

单词 生事
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔DIE〕not die despite an accident, illness etc 虽然发生事故、生病等但未死亡朗文写作活用〔articulator〕an articulator of the students' concerns. 学生事务的发言人美国传统〔batten on〕a malicious insurance agent who battens on a Melbourne couple after an accident at home. 利用墨尔本一对夫妇家里发生事故而大捞一笔的狡诈的保险代理人柯林斯高阶〔cause〕the cause of public health 公共卫生事业英汉大词典〔exempt〕a document that exempts the owner from liability in case of accidents 发生事故时免除业主责任的文件朗文当代〔goings-on〕an amusing story about the goings-on at Harry's Bar有关哈里酒吧发生事情的有趣故事外研社新世纪〔imperfectly〕a child's imperfect understanding of what is going on between their parents. 孩子对父母间所发生事情的一知半解柯林斯高阶〔inconsistent〕an inconsistent account of what happened 对所发生事情前后矛盾的描述麦克米伦高阶〔lifework〕a scholar whose lifework had been devoted to education 一位曾将毕生事业投注于教育的学者文馨英汉〔set〕set out on one's lifework 开始从事自己的毕生事业英汉大词典〔student〕student government; student issues. 学者政府;学生事务美国传统〔vice-chancellor〕the vice-chancellor for student affairs 负责学生事务的大学副校长朗文当代〔voluble〕a voluble but disjointed account of the day's events 对那天所发生事件流利但不连贯的叙述英汉大词典




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