

单词 病学
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔APA〕American Psychiatric Association.美国精神病学协会美国传统〔Bell's Law〕The neurological law that, in any reflex arc, nerve impulses are conducted in only one direction.神经病学定律:该定律说明在任何反射弧中,神经刺激只向一个方向传导美国传统〔FAMOUS〕She's an eminent psychiatrist at the Harvard Medical School. 她是位杰出的精神病学家,在哈佛医学院工作。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕I know a bit about how psychiatry works, having been in therapy for years. 对精神病学的作用我略知一二,因为多年来我一直在接受心理治疗。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The team of experts includes psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers. 这个专家小组包括精神病学家、心理学家和社会工作者。朗文写作活用〔alienist〕A physician who has been accepted by a court of law as an expert on the mental competence of principals or witnesses appearing before it.精神病学家:作为鉴定法庭上主犯或证人思维能力的专家而被允许出庭的医生美国传统〔both〕He visited the Institute of Neurology in Havana where they both worked.他访问了两人都曾工作过的哈瓦那的神经病学研究所。柯林斯高阶〔cardiology〕The medical study of the structure, function, and disorders of the heart.心脏病学:对心脏的结构,功能和疾病所做的医学研究美国传统〔clinician〕A physician, psychologist, or psychiatrist specializing in clinical studies or practice.临床医师:从事临床研究或实践的医生、心理学家或精神病学家美国传统〔competent〕A psychiatrist said McKibben was competent to stand trial .一位精神病学家说麦吉本精神正常,可以接受审判。朗文当代〔complex〕Psychiatry A group of related, often repressed ideas and impulses that compel characteristic or habitual patterns of thought, feelings, and behavior.【精神病学】 情结:一组相关的控制和抑制思想、感觉和行为特征或习惯的观念和冲动美国传统〔confusion〕There is a confusion in the public mind between psychology and psychiatry.大众心目中会把心理学和精神病学混为一谈。朗文当代〔cycloid〕Psychiatry Afflicted with or relating to cyclothymia.【精神病学】 循环性精神病的:患有循环性精神病的,或与之相关的美国传统〔dissociation〕Psychiatry Separation of a group of related psychological activities into autonomously functioning units, as in the generation of multiple personalities.【精神病学】 分裂,解体:一组相关的心理活动分解为自行运作单位,如多种人格的产生美国传统〔echolalia〕Psychiatry The immediate and involuntary repetition of words or phrases just spoken by others, often a symptom of autism or some types of schizophrenia.【精神病学】 言语模仿症:立即且不自觉地重复别人刚刚说过的词或短语,常为孤独症或某些精神分裂症的症状美国传统〔endodontia〕Endodontics.髓病学美国传统〔endodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth root, dental pulp, and surrounding tissue.牙髓病学:研究牙根、牙髓及其周围组织疾病的牙医学的一个分支美国传统〔epidemiology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the study of the causes, distribution, and control of disease in populations.流行病学:研究人群中疾病的起因、分布和控制的医学分支美国传统〔evaluation〕He is undergoing psychiatric evaluation.他正在接受精神病学鉴定。牛津搭配〔exhibitionism〕Psychiatry A psychosexual disorder marked by the compulsive exposure of the genitalia in public.【精神病学】 暴露癖:一种性心理反常的行为,特征是喜欢在公开场合下暴露外生殖器美国传统〔expansive〕Psychiatry Marked by euphoria and delusions of grandeur.【精神病学】 自大狂的:欢喜欲狂的或妄自尊大的美国传统〔gastroenterology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the study of disorders affecting the stomach, intestines, and associated organs.胃肠病学:医学的一分支,致力于使胃、肠和有关器官感染的疾病的研究美国传统〔gastrology〕The medical study of the stomach and its diseases.胃病学:对胃及其疾病的医学研究美国传统〔geriatrician〕A physician who specializes in geriatrics.老年病学家:专攻老年病学的医生美国传统〔geriatrics〕The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and problems specific to the aged.老年病学:研究对老年人疾病和问题的诊断和治疗的医学分支美国传统〔geriatric〕Of or relating to geriatrics.老年病学的:属于或有关老年病学的美国传统〔index case〕The earliest documented case of a disease included in an epidemiologic study.首例病例:传染病学中某种病症最早被记录下来的病例美国传统〔inexact〕Psychiatry is an inexact science.精神病学是一门不精确的科学。外研社新世纪〔it〕Of course, as it turned out, three-fourths of the people in the group were psychiatrists.当然,结果是那群人中 3/4 是精神病学家。柯林斯高阶〔long〕Psychiatry has come a long way (=developed a lot) since the 1920s.自 20 世纪 20 年代以来,精神病学已大有进展。朗文当代〔medicine〕Psychiatry is an accepted branch of medicine.精神病学是公认的医学分支。柯林斯高阶〔medicine〕Psychiatry is an accepted branch of medicine.精神病学被视为内科学的一个分支。外研社新世纪〔neologism〕Psychiatry A meaningless word used by a psychotic.【精神病学】 新语症:精神病患者使用的无意的词美国传统〔neur.〕Neurological.神经病学的美国传统〔neurologist〕Dr Simon Shorvon, consultant neurologist of the Chalfont Centre for Epilepsy.