

单词 监督
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕The Forsyth Report recommended stricter supervision of the trade in live animals. 福赛思报告建议要加强对活畜交易的监督。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The United Nations was supposed to supervise the move to independence. 联合国应监督这个国家迈向独立的过程。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕Probert is overseeing the trials of the new explosives. 普罗伯特在监督这种新炸药的试验。朗文写作活用〔abuse〕A self-monitoring tax system is clearly open to abuse (=able to be used wrongly) .自己监督自己的税收制度明显会被人钻空子。朗文当代〔accountant〕One that keeps, audits, and inspects the financial records of individuals or business concerns and prepares financial and tax reports.会计人员,会计师:保存,审计,和监督财会纪录的个人或企业,也负责财会或税务报告美国传统〔administer〕Experts administer the tests and record the results.专家监督测试并记录结果。外研社新世纪〔applicable〕Appraisal has traditionally been seen as most applicable to those in management and supervisory positions.传统上认为业绩评定最适用于那些身处管理和监督职位之人。柯林斯高阶〔back door〕HMI is to be privatised by the back door because the half of HMI who will not be employed by it will have to go and set up as private consultants.皇家教育监督局其实是以一种偷偷摸摸的方式私有化,因为那部分不再被雇用的人员将不得不自立门户成为私人顾问。剑桥高阶〔backroom〕Public scrutiny had brought civil servants out from the backroom and into the spotlight.公众监督已经使得公务员不再隐身于幕后, 而是暴露在了聚光灯下。外研社新世纪〔baksheesh〕They baksheeshed the game warden.他们向渔猎监督官行贿。21世纪英汉〔chafe〕We were all beginning to chafe a little under such close supervision.受到这么严密的监督,我们都开始有点焦躁不安。麦克米伦高阶〔change〕She'd been with the same company for too many years and felt she needed a change of scene, so she applied for a job as a stage manager.她在同一家公司已经干了好多年了,觉得需要换个环境,所以申请了一份舞台监督的工作。剑桥高阶〔chaperone〕Several parents acted as chaperones for the school dance.有几位家长在学校的舞会做行为监督人。剑桥高阶〔chaperone〕She is a chaperone from MI6, on hand to ensure Bond does not gamble all the money away.她是来自军情六处的监督人, 在现场确保邦德不会把所有钱都赌光。外研社新世纪〔classis〕A governing body of pastors and elders in certain Reformed churches, having jurisdiction over local churches.长老监督会:一些改革派教会的由牧师和长老组成的管理机构,有对地区教会的裁决权美国传统〔clearance〕The U.N. pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines.联合国承诺帮助监督扫雷工作。外研社新世纪〔consistency〕There are checks to ensure consistency between interviewers.对主持面试者会进行监督,以确保他们之间的一致性。朗文当代〔control〕The treasurer controls the expenditure of funds.司库监督资金的使用。英汉大词典〔coordinator〕We've just appointed a coordinator who will oversee the whole project.我们刚刚指定了一位监督整个工程的协调人。剑桥高阶〔custodian〕Our universities must serve as custodians of intellectual freedom.我们的大学应该成为学术自由的监督人。麦克米伦高阶〔cut〕Spielberg himself oversaw the final cut.斯皮尔伯格亲自监督了影片最后的剪辑工作。朗文当代〔dean〕An officer of a college or high school who counsels students and supervises the enforcement of rules.教务长;教导主任;事务主任:在大学的学院或中学里辅导学生并监督校规执行的官员美国传统〔development〕A UN team is monitoring the development of the peace process.一个联合国小组正在监督和平进程的推进。牛津搭配〔director〕One that supervises, controls, or manages.监督者;管理者:监督、控制或管理的人美国传统〔disposition〕Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds.斯塔克斯法官受命对资金的分配进行监督。外研社新世纪〔disposition〕Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds.斯塔克斯法官被指定监督资金的分配。柯林斯高阶〔document〕Supporting documents must be submitted to the supervisory authority.作为证据的文件必须提交监督机关。牛津搭配〔embrace〕The new rules have been embraced by government watchdog organizations.新的规则已被政府监督机构接纳。外研社新世纪〔entrance〕I realize I am about to make an entrance. Grabbing the stage manager by the arm, I whisper, 'I can't remember the first line.'我意识到马上该自己出场了。抓住舞台监督的胳膊, 我悄声说:“我忘了第一句台词了。”外研社新世纪〔ephor〕One of a body of five elected magistrates exercising a supervisory power over the kings of Sparta.