

单词 priorities
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IMPORTANT〕First, let's decide what our priorities are. 我们先来决定哪些是首要的事。朗文写作活用〔POOR〕Finding adequate housing for the poor has been one of the city council's priorities. 向穷人提供足够的住宅是市政当局优先考虑的问题之一。朗文写作活用〔accord〕The according of this privilege may have something to do with reordering of priorities.这一特权的授予也许同轻重缓急的重新安排有关。英汉大词典〔antithetical〕Their priorities are antithetical to those of environmentalists.他们心中的当务之急和环保人士的想法背道而驰。柯林斯高阶〔antithetical〕Their priorities are antithetical to those of environmentalists.他们认为是重中之重的事情与环保人士所认为的截然不同。外研社新世纪〔boil〕It boils down to a question of priorities.归根到底是事情轻重缓急的问题。朗文当代〔come〕That comes a long way down my list of priorities.在我非做不可的事情当中,那事较不重要。牛津高阶〔commercial〕Our top priorities must be profit and commercial growth.我们必须把利润和贸易增长作为我们的当务之急。朗文当代〔competing〕We have to choose between the competing priorities of industry, health, and education.我们不得不在工业、医疗保健和教育这些相互冲突的领域之间作出孰先孰后的选择。麦克米伦高阶〔contradiction〕Their short-term priorities are in direct contradiction to their long-term goals(=completely opposite to them).他们的短期重点和长期目标互相矛盾。麦克米伦高阶〔control〕Our two priorities are encouraging investment and controlling inflation.我们的两项当务之急是鼓励投资和控制通货膨胀。麦克米伦高阶〔critically〕He says setting priorities is of critical importance.他说确定优先顺序是至关重要的。柯林斯高阶〔critical〕He says setting priorities is of critical importance.他说确定优先顺序是至关重要的。外研社新世纪〔culture〕Culture was not very high in the city's list of priorities.文化不是这个城市最优先发展的事业。外研社新世纪〔divergence〕The tenor of the opening remarks reflects the divergence in the priorities of the two sides.开场白的要旨反映了双方在何为当务之急上存在分歧。柯林斯高阶〔divergence〕The tenor of the opening remarks reflects the divergence in the priorities of the two sides.开场讲话的主旨反映出双方在何为当务之急上存在分歧。外研社新世纪〔elevate〕Their purpose is to elevate AIDS to the top of government priorities.他们的目的是将艾滋病提升成为政府最优先考虑的事。朗文当代〔figure〕It did not figure high on her list of priorities.这没有列入她最优先考虑办理的事项。牛津高阶〔first things first〕You must set priorities and learn how to put first things first.你必须分清主次,学会如何将重要的事情放在首位。韦氏高阶〔go forward〕At a press conference the company outlined its priorities going forward.在一次记者招待会上, 公司概述了今后优先要做的事项。外研社新世纪〔identify〕You need to identify your priorities.你需要确定自己优先要做的事情。剑桥高阶〔jumbled〕These jumbled priorities should be no cause for surprise.这些乱七八糟的需优先考虑的事项没有什么可惊讶的。柯林斯高阶〔keenly〕Mr Walsh has a keen appreciation of the priorities of the electorate.沃尔什先生深刻理解选民最为关注的事项。柯林斯高阶〔list〕A good car is high on my list of priorities.买一辆好车是我的当务之急。朗文当代〔list〕Decorating the house is low on our list of priorities.装修房子对我们来说不是那么紧急的事。麦克米伦高阶〔list〕Going to the bank is top of my list of priorities today.去银行是我今天的第一要务。牛津搭配〔list〕Safety is high on our list of priorities.对我们来说,安全是重中之重。牛津搭配〔low〕Doing the garden is fairly low on my list of priorities.在我应优先考虑的事项当中,整理花园是相当不重要的。麦克米伦高阶〔low〕Losing weight is a low priority for him. = Losing weight is low on his list of priorities.对他而言减肥是次要的。韦氏高阶〔misplaced〕A telling sign of misplaced priorities is the concentration on health, not environmental issues.主次不分的一个显著迹象是人们专注于健康而非环境问题。外研社新世纪〔muddle〕The government seems to have lost its way and muddled its priorities.政府似乎迷失了方向,把轻重缓急搞混了。朗文当代〔number one〕Getting the car fixed is number one on my list of priorities.在我非做不可的事情当中,修车是头等大事。韦氏高阶〔once〕Once you have kids, your priorities change.一旦有了孩子, 你的生活重心就会发生变化。外研社新世纪〔paramount〕There are many priorities, but reducing the budget deficit is paramount/is of paramount importance.