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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔FALL〕to fall through the air to the ground 从空中掉落到地上朗文写作活用〔corrupt〕a thoroughly corrupt person 堕落到极点的人英汉大词典〔depth〕sink to the depths of meanness 堕落到卑鄙的程度英汉大词典〔dissoluble〕dissoluble airborne pollutants brought back to the earth as rain. 空中可溶解的污染物质又以雨的形式重新落到地上美国传统〔earth〕fall to earth 落到地上英汉大词典〔height〕a test in which a 6.3 kilogram weight was dropped on it from a height of 1 metre. 让6.3公斤的重物从1米高的地方落到它上面的试验柯林斯高阶〔plunge〕a plunge to the ground 跌落到地面牛津搭配〔raw〕stoop to some fairly raw work 堕落到干某种相当下流行当的地步英汉大词典〔sink〕sink to the depths of selfish brutality 堕落到极端自私残忍的地步英汉大词典〔sorry〕come to a sorry end 落到一个可悲的结局英汉大词典〔spang〕fell spang into the middle of the puddle. 不偏不倚正落到水坑里美国传统〔to〕drop to the ground 落到地上英汉大词典〔upturned〕the rain splashing down on her upturned face. 溅落到她仰起的脸上的雨水柯林斯高阶




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