

单词 相似的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Burgundy〕Any of various similar wines produced elsewhere.和勃艮第相似的酒:一种由其它地方出产的类似勃艮第的葡萄酒美国传统〔Siamese〕Closely connected or very similar; twin.紧密连接的或非常相似的;挛生的美国传统〔actinomycete〕Any of various filamentous or rod-shaped, often pathogenic microorganisms of the order Actinomycetales that are found in soil and resemble bacteria and fungi.放线菌:属于放线菌目的丝状或杆状的,通常是发现于土壤中,与细菌和真菌相似的致病微生物美国传统〔adamantine〕Made of or resembling adamant.硬石制的:由硬石制成的或与硬石相似的美国传统〔ammoniac〕Of, containing, or similar to ammonia.氨的:氨的,含氨的或与氨相似的美国传统〔analogy〕Biology Correspondence in function or position between organs of dissimilar evolutionary origin or structure.【生物学】 同功:不同演化来源或结构的器官有相似的功能或位置美国传统〔approximation〕The astronauts train in a room that provides an approximation of conditions in space.航天员在一个环境与太空相似的房间里训练。韦氏高阶〔arm〕A part similar to a human arm, such as the forelimb of an animal or a long part projecting from a central support in a machine.臂状物:与人体上肢相似的部分,如动物的前肢或机器上从中间支撑部位伸出的部分美国传统〔back〕The analogous dorsal region in other animals.动物的背部:其它动物相似的背部部位美国传统〔bleat〕To utter a sound similar to this cry, especially a whine.哀鸣:发出和这种叫声相似的声音,尤指哀鸣声美国传统〔cabbage〕Any of several similar or related plants, such as Chinese cabbage.卷心菜:任一种相似的或相关的植物,如中国卷心菜美国传统〔calabash〕Any of certain similar or related plants.类葫芦树:相似的或相关的植物中的一种美国传统〔carbon copy〕A person or thing that closely resembles another.极其相似的人或物美国传统〔cloverleaf〕Resembling or shaped like a leaf of the clover plant.形状似苜蓿叶的:似苜蓿植物叶或其外形的,或与之相似的美国传统〔cluck〕To make a sound similar to that of a hen, as in coaxing a horse.发出类似的声音:发出与母鸡咯咯声相似的声音,如驯马时发出的声音美国传统〔connatural〕Related or similar in nature; cognate.同族的:性质上有关的或相似的;同族的美国传统〔corn borer〕Any of various insect larvae similar to the corn borer that infest corn.螟蛾:与玉米螟相似的,侵害玉米的一种昆虫幼虫美国传统〔counterpart〕One that closely resembles another.相似物:与另一物极相似的东西美国传统〔dado〕A rectangular groove cut into a board so that a like piece may be fitted into it.开榫槽:把木板切割成长方形的凹槽,以便相似的板能被放进去美国传统〔dish〕A depression similar to that in a shallow concave container for food.凹形,凹面:与浅的凹型盛食物的容器相似的凹处美国传统〔divergent〕Similar customs were known in widely divergent cultures such as Ancient Egypt and Scandinavia.在一些大不相同的文化中存在着相似的习俗, 比如古埃及和斯堪的纳维亚。外研社新世纪〔example〕There is a similar word in many languages, for example in French and Italian.在许多语言,譬如法语和意大利语中都有相似的词。牛津高阶〔extension〕Mathematics A set that includes a given and similar set as a subset.【数学】 子集:包含一个给定的或相似的子集的集合美国传统〔finny〕Resembling a fin; finlike.象鳍的;与鳍相似的美国传统〔fishnet〕A mesh fabric resembling such netting.网眼织物:织出的与此类网相似的网状物美国传统〔flower〕Something, such as an ornament or a figure of speech, that resembles a flower in shape, fineness, or attractiveness.