很多事情要优先解决,但当务之急是减少预算赤字。剑桥高阶〔place〕I would place health quite high on my list of priorities.我会非常重视健康。朗文当代〔place〕Nursing attracts people who place relationships high on their list of priorities.护理工作对重视人际关系的人具有吸引力。牛津高阶〔pressure group〕An interest group that endeavors to influence public policy and especially governmental legislation, regarding its particular concerns and priorities.压力集团:为了其自身特殊利益和权利而谋求对公共政策(尤其是政府立法机关)的影响的利益集团美国传统〔priority〕Being fashionable was low on her list of priorities.赶时髦是她最不看重的。麦克米伦高阶〔priority〕Financial security was high on his list of priorities.在他的心目中,财政稳固是十分重要的一环。牛津高阶〔priority〕Getting your priorities in order is a good way to not waste energy on meaningless pursuits.将事情按优先顺序排列能有效地避免把精力浪费在无意义的工作上。柯林斯高阶〔priority〕The customer is high on our list of priorities .顾客在我们的心目中尤为重要。朗文当代〔priority〕The policeman had his priorities right.这名警察按照事情的轻重缓急处理问题。外研社新世纪〔priority〕To reduce stress you may have to rethink your priorities in life.要减轻压力,你可能得重新考虑生活中的轻重缓急。牛津搭配〔priority〕Using the Internet is one of the company's top strategic priorities.使用因特网是该公司顶级的优先战略之一。牛津搭配〔priority〕We need to get our priorities right.我们需要把自己的事情按照轻重缓急分清楚。朗文当代〔priority〕We should be able to agree on priorities.我们必须在重点上达成一致。麦克米伦高阶〔priority〕You have to learn to get your priorities right/straight (= decide which are the most important jobs or problems and deal with them first).你必须学会先处理最重要的事。剑桥高阶〔priority〕You need to get your priorities right(= decide what is important to you).你需要把自己的事情分出轻重缓急。牛津高阶〔priority〕You need to get your priorities right.你做事需要按轻重缓急来。外研社新世纪〔priority〕You need to get your priorities straight.你需要把个人事情的轻重缓急分清楚。牛津高阶〔priority〕You need to sort out your priorities before making a decision about the future.对未来作出决定之前,你有必要分出主次。牛津搭配〔rate〕Voters continue to rate education high on their list of priorities.选民继续把教育看作是头等重要的大事。牛津高阶〔reorder〕The government now says it will reorder priorities.政府现在声称将会重新调整工作重点。外研社新世纪〔reorder〕You need to reorder your priorities.你需要重新安排事情的轻重缓急。韦氏高阶〔revealing〕The document provided a revealing insight into the government's priorities.这份文件使人看出政府的轻重缓急是怎样安排的。牛津高阶〔set〕We need to establish a new set of priorities.我们需要重新安排应优先考虑的一组事项。剑桥高阶〔theirs〕Your priorities may not be the same as theirs.你的重点可能和他们的不一样。外研社新世纪〔topsy-turvy〕The government's topsy-turvy priorities mean that spending on education remains low.政府在确定哪些项目优先时毫无章法,这就意味着教育经费依然很低。剑桥高阶〔welfare〕We intend to make child welfare one of our priorities.我们打算把孩子的幸福作为我们优先考虑的事情之一。麦克米伦高阶〔with〕With me, it is a question of priorities.对我来说,这是个优先权的问题美国传统〔work towards〕To improve child health, UNICEF works towards seven priorities.为增进儿童健康, 联合国儿童基金会致力于实现七个优先目标。外研社新世纪Cost control and effective cash management are our priorities for the coming year.我们来年的工作重点是成本控制和有效的现金管理。牛津商务Financial security was high on his list of priorities.在他的心目中,财务安全是头等大事。牛津商务It's simply a question of getting (= you must get) your priorities right.那只是你必须获得优先权的问题。剑桥国际The government's topsy-turvy priorities mean that spending on education remains low.政府颠倒应优先考虑的项目意味着教育经费依然很低。剑桥国际There are many priorities, but reducing the budget deficit is paramount/is of paramount importance.很多事情要优先解决,但是降低预算赤字乃是当务之急。剑桥国际We need to establish a new set of priorities.我们需要重新安排应优先考虑的一组事项。剑桥国际You have to learn to get your priorities right/straight (= decide which are the most important jobs or problems and deal with them first).你应学会先处理最重要的事。剑桥国际




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