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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abib〕The seventh month of the year in the Hebrew calendar, corresponding to Nisan.犹太古历的七月:犹太历中一年中的第七个月,与尼撒月相对应美国传统〔COMPARE〕She was terrified of flying. The relative advantages of air travel didn't tempt her at all. 她害怕飞行,坐飞机旅行的相对优点根本就吸引不了她。朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕Japan is mostly mountainous and has a only a relatively narrow strip of habitable land along the coasts. 日本多为山区,只有沿海一条相对狭窄的地带适宜居住。朗文写作活用〔PERSONALLY/YOURSELF〕I stuck my head out of my tent, and came face to face with a cow. 我将脑袋探出帐篷,与一头牛面面相对。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕They still use some relatively unsophisticated machinery. 他们仍然使用相对简单的机器。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕He was given a comparatively lenient fine. 他被处以相对较轻的罚金。朗文写作活用〔against〕Over 50% of divorced men regretted their divorce, as against 25% of women.离婚男性中有50%以上后悔离婚,与此相对,女性只有25%。柯林斯高阶〔age〕She's tall for her age, isn't she? 相对于她的年龄,她算高的,是不是?朗文当代〔amylose〕The inner portion of a starch granule, consisting of relatively soluble polysaccharides having an unbranched, linear, or spiral structure.淀粉糖:淀粉颗粒的内部成分,包括具有直链,线性或螺旋结构的相对可溶性多糖美国传统〔athwart〕Contrary to; against.相反;相对美国传统〔audience〕These artists remain relatively unknown to Western audiences.这些艺术家相对而言仍不为西方的艺术爱好者所熟知。牛津搭配〔boat〕A relatively small, usually open craft of a size that might be carried aboard a ship.无篷小船:相对较小的敞篷船,尺寸较小,以至可用轮船装载美国传统〔boot〕The Opposition regularly accuses the Prime Minister of licking the boots of the US President.反对党经常指责首相对美国总统溜须拍马。外研社新世纪〔box pleat〕A double pleat having two upper folds facing in opposite directions and two under folds pressed toward each other.箱形折缝:一种双褶,有两个相对的上层褶叠和两个互相挤压的底面褶叠美国传统〔carpus〕A joint in quadrupeds corresponding to the wrist.腕骨:四足动物的相对应的腕关节美国传统〔cheap〕The machine is relatively cheap to build but expensive to maintain.制造这种机器相对便宜,但维修却很贵。麦克米伦高阶〔companion〕Senate Bill 258 will be considered in Committee on Tuesday; its companion, House Bill 386, will be considered on Wednesday.参议院258号议案将于星期二由委员会讨论;与之相对的众议院386号议案则将于星期三讨论。外研社新世纪〔comparatively〕Crime on the island is comparatively rare .该岛上的罪案相对来说很少发生。朗文当代〔comparative〕I enjoyed the comparative calm of his flat after the busy office.在办公室忙碌一天之后,我喜欢他公寓房里相对的安静。剑桥高阶〔comparative〕We reached the comparative safety of a narrow ledge.我们到了一个狭窄暗礁, 相对安全了。外研社新世纪〔consistent〕This is relatively consistent across all age groups.这一点在所有年龄组中都相对一致。牛津搭配〔continental divide〕An extensive stretch of high ground from each side of which the river systems of a continent flow in opposite directions.大陆分水岭:把属于同一大陆水域的河流系统分开并使它们流向相对两侧的一条延伸很长的高地美国传统〔contraposition〕An opposite position; antithesis.对置:相对的位置;对照美国传统〔counterdemonstration〕A demonstration held in opposition to another demonstration.反示威:与另一个示威相对立的一种示威美国传统〔degree〕The tax changes will especially hit those on high incomes and, to a lesser degree, small businesses.税收政策的变动对高收入者影响尤甚,对小企业的影响相对较小。牛津搭配〔dip〕Geology The downward inclination of a rock stratum or vein in reference to the plane of the horizon.【地质学】 下沉:矿层或岩石相对水平面的向下倾斜美国传统〔directly〕He sat directly across from me at the dinner table.他与我隔着餐桌相对而坐。韦氏高阶〔displacement〕The relative movement between the two sides of a fault.断层位移:断层两侧的相对位移美国传统〔election〕With the election of a new leader, the country became relatively stable.随着新的领导人的当选,该国也相对趋于稳定。麦克米伦高阶〔hothouse〕A heated greenhouse for plants that require an even, relatively warm temperature.温室:为需要恒定的,相对较高温度的植物所建的暖室美国传统〔image〕Mathematics A set of values of a function corresponding to a particular subset of a domain.【数学】 像,像点:函数中与某一集合中特定变量相对应的变量美国传统〔individual〕A single animal or plant as distinguished from a species, community, or group.