五长官之一:古代斯巴达每年由民选产生对国王有监督权的五位长官之一美国传统〔harbormaster〕An officer who oversees and enforces the regulations of a harbor.港务部长:监督和执行港口管理条规的官员美国传统〔house physician〕A physician, especially an intern or a resident who cares for hospitalized patients under the supervision of the surgical and medical staff of a hospital.内科住院医师:医院内在外科医生监督下,照顾住院病人的医师,尤指实习医生或住院医师美国传统〔houseparent〕A person who supervises a residence, such as a dormitory, for young people.舍监:管理监督居民的人,例如供年轻人居住的宿舍美国传统〔impartially〕He has vowed to oversee the elections impartially.他已经宣誓要公正地监督选举。外研社新世纪〔implementation〕The UN is to supervise the implementation of the peace treaty.联合国将监督和平条约的执行情况。牛津搭配〔instrument〕More effective instruments of oversight are needed.需要更加有效的监督手段。牛津搭配〔invigilator〕His party has written to the Electoral Commission to ask for special invigilators.他的政党已经给选举委员会写信请求派遣监督专员。外研社新世纪〔learner〕Learner drivers must be supervised by adults who are at least 21 years old.驾驶学员必须由21岁以上的成年人监督驾驶。柯林斯高阶〔learner〕Learners must be supervised by adults who are at least 21 years old.学员必须由21岁及以上的成年人监督。外研社新世纪〔mail order〕I supervise the packing of all mail orders.我负责监督所有邮购商品的包装过程。柯林斯高阶〔modicum〕We were able to provide a modicum of supervision.我们能给予一点儿监督。外研社新世纪〔monitoring〕Government monitors will continue to accompany reporters.政府监督员将继续陪同记者。柯林斯高阶〔monitor〕Staff will monitor his progress.员工们将监督他的进展情况。麦克米伦高阶〔monitor〕UN monitors overseeing Namibian independence监督纳米比亚独立情况的联合国核查员外研社新世纪〔mount〕Friends of the Earth are mounting a campaign to monitor the illegal logging of trees.“地球之友”正在发起监督非法伐木的运动。朗文当代〔national forest〕A large expanse of forest that is protected by a government and may be harvested or hunted in only under controlled conditions.国有森林:被政府法令保护的具有相当大面积的林区。只有在监督的情况下才可能在其中种植或狩猎美国传统〔neutralization〕The lethal chemical agents were slated for destruction under the army's supervision, either through incineration or chemical neutralization.这些致命的化学药剂预定在军方的监督下通过焚烧或化学中和销毁。外研社新世纪〔observer〕Independent observers monitored the elections.独立观察员对大选进行监督。朗文当代〔observer〕UN observers are monitoring the ceasefire.联合国观察员在监督此次停火。剑桥高阶〔on hand〕A 1,200-strong military force will be on hand to monitor the ceasefire.将有一支1200人的部队在现场监督停火。剑桥高阶〔overlook〕The overlooker has to overlook a large number of employees.监工得监督许多雇工。英汉大词典〔overman〕A person having authority over others, especially an overseer or a shift supervisor.监工,工头:有权指挥别人的人,尤指工头或监督工人轮班的人美国传统〔oversee〕A committee has been appointed to oversee the work.已任命一个委员会监督此项工作。牛津搭配〔oversee〕Use a surveyor or architect to oversee and inspect the different stages of the work.请一位房产检视员或建筑师来监督并检查不同阶段的工作。柯林斯高阶〔peacekeeping〕Of or relating to the preservation of peace, especially the supervision by international forces of a truce between hostile nations.维护和平的:保持和平的,与维护和平有关的,尤指国际力量监督敌对国家的停火美国传统〔play〕The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.联合国在监督停火的过程中会发挥主要作用。外研社新世纪〔police〕IMRO, the self-regulatory body that polices the investment management business.投资管理监管组织,监督投资管理业务的自律机构柯林斯高阶〔police〕The council needs to police such laws.委员会需要对这类法律实行监督。外研社新世纪〔prefect〕The prefects supervised the queues in the school canteen.级长们在学校食堂监督学生排队。外研社新世纪〔preparation〕She flew in from Paris to oversee final preparations.她从巴黎飞过来监督最后的准备工作。牛津搭配〔proctor〕To supervise (an examination).监督(考试)美国传统〔progress〕Government inspectors will monitor the progress of the scheme.监督/跟踪进展麦克米伦高阶〔quantity〕They monitor both the quantity and quality of materials used.他们监督所用材料的数量和质量。麦克米伦高阶〔ramrod〕To exert strict control over; supervise closely.严密监督,严格控制:对…实施严格的控制;严密监督美国传统〔responsible〕Her department is responsible for overseeing the councils.她的部门负责监督各市政会的工作。