of nerve cells.他们首创的方法在神经细胞活动的研究中一直是不可或缺的。柯林斯高阶〔ganglion〕Anatomy A group of nerve cells forming a nerve center, especially one located outside the brain or spinal cord.【解剖学】 神经节:一组形成神经中心的神经细胞,尤指位于脑或脊髓外侧的美国传统〔ganglioside〕Any of a group of galactose-containing cerebrosides found in the surface membranes of nerve cells.神经节苷脂:在神经细胞膜表层内存在的一组包含半乳糖的脑苷脂美国传统〔gray matter〕Brownish-gray nerve tissue, especially of the brain and spinal cord, composed of nerve cell bodies and their dendrites and some supportive tissue.灰质:浅棕灰色的神经组织,尤指脑和脊髓的灰质, 由神经细胞和其树突及一些相关支持组织组成美国传统〔intelligence〕Nerve cells do not have intelligence of their own.神经细胞自身并没有思维能力。外研社新世纪〔intelligence〕Nerve cells, after all, do not have intelligence of their own.毕竟,神经细胞自身并没有智力。柯林斯高阶〔interneuron〕A nerve cell found entirely within the central nervous system that acts as a link between sensory neurons and motor neurons.中间神经原:被发现完全在中枢神经系统内部的一个神经细胞,是感觉神经原和运动神经原之间的联系纽带美国传统〔internuncial〕Linking two neurons in a neuronal pathway.连接性的:在神经细胞路径上连接两个神经原的美国传统〔nerve cell〕The body of a neuron without its axon and dendrites.神经细胞:无轴突和树突的神经元体美国传统〔nerve center〕A group of closely connected nerve cells that perform a specific function.神经中枢:执行一种特定功能的一组紧密相连的神经细胞美国传统〔nerve growth factor〕A protein that stimulates the growth of sympathetic and sensory nerve cells.神经生长因子:刺激交感神经细胞生产的蛋白质美国传统〔neuroblast〕An embryonic cell from which a nerve cell develops.成神经细胞:发育成神经细胞的胚胎细胞美国传统〔nucleus〕Anatomy A group of specialized nerve cells or a localized mass of gray matter in the brain or spinal cord.【解剖学】 神经核:一组专门的神经细胞或存在于大脑或脊髓中灰物质的局部块美国传统〔pole〕The point on a nerve cell where a process originates.树突起始点:神经细胞上一个过程开始的那一点美国传统〔regenerate〕Nerve cells have limited ability to regenerate if destroyed.如果受到损伤,神经细胞再造的能力有限。柯林斯高阶〔satellite cell〕Any of the cells that encapsulate the bodies of nerve cells in many ganglia.卫星细胞:任一种在众多神经节中围绕神经细胞体的细胞美国传统〔substantia nigra〕A layer of large, pigmented nerve cells in the mesencephalon that produce dopamine and whose destruction is associated with Parkinson's disease.中脑大神经细胞:中脑中的一层有色大神经细胞,会产生多巴胺、帕金森病引起其死亡美国传统〔unipolar〕Biology A single fibrous process. Used of a neuron.【生物学】 (神经细胞)单突的:单个纤维构成的过程,用于神经细胞美国传统A neurotransmitter is a chemical that nerve cells use to communicate with each other and with muscles.神经传递素是神经细胞用来互相联系及与肌肉联系的化学物质。剑桥国际Neurologists regard the brain as a network of billions of interconnecting nerve cells.神经病医生认为脑是亿万个互相关联的神经细胞的网络。剑桥国际




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