动植物个体:与物种、组织或群体相对立的作为个体存在的单个动物或植物美国传统〔inexpensive〕Holidaying in Prague can be relatively inexpensive.在布拉格度假会相对便宜。外研社新世纪〔infrequent〕Muggings are relatively infrequent in this area.在这个地区行凶抢劫事件相对少见。牛津高阶〔lace〕A cord or ribbon used to draw and tie together two opposite edges, as of a shoe.系带:用来把相对的两部分系在一起的绳子或带子,如系鞋带美国传统〔latosol〕Soil that is rich in iron, alumina, or silica and formed in tropical woodlands under very humid climate with relatively high temperature.砖红壤:富含铁质矾土或二氧化硅的土壤,分布于气候湿润、具有相对高温的热带林区美国传统〔line〕The regular forces of an army or a navy, in contrast to staff and support personnel.作战武力:陆军或海军的常备军力量,与文官和后勤人员相对照而言美国传统〔liquid〕The state of matter in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow, little or no tendency to disperse, and relatively high incompressibility.液态:物质的一种状态,指物质表现出易于流动,较少或没有分散的倾向以及相对较高的不可压缩性等特征美国传统〔loggerheads〕For months dentists and the health department have been at loggerheads over fees.数月来,牙医和卫生部门为费用问题针锋相对。柯林斯高阶〔make out〕He's more business-minded than he makes himself out to be.相对于他给人的印象,他其实更有生意头脑。柯林斯高阶〔meat〕Meat and fish are relatively expensive.肉和鱼相对来说比较贵。柯林斯高阶〔narrow〕We are left with a relatively narrow range of options.我们只余下相对有限的选择范围。麦克米伦高阶〔newcomer〕I'm a relative newcomer to the retail business.我在零售行业相对来说还是个新手。朗文当代〔nirvana〕Many businessmen think that a world where relative prices never varied would be nirvana.很多商人认为,一个相对价格从不变化的地方会是极乐世界。柯林斯高阶〔normal fault〕A fault in which the hanging wall has moved downward relative to the footwall.正断层:上盘相对于下盘向下滑动的断层美国传统〔obverse〕The obverse of rising unemployment is continued gains in productivity.与攀高的失业率相对的是生产力的持续提高。外研社新世纪〔office〕London has relatively few high-rise office buildings compared to cities in the US.与美国城市相比, 伦敦的高层写字楼相对少些。牛津搭配〔op-ed〕Of or being a newspaper page, usually opposite the editorial page, that features signed articles expressing personal viewpoints.专栏版的:报纸版面的或是报纸版面的,通常与社论版面相对,刊登抒发个人观点的署名文章美国传统〔opposable thumb〕Humans have an opposable thumb.人的大拇指可与其他手指相对。韦氏高阶〔parallel〕Notice the parallel development/evolution of the two technologies.注意这两项技术相对应的发展/演化。韦氏高阶〔peripheral〕Fund-raising is peripheral to their main activities.相对于他们的主要活动,筹集资金是次要的。牛津高阶〔phenomenon〕In Kantian philosophy, the appearance of an object to the mind as opposed to its existence in and of itself, independent of the mind.现象:在康德哲学中,与其存在或其本身相对的在意识中物体的出现,不以意志为转移美国传统〔pitching〕I think the material is pitched at too high a level for our purposes.我想相对于我们的意图来说,内容定得过难了。柯林斯高阶〔plurality〕He won a 48 percent plurality of the vote rather than an outright majority.他获得了48%的相对多数票,而非绝对多数。剑桥高阶〔polytene〕Relating to or having large, multistranded chromosomes whose corresponding chromomeres are in contact.(染色体)多线性的:关于或具有大型的多束染色体的,它与其相对应的染色体相接触美国传统〔positive〕Grammar Of, relating to, or being the simple uncompared degree of an adjective or adverb, as opposed to either the comparative or superlative.【语法】 原级的:形容词或副词与比较级及最高级的相对简单的原形的,或与这一原形有关的美国传统〔preside over〕She presided over a period of relative peace and prosperity.她执政时期相对和平繁荣。韦氏高阶〔privacy〕I was able to say goodbye to him in relative privacy.我得以相对私密地和他告别。牛津搭配〔quadrumanous〕Having four feet with opposable first digits, as primates other than human beings.四足如手的:有四足和与其他脚趾相对的第一个足趾的;如除人类以外的灵长类动物美国传统〔rank〕A relative position or degree of value in a graded group.顺序,次序:在一个等级团体中所处的相对位置或相对价值层次美国传统〔ratio〕The relative value of silver and gold in a currency system that is bimetallic.金银比价:金银复币位体制中金和银的相对比例美国传统〔red giant〕A star of great size and brightness that has a relatively low surface temperature.红巨星:体积巨大、十分明亮、表面温度相对较低的星美国传统〔reign〕A relative calm reigned over the city.城市相对平静了一些。柯林斯高阶〔relation〕You are given a map so that you can see where your villa is in relation to the swimming pool.你拿到了一张地图, 可以看到你的别墅相对于游泳池的位置。外研社新世纪〔relative humidity〕The relative humidity will be about 80 percent today.今天的相对湿度会达到 80% 左右。