

单词 理工学
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ORGANIZATION〕My colleague is a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 我的同事是麻省理工学院的一名科学家。朗文写作活用〔boffin〕The boffins of Imperial College in London think they may have found a solution.伦敦帝国理工学院的科研人员认为他们可能已经找到了解决办法。柯林斯高阶〔boffin〕The boffins of Imperial College in London think they may have found a solution.伦敦帝国理工学院的科研人员认为他们可能已经找到了解决方法。外研社新世纪〔engineering〕Richard studied engineering at MIT.理查德在麻省理工学院攻读工程学。剑桥高阶〔footing〕Many of the old polytechnics are now on the same footing as universities.过去的理工学院中有许多现在都与大学地位相等了。朗文当代〔inaugurate〕A new centre for research on toxic waste was inaugurated today at Imperial College.新建的有毒废弃物研究中心今天在帝国理工学院举行落成典礼。外研社新世纪〔lecture〕I lecture at a polytechnic.我在理工学院讲课。牛津同义词〔per cent〕There has been a ten per cent increase in the number of new students arriving at polytechnics this year.今年,理工学院的新生入学人数增加了10%。柯林斯高阶〔polytechnic〕Baltimore Polytechnic Institute 巴尔的摩理工学院朗文当代〔reference〕The term was used with reference to students at universities as well as polytechnics.这一术语既用来指理工学院也指综合大学的学生。英汉大词典〔standard-bearer〕Mr Everhart wants Caltech to be the standard-bearer for excellence in scientific research of all kinds.艾弗哈特先生想使加州理工学院成为各项科学研究的翘楚。剑桥高阶〔thesis〕Three Caltech professors served on my thesis committee.加州理工学院的三位教授担任了我的论文委员会工作。牛津搭配Caltech in the fifties was becoming an international centre of cosmological discovery.五十年代的加利福尼亚理工学院成为研究宇宙发现的国际中心。剑桥国际Mr Everhart wants Caltech to be the standard-bearer for excellence in scientific research of all kinds.埃弗哈特先生想让加利福尼亚理工学院成为各项科学研究的优秀旗手。剑桥国际The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a famous Institute.麻省理工学院是一所著名的学校。剑桥国际




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