

单词 申请人
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔acceptable〕an acceptable applicant 勉强合格的申请人英汉大词典〔applicant〕successful college/job applicants 成功的大学/工作申请人韦氏高阶〔borderline〕an applicant with borderline qualifications. 资格可疑的申请人美国传统〔check〕check off the names of applicants 勾出申请人的姓名英汉大词典〔claimant〕benefit claimants 救济金申请人朗文当代〔eligibility〕the eligibility of applicants 申请人的合格文馨英汉〔habeas corpus〕apply for a writ of habeas corpus 申请人身保护令韦氏高阶〔hard〕restrictions that were hard on welfare applicants. 这些限制对于那些福利申请人来讲实在太刻薄了美国传统〔oversubscribed〕an oversubscribed course/school 选修人数过多的课程;申请人数过多的学校韦氏高阶〔pare〕pare a list of 600 applicants down to 120 把一份有 600 个申请人的名单削减到 120 人英汉大词典〔pool〕a large pool of applicants 一大批申请人英汉大词典〔pool〕a pool of talented applicants to choose from 可供选择的一批有才干的申请人朗文当代〔prescreen〕prescreen applicants for interviews. 预先会见的申请人美国传统〔qualified〕qualified applicants for a job.符合资格做某份工作的申请人。牛津同义词〔weed〕weed out unqualified applicants 淘汰不合格的申请人英汉大词典〔weed〕weed out unqualified applicants. 剔除不合格的申请人美国传统




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