剑桥高阶〔role〕Supervising elections is a possible role for the UN.监督选举是联合国可能起到的一项作用。牛津搭配〔scrutiny〕The President promised a government open to public scrutiny.总统承诺政府将接受公众监督。外研社新世纪〔scrutiny〕The activities of the committee are subject to public scrutiny.委员会的活动受公众的监督。牛津搭配〔superintendence〕They worked under the (personal) superintendence of the manager.它们在经理的(亲自)监督下工作。文馨英汉〔superintend〕Her job is to superintend the production process.她的工作是对生产过程进行监督。剑桥高阶〔supervise〕The builder supervised the construction of the house.建筑商监督房子的建造。韦氏高阶〔supervision〕Children are not allowed to swim without adequate supervision.没有充分的监督,儿童不得游泳。牛津搭配〔supervision〕He needs to be kept under strict supervision.他需要置于严格的监督之下。牛津搭配〔supervision〕The local authority can apply for a supervision order for the child.地方政府可以为这名儿童申请监督令。牛津搭配〔supervision〕The plan calls for a ceasefire and UN supervision of the country.该计划要求双方停火并由联合国对该国进行监督。柯林斯高阶〔supervisor〕I had a supervisory role.我负责监督工作。朗文当代〔supervisor〕One who is in charge of a particular department or unit, as in a governmental agency or school system.监督人:如在政府机关或学校系统中掌管某一具体部门或单位的人美国传统〔supervisor〕She has a supervisory role on the project.她负责这个项目的监督工作。牛津高阶〔surveillance〕The act of observing or the condition of being observed.监视,监督:监视的行为或被监视的状态美国传统〔traffic warden〕A traffic warden gave me a ticket for parking on a double yellow line.停车监督员给我开了一张罚单,因为我把车停在了双黄线上。剑桥高阶〔trusted〕They argued that the ruling party could not be trusted to oversee its own removal from power.他们争辩说不能相信执政党会监督解除自身的权力。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕Every time I turn around he seems to be checking up on me.我每次回头他好像都是在监督着我的样子。朗文当代〔tutor〕A graduate, usually a fellow, responsible for the supervision of an undergraduate at some British universities.指导老师,辅导员:英国某些大学中负责监督指导本科生的研究生,通常是研究员美国传统〔work out〕How is the new monitoring procedure working out? 新的监督程序运行得如何?剑桥高阶A national organization is needed to oversee quality assurance in training.需要一家全国性的机构负责监督培训中的质量保证。牛津商务Each group of construction workers who are working on the building is supervised by its own foreman.每一组负责施工的建筑工人都由各自的工头监督管理。剑桥国际Farmers are calling for more surveillance of the nation's food supply.农民呼吁有关方面对该国的粮食供应加强监督。剑桥国际He edited, proofed and supervised these books in production. 他编辑,校对并监督印制了这些书。译典通In cases of severe mental handicap, constant supervision is recommended.对于严重的心理残疾来说,经常监督是值得推荐的。剑桥国际Specialized committees oversaw many aspects of the city's administration.专门委员会监督城市管理的许多方面。剑桥国际The UN is supervising the distribution of aid to those areas worst affected by the fighting.联合国负责监督分配援助物资给遭战争影响最严重的地区。剑桥国际The United Nations is to supervise the handover of the prisoners of war.联合国将监督战俘的移交。剑桥国际The opposition party has called for less cheeseparing on the financing of the committee which supervises electricity companies.反对党要求给监督电力公司的委员会的拨款不要那样吝啬。剑桥国际The role of the UN force is to oversee the transport of aid to the parts of the country that need it most.联合国部队的任务是监督援助物品运到那个国家最需要的地区。剑桥国际The teachers take it in turn to supervise the children (= make certain that they behave correctly and are safe) at playtime.游戏时间内老师们轮流监督孩子们的活动。剑桥国际There will be an interim government to oversee the transition to democracy.会有一个临时政府来监督向民主政治的过渡。剑桥国际Trainees are closely supervised.培训生受到密切监督。牛津商务United Nations monitors were not allowed to enter the area.联合国监督人员不被允许进入这一地区。剑桥国际We've just appointed a coordinator who will oversee the whole project.我们已指定了一位监督整个工程的协调人。剑桥国际Webster served as an accounting overseer at a company facing fraud accusations.韦伯斯特在一家面临欺诈指控的公司担任财务监督员。牛津商务




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