

单词 疏远
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔alienate〕alienate a colony from the mother country 使殖民地疏远母国英汉大词典〔alienate〕alienate a friend; alienate potential supporters by taking extreme positions.See Synonyms at estrange 使朋友疏远;由于采取极端的主张而疏远了潜在的支持者 参见 estrange美国传统〔alienate〕people from ethnic groups who have made their way out of the group, alienating themselves in the process那些设法脱离了所属族群并在这个过程中变得疏远的人外研社新世纪〔alienation〕alienation of a child from his parents 孩子与父母的疏远英汉大词典〔alienation〕alienation of affection(s) (夫妇关系中因第三者介入而引起的)感情疏远英汉大词典〔alienation〕his growing alienation from his family 他与家人越来越疏远牛津搭配〔alienation〕the alienation of many from the political process很多人对该政治进程的疏远外研社新世纪〔alienation〕the alienation of voters 选民的疏远朗文当代〔bear-hug〕hold sb. at an arm's length rather than in a bear-hug 疏远某人而不是对他表示亲热英汉大词典〔distanced〕the emotional distance between them. 他们之间情感上的疏远柯林斯高阶〔distance〕distance oneself from sb. 疏远某人英汉大词典〔distance〕periods of sulking, of distance, of coldness生闷气、疏远、冷漠的阶段外研社新世纪〔distance〕to distance yourself from someone.疏远某人。牛津同义词〔divisiveness〕the divisiveness that has separated Miami's black and Latino communities. 使迈阿密的黑人社区和拉美人社区互相疏远的分歧柯林斯高阶〔drift away〕to drift away from跟…逐渐疏远21世纪英汉〔estrange oneself from〕to estrange herself from her friends与朋友疏远起来21世纪英汉〔estranged〕a Western thriller about an estranged father and daughter关于一对关系疏远的父女的西部惊悚片外研社新世纪〔estrange〕be estranged from each other 互相疏远英汉大词典〔estrange〕estrange sb. from his brothers 使某人跟兄弟们疏远英汉大词典〔estrange〕foolish behaviour that estranged all friends 使所有朋友都与之疏远的愚蠢行为英汉大词典〔frost〕frost the relationship between the two countries 使两国间的关系疏远英汉大词典〔impersonal〕an aloof, impersonal manner. 冷淡、疏远的态度美国传统〔leftism〕changes which would move the party away from the dreamy leftism that alienated so many people. 将使该党远离不切实际的左派思想的变革,这一思想曾令其疏远了众多民众柯林斯高阶〔leftism〕changes which would move the party away from the dreamy leftism that alienated so many people会让该党摆脱疏远许多人的空想左翼观点的变革外研社新世纪〔loose〕a loose friendship 疏远的友谊英汉大词典〔remote〕the remoteness of the officers from their men. 军官与其部下之间关系的疏远柯林斯高阶〔removed〕a dialect more removed from Spanish than from French 一种与法语关系较亲密而与西班牙语关系较疏远的方言英汉大词典




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