

单词 玫瑰红
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔balas〕A rose-red to orange spinel used as a semiprecious gem, once confused with the ruby.玫红尖晶石:一种用作半宝石的玫瑰红到橙红色的晶石,以前曾被混淆为红宝石美国传统〔blush〕To become red or rosy.变红:变成红色或玫瑰红色美国传统〔describe〕The shirt was variously described as 'pink', 'salmon' and 'rose'.这件衬衫的颜色有不同的说法,有的说是粉红色,有的说是浅橙色,还有的说是玫瑰红。牛津搭配〔diffuse〕A rosy glow diffused across the clouds.一道玫瑰红的光线透过云层洒落下来。外研社新世纪〔rhodolite〕A rose-red or pink variety of garnet, a silicate mineral used as a gem.镁铁榴石:不同的玫瑰红或粉红色的石榴石,作为宝石使用的硅酸盐矿美国传统〔rose pink〕A moderate to dark pink.浅玫瑰红:一种从浅粉色到暗粉色的颜色美国传统〔rose-colored〕Color Having the color rose.【色彩】 玫瑰色的,玫瑰红的美国传统〔rose〕Color A dark pink to moderate red.【色彩】 玫瑰色,玫瑰红:暗粉至中等深浅的红色美国传统〔rosé〕A light pink wine made from red grapes from which the skins are removed during fermentation as soon as the desired color has been attained.玫瑰红葡萄酒:一种用红葡萄酿制而成的浅粉色葡萄酒,在酿制过程中,当得到了想要的颜色就把葡萄皮去掉美国传统〔ruddy〕Reddish; rosy.微红的;玫瑰红的美国传统〔white zinfandel〕A medium-sweet rosé wine made from zinfandel grapes.白金粉黛玫瑰红酒,津芬德尔葡萄酒,馨芳葡萄酒:一种用津芬德尔(馨芳)葡萄酿成的中甜度玫瑰红酒美国传统




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