

单词 王位的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aspirant〕an aspirant to the throne 一心想得到王位的人剑桥高阶〔crown〕his claim to the French c rown 他声称有继任法国王位的权利牛津高阶〔heir apparent〕the heir apparent to the throne of Norway挪威王位的当然继承人外研社新世纪〔heiress〕the heiress to the throne 王位的女继承人剑桥高阶〔heir〕the rightful heir to the throne 王位的合法继承人牛津搭配〔legitimate〕a legitimate heir to the throne 王位的合法继承人英汉大词典〔quit〕quit one's claim to the throne 放弃对王位的要求英汉大词典〔renunciation〕the king's renunciation of the throne 国王对王位的放弃韦氏高阶〔rightful〕the rightful heir to the throne 王位的合法继承人朗文当代〔settle〕settle the order of royal succession 确定继承王位的顺序英汉大词典〔succession〕the queen's succession to the throne 女王对王位的继承朗文当代〔succession〕the succession to the English throne 对英国王位的继承麦克米伦高阶〔successor〕the successor to the throne 王位的继承者韦氏高阶〔true〕the true heir to the throne 王位的合法继承人英汉大词典〔usurp〕attempting to usurp the throne 篡夺王位的企图韦氏高阶




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