剑桥高阶〔relative pitch〕The ability to recognize or produce a tone by mentally establishing a relationship between its pitch and that of a recently heard tone.相对音高辨认力:用在头脑中树立音调的音高和刚刚听过的音调的高音之间的关系来辨认或演奏音调的能力美国传统〔relative to〕Dolphins have large brains relative to their body size.相对躯体而言,海豚的脑部很大。韦氏高阶〔relatively〕The sums needed are relatively small.需要的金额相对较小。柯林斯高阶〔relative〕C major is the relative major of A minor.C大调是相对于A小调的大音阶美国传统〔relative〕House prices now look cheap relative to earnings.相对收入而言房价现在看起来比较便宜。柯林斯高阶〔relative〕I reflected on the relative importance of education in 50 countries.我思考了50个国家相对而言对教育的重视程度。柯林斯高阶〔relativistic〕Of or relating to relativism.相对主义的:相对主义的或与相对主义有关的美国传统〔relativity〕Einstein is the creator of the special and general theories of relativity.爱因斯坦是狭义相对论与广义相对论的创始人。英汉大词典〔return〕This wasn't much of a return for all her hard work.相对于她的所有努力, 这点回报算不了什么。外研社新世纪〔shade〕Relative obscurity.朦胧:相对模糊美国传统〔sheet〕Geology A broad, relatively thin deposit or layer of igneous or sedimentary rock.【地质学】 岩床:宽阔的、相对薄的火成的或沉积岩石的沉淀或层美国传统〔silence〕The rest of the trip passed in relative silence.剩下的旅程相对安静地度过了。牛津搭配〔smallness〕He believes this to be a relatively small problem.他认为这相对而言是一个小问题。柯林斯高阶〔spanner〕A wrench having a hook, hole, or pin at the end for meshing with a related device on another object.扳手:一头带钩、孔或夹子以和另一物体上的相对应的装置相啮合的工具美国传统〔start〕A position of advantage over others, as in a race or an endeavor; a lead.占先地位:在比赛中或相对别人的有利位置;上先地位美国传统〔stress〕The relative force of sound or emphasis given a syllable or word in accordance with a metrical pattern.重读:在被给的音节或词语中与诗格相适应的声音的相对力量或重点美国传统〔stress〕The relative force with which a sound or syllable is spoken.音量:发音或音节的相对的量美国传统〔tautomerism〕Chemical isomerism characterized by relatively easy interconversion of isomeric forms in equilibrium.互变异构现象:以平衡态中同分异构体的相对容易的互变为特征的化学同分异构现象美国传统〔text〕The original words of something written or printed, as opposed to a paraphrase, translation, revision, or condensation.原文:与意译,翻译,修订或缩写相对的手写或印刷的原文美国传统〔tit-for-tat〕The two countries have each expelled another diplomat following a round of tit-for-tat expulsions.在一轮针锋相对的驱逐事件之后,两国各又驱逐了一名外交官。柯林斯高阶〔tower〕A building or part of a building that is exceptionally high in proportion to its width and length.塔楼:建筑物或建筑物的一部分,相对它的宽度和长度而言非常的高美国传统〔trillionth〕The ordinal number matching the number one trillion in a series.第一万亿,第一兆:可数数列中与一万亿相对应的序数美国传统〔trivial〕The injuries were relatively trivial.受伤相对不太严重。麦克米伦高阶〔unscathed〕Los Angeles was left relatively unscathed by the riots.相对来说, 洛杉矶基本没有受到暴乱的影响。外研社新世纪〔untouched〕The area has remained relatively untouched by commercial development.相对而言,这个地区至今没有受到商业开发的影响。牛津高阶〔vis-à-vis〕One that is face to face with or opposite to another.对面的人:与另外一个人面对面或相对的人美国传统〔ward〕A district of some English and Scottish counties corresponding roughly to the hundred or the wapentake.分区:英格兰和苏格兰的一些郡的地区,大致与郡的分区或旧时英格兰北部的小行政区相对应美国传统〔wealth〕Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers.经济改革给农民带来了相对的财富。柯林斯高阶〔word〕Spanish has no word for 'understatement'.西班牙语中没有与 understatement (保守的说法)相对应的词。牛津搭配Comparatively speaking, this computer is easy to use (=it is easier to use than most other computers).相对来说,这台电脑更容易操作。剑桥国际If you're going to walk a long way, it's better to start out at a fairly slow pace.如果你打算走长路,最好出发时速度相对慢些。剑桥国际In his early career as a jazz musician, he was regarded as a bit too modern for the traditionalists, and a bit too traditional for the modernists.在他早期从事爵士乐的时候,别人认为他相对传统主义者来说有点太现代,而相对现代主义者来说有点太传统。剑桥国际In this highly liquid market, prices are relatively stable.在这个高度流动性市场里,价格相对稳定。牛津商务The political situation was now relatively quiescent.政治形势现在相对平静。剑桥国际These beautiful old towns have remained relatively untouched by tourism.这些古老美丽的城镇相对地还没有受到旅游业的影响。剑桥国际




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