华丽;辞藻:某种在形状、精细或吸引人的程度上与花相似的物品,例如一件饰物或一席讲话美国传统〔fluffy〕Of, relating to, or resembling fluff.松软的:茸毛的、有关茸毛的或与茸毛相似的美国传统〔fringe〕Something that resembles such a border or edging.穗状物:与此种边缘相似的东西美国传统〔gelatin〕Any of various similar substances.胶质的东西:任何一种与其相似的物质美国传统〔giant〕A being in folklore or myth similar to one of these beings.巨人:民间传说或神话中与以上的人种相似的人美国传统〔gum〕A substance resembling the viscous substance exuded by certain plants, as in stickiness.粘性物质,粘胶:与某些树木渗出的粘性物质相似的物质,如在粘性里美国传统〔hair〕A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair, such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant.茸毛:与毛发相似的细丝状突出物或刺毛,比如节肢动物的刚毛,或植物表面细胞的生成美国传统〔harmoniously〕Their harmonious relationship resulted in part from their similar goals.他们关系融洽的部分原因是他们有着相似的目标。柯林斯高阶〔harmonious〕Their harmonious relationship resulted in part from their similar goals.他们关系融洽的一部分原因在于他们有着相似的目标。外研社新世纪〔heraldry〕Armorial ensigns or similar insignia.纹章:纹章樗或相似的徽章美国传统〔hexamerous〕Having six similar parts or divisions.六份的:拥有六个相似的部分或片段美国传统〔hock〕A joint in the leg of a domestic fowl similar to the hock of a quadruped.足部脚关节:与四足动物跗关节相似的禽腿上的关节美国传统〔homogeneity〕The state or quality of being homogeneous.同质:同质或相似的性质或状态美国传统〔hurricane〕Something resembling a hurricane in force or speed.猛烈如飓风的事物:在力量或速度上与飓风相似的东西美国传统〔inasmuch as〕They're rather similar, inasmuch as they are the same size and colour.基于它们有相同的尺寸和颜色,它们是很相似的。麦克米伦高阶〔in〕She saw in the girl some likeness to her daughter.她在这女孩身上看到某种与自己女儿相似的地方。英汉大词典〔kabbalah〕A secret doctrine resembling these teachings.卡巴拉教义:与此类教学相似的秘密教义美国传统〔leafy〕Similar to or resembling a leaf.与叶相似的或象叶子的美国传统〔leaning〕The two painters have similar artistic leanings.这两位画家有相似的艺术爱好。韦氏高阶〔leather〕Made of, relating to, or resembling dressed or tanned animal hide.皮制的:由压平上光或鞣制过的动物皮制成的;与压平上光或鞣制过的动物皮有关或相似的美国传统〔line〕We are all working along similar lines.我们都按着相似的方式工作。麦克米伦高阶〔lipoid〕Any of various substances, such as lecithin, that resemble fat.类脂:和脂肪相似的各种物质,如卵脂美国传统〔liver〕An organ in invertebrates that is similar to the vertebrate liver.肝:位于无脊椎动物体内与脊椎动物的肝脏相似的器官美国传统〔look-alike〕It was only the mayor's look-alike.那只是长得跟市长极相似的人。文馨英汉〔mahogany〕Any of several trees having wood resembling true mahogany.与桃花心木相似的木材:任一种与桃花心木相似的树木的木材美国传统〔manual〕Of, relating to, or resembling a small reference book.小参考书的,与小参考书有关的或与其相似的美国传统〔membranous〕Relating to, made of, or similar to a membrane.膜的:有关膜的,用膜制成的,与膜相似的美国传统〔message〕The result of this legal battle sends an important message to people in similar situations.这场官司的结果给情况相似的人们传递了一个重要的信息。朗文当代〔moss〕Any of various other unrelated plants having a similar appearance or manner of growth, such as the club moss, Irish moss, and Spanish moss.苔藓样植物:任一种有着相似的外表和生长方式的不相关植物,如石松、角叉菜和铁兰美国传统〔nitric〕Of, derived from, or containing nitrogen, especially in a valence state higher than that in a comparable nitrous compound.