西蒙·肖文博士,查尔芬特癫痫中心的神经病学顾问医师柯林斯高阶〔neurologist〕Dr Simon Shorvon, consultant neurologist西蒙•肖文医生, 神经病学顾问医师外研社新世纪〔neurologist〕He trained in neurology at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases.他在国立神经内科医院接受神经病学的训练。柯林斯高阶〔neurology〕He trained in neurology at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases.他在国家神经疾病医院接受过神经病学的培训。外研社新世纪〔neurology〕The medical science that deals with the nervous system and disorders affecting it.神经病学:研究神经系统和影响其紊乱的医学美国传统〔neuropathology〕The scientific study of diseases of the nervous system.神经病学:研究神经系统病理的科学美国传统〔neuropsychiatry〕The combined medical study of neurological and psychiatric disorders.神经精神病学:研究神经紊乱和精神错乱的交叉医学美国传统〔nihilism〕Psychiatry A delusion, experienced in some mental disorders, that the world or one's mind, body, or self does not exist.【精神病学】 虚无幻觉:在某些精神错乱中出现的一种幻觉,认为整个世界或一个人的思想、身躯或自己本身根本不存在美国传统〔occupational medicine〕The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries occurring at work or in specific occupations.职业病学:医学的一个分支,处理那些在工作中出现或由特定职业引起的疾病的防治美国传统〔orthopsychiatry〕The psychiatric study, treatment, and prevention of emotional and behavioral problems, especially of those that arise during early development.行为精神病学:对精神和行为问题(尤其是处于发展早期时)的精神病学上的研究、治疗和预防美国传统〔periodontia〕Periodontics.牙周病学美国传统〔periodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with the study and treatment of periodontal disease.牙周病学:牙科的分支,主要研究牙周疾病的治疗美国传统〔permit of〕Mental illness is a very complicated subject, and psychiatry is not yet well enough developed to permit of an agreed classification.精神疾病是一个非常复杂的话题, 而精神病学的发展还没有成熟到成为公认的学科门类的地步。外研社新世纪〔place〕Dr. Boris Sidis was a Russian-born psychiatrist who enjoyed considerable prestige; some placed him on a par with Pierre Janet and Morton Prince.鲍里斯·西季斯医生是一位出生于俄国、素负盛名的精神病学家,有些人认为他堪与皮埃尔·雅内和莫顿·普林斯比肩。柯林斯高阶〔proctology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the colon, rectum, and anus.直肠病学:研究结肠、肛门和直肠疾病的诊断与治疗的医学分支美国传统〔psychiatrist〕She's a psychiatrist.她是位精神病学家。外研社新世纪〔psychiatry〕The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders.精神病学:医学的一支,专门从事精神和情感疾病的诊断、治疗和预防美国传统〔psychokinesis〕Psychiatry An uncontrolled, maniacal outburst, resulting from defective inhibition.【精神病学】 精神激动:由于心灵抑制机能不健全而产生的无节制的,病态的情感爆发美国传统〔rheumatologist〕He was consultant rheumatologist at the Royal Hampshire Hospital.他是皇家汉普郡医院的风湿病学顾问。柯林斯高阶〔rheumatology〕The medical science that deals with the study and treatment of rheumatic diseases.风湿病学:进行风湿病研究和治疗的医学美国传统〔shock〕The average forensic psychiatrist doesn't shock easily.一般的法医精神病学家都见怪不怪了。外研社新世纪〔social psychiatry〕The branch of psychiatry that deals with the relationship between social environment and mental illness.社会精神病学:精神病学的分支,研究社会环境和精神病之间的关系美国传统〔socialworker〕She could be assessed by a psychiatric social worker.精神病学社工可以给她作个评估。牛津搭配〔specialty〕A branch of medicine or surgery, such as cardiology or neurosurgery, in which a physician specializes; the field or practice of a specialist.专科:医生专门研究的医药学或外科学的一支,如心脏病学或神经外科学;专科医生研究的领域或实践美国传统〔subspecialty〕A narrow field of study or work within a specialty, as pediatric dermatology or geriatric psychiatry.分专业:一专业中的狭窄的研究领域或工作领域,例如小儿皮肤病学或老年心理学美国传统〔suppression〕Psychiatry Conscious exclusion of unacceptable desires, thoughts, or memories from the mind.【精神病学】 有意识的将不可接受的欲望、思想或记忆从脑中驱除出去美国传统〔s〕She's a psychiatrist.她是位精神病学家。麦克米伦高阶〔the father of sth〕Freud was the father of psychiatry.弗洛伊德是精神病学之父。剑桥高阶〔trace〕The psychiatrist successfully traced some of her problems to severe childhood traumas.这位精神病学家将她的一些问题成功地追溯到她童年时代遭受的严重创伤。柯林斯高阶〔trauma〕Psychiatry An emotional wound or shock that creates substantial, lasting damage to the psychological development of a person, often leading to neurosis.【精神病学】 创伤:一种感情上受到的伤害或刺激,对一个人的心理发展过程造成持久和深远的损害,经常导致精神失常美国传统〔venereology〕The study of sexually transmitted diseases.性病学:对性传染疾病的研究美国传统〔what〕A: He's a dermatologist. B: What is he? 甲:他是个皮肤病学家。乙:他是什么? (用在未听清或不懂最后一个词的意思时) 英汉大词典Freud was the father of psychiatry.弗罗伊德是精神病学之父。剑桥国际




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