

单词 的项目
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accrue〕a project from which considerable benefit will accrue to the community. 使社区持续受益的项目柯林斯高阶〔badly〕a badly planned project 计划不周的项目韦氏高阶〔bankable〕a bankable project 有利可图的项目英汉大词典〔budget〕a project with an annual budget of five million dollars. 一个年拨款为五百美元的项目美国传统〔canvass〕canvass all the items on the agenda 详细讨论议程上所有的项目英汉大词典〔doom〕a project doomed by the poor/weak economy 因经济萧条而注定失败的项目韦氏高阶〔eco-tourism〕an environmentally sensitive project to cater for eco-tourists. 满足生态旅游者需求的注重环保理念的项目柯林斯高阶〔enter〕some of the 150 projects entered for the awards. 150个参加奖项评比的项目中的一些柯林斯高阶〔expressly〕projects expressly designed to support cattle farmers专门用来扶持养牛户的项目外研社新世纪〔hideously〕a hideously complex program一个极其复杂的项目外研社新世纪〔hugely〕a hugely expensive project 代价非常高昂的项目英汉大词典〔iffy〕a project that seems iffy 一个前途未卜的项目英汉大词典〔ill-fated〕the organizers of the ill-fated project这个注定失败的项目的组织者外研社新世纪〔insanely〕a project based on an insanely optimistic schedule根据一个乐观得近乎荒唐的进程展开的项目外研社新世纪〔item〕an item on a list.清单里的项目。牛津同义词〔item〕items in a sale.廉价出售的项目。牛津同义词〔legacy〕a programme to overcome the legacy of inequality and injustice created by Apartheid. 旨在消除种族隔离政策所遗留的不平等与不公正问题的项目柯林斯高阶〔lot〕a lot in an auction sale.拍卖的项目。牛津同义词〔mitigation〕a project involving pollution mitigation 与减轻污染有关的项目麦克米伦高阶〔native〕a project to create a 50 acre forest of native Caledonian pines. 营造50英亩喀里多尼亚土生松树林的项目柯林斯高阶〔oral history〕a project that will collect oral histories from long-time residents一个从长住居民那里搜集口述历史的项目外研社新世纪〔prerelease〕a prerelease demonstration of a product; a prison prerelease program. 某产品的预先演示;监狱释放前的项目美国传统〔probability〕projects that have a high probability of making profits 很可能获利的项目朗文当代〔proceed〕a project that is proceeding well进行得很顺利的项目21世纪英汉〔project〕to set up a project to computerize the library system 开展一个图书馆系统电脑化的项目牛津高阶〔questionable〕questionable projects like convention centres 会议中心之类成问题的项目英汉大词典〔rehabilitate〕a program for rehabilitating low-income housing. 对低收入者的住房进行整修的项目柯林斯高阶〔responsibility〕programmes to help employees balance work and family responsibilities. 帮助雇员兼顾工作和家庭责任的项目柯林斯高阶〔scissor〕items scissored from the budget 从预算中削减的项目英汉大词典〔segregable〕segregable items in a budget. 预算中可分离的项目美国传统〔spend〕spent all their creative resources on futile projects. 将他们所有的创造力浪费在无益的项目上美国传统〔sponsor〕government-sponsored projects 政府资助的项目朗文当代〔tag〕to tag items in a database.在数据库的项目上加标识符。牛津同义词〔thereunder〕heading and the items listed thereunder 标题及其下面列举的项目英汉大词典〔transgender〕a three-year-project designed to overcome prejudice towards gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. 为期三年旨在克服对男女同性恋者、双性恋者和跨性别者所持偏见的项目柯林斯高阶〔uncompleted〕an uncompleted project 未完成的项目牛津高阶〔upwards〕projects worth upwards of 200 million pounds. 价值2亿多英镑的项目柯林斯高阶〔upwards〕projects worth upwards of 200 million pounds价值2亿多英镑的项目外研社新世纪a cost-efficient project 具成本效益的项目牛津商务to set up a project to develop a new engine 设立研制新发动机的项目牛津商务




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