

单词 瓦解
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔break〕to break down resistance/opposition 瓦解抵抗╱反对牛津高阶〔break〕to break sb's morale/resistance/resolve/spirit 瓦解某人的士气╱抵抗╱决心╱精神牛津高阶〔broken〕a broken resistance 瓦解了的抵抗英汉大词典〔circular〕the book's somewhat circular progress from crisis through reintegration to disaster and dissolution这本书中从危机到重建再到灾难及瓦解的类似循环演进外研社新世纪〔collapse〕the collapse of popular respect for the integrity of world leaders. 对世界领袖的正直无私的普通尊敬的瓦解美国传统〔crackup〕the crackup of a political coalition 一个政治联盟的瓦解英汉大词典〔decouple〕an attempt to decouple the coalition of forces瓦解军队联盟的尝试外研社新世纪〔dissolution〕the dissolution of an empire 帝国的瓦解英汉大词典〔dissolution〕the dissolution of old beliefs 旧信仰的瓦解韦氏高阶〔implode〕the possibility that the party may implode in opposition. 该党派于在野期间瓦解的可能性柯林斯高阶〔implode〕the possibility that the party may implode in opposition该党在野期间瓦解的可能性外研社新世纪〔piecemeal〕piecemeal the enemy 瓦解敌人英汉大词典〔piecemeal〕to piecemeal the enemy瓦解敌人21世纪英汉〔subvert〕a last attempt to subvert culture from within. 试图从内部瓦解文化的最后一击柯林斯高阶〔subvert〕a last attempt to subvert culture from within试图从内部瓦解文化的最后一搏外研社新世纪〔totter〕a tottering dictatorship 濒临瓦解的独裁统治牛津高阶〔totter〕further criticism of the tottering government. 对濒临瓦解的政府的进一步批评柯林斯高阶〔wean〕wean away the enemy's allies 瓦解敌方的盟友英汉大词典〔wear〕psychological warfare aimed at wearing down sb.'s militant resolve 旨在瓦解某人斗志的心理战 英汉大词典




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