硝酸的:氮的、由氮组成的或含氮的,尤指化合价状态高于其他相似的含氮化合物的美国传统〔oak〕Any of various similar trees or shrubs, such as the poison oak.栎状树:相似的树木或灌木,如栎叶漆树美国传统〔oak〕Color Any of various brown shades resembling the wood of an oak in color.【色彩】 栎棕色:与栎木颜色相似的棕色美国传统〔ornithischian〕A dinosaur of the order Ornithischia, having a pelvic structure similar to that of birds.鸟臀目恐龙:一种骨盆部的结构与鸟类的相似的鸟臀目的恐龙美国传统〔pavonine〕Of or resembling a peacock.孔雀的:孔雀的,与孔雀相似的美国传统〔piece〕Belonging to the same class or kind.相似的,同类的:属于同种属或同种类的美国传统〔porgy〕Any of several fishes similar to the porgy.与鲷科相似的几种鱼美国传统〔pot〕Something, such as a chimney pot or a chamber pot, that resembles a round cooking vessel in appearance or function.壶状物:外形或功用与圆形炊具相似的东西,例如烟囱顶管或尿壶美国传统〔prevail〕A similar situation prevails in America.相似的情况在美国随处可见。柯林斯高阶〔printing〕Written characters not connected to one another and resembling those appearing in print.印刷字体:手工写成的与普通铅字相似的互不相连的字体美国传统〔prismatic〕Of, relating to, resembling, or being a prism.棱柱的:棱柱的、有关棱柱的、与棱柱相似的或由棱柱构成的美国传统〔purgatorial〕Of, relating to, or resembling purgatory.炼狱的:属于、有关或与炼狱相似的美国传统〔pyrethroid〕Any of several synthetic compounds similar to pyrethrin, used as an insecticide.类除虫菊酯物:与除虫菊酯相似的一种合成的混合物,用于杀死昆虫的药剂美国传统〔quilt〕A thick protective cover similar to or suggestive of a quilt.被状物:与被子相似的或使人能联想到被子的一种厚实的保护性遮盖物美国传统〔relate〕Attempts to relate studies on animals to those on humans are not really comparing like with like.试图将对动物的研究和对人类的研究联系起来并不是对两种相似的事物进行比较。牛津搭配〔reminiscence〕An event that brings to mind a similar, former event.使回忆起相似的以前的事件的事件美国传统〔resemble〕Soldiers are trained under conditions that closely resemble real combat.士兵们在与实战极为相似的条件下接受训练。麦克米伦高阶〔respiration〕Any of various analogous metabolic processes by which certain organisms, such as fungi and anaerobic bacteria, obtain energy from organic molecules.呼吸作用:特定有机体从有机分子中获取能量的各种相似的新陈代谢过程,如真菌及厌氧细菌美国传统〔reverse〕We did a similar trip to you, but in reverse.我们走了和你相似的旅程,但方向相反。牛津高阶〔ricotta〕A similar soft cheese made in the United States.乳清干酪:美国制造的一种相似的松软奶酪美国传统〔rictus〕The expanse of an open mouth, a bird's beak, or similar structure.(鸟等)张嘴宽距,喙裂:张开嘴的宽度、鸟的喙或相似的结构美国传统〔saloop〕A hot drink, sometimes used medicinally, made from salep, sassafras, or similar aromatic herbs.瑟卢普茶:一种热饮,有时药用,由兰根粉、黄樟或相似的香草制成美国传统〔same〕Similar in kind, quality, quantity, or degree.同种的:在种类、质量、数量或等级上相似的美国传统〔saurischian〕A dinosaur of the order Saurischia, having a pelvic girdle similar to that of modern reptiles.蜥臀目:蜥臀目恐龙,生有与现代爬行动物相似的骨盆带美国传统〔series〕A succession of usually continuously numbered issues or volumes of a publication, published with related authors or subjects and similar formats.丛书:以相关的作者或主题和相似的格式印刷,通常是连续编号的发行物或出版物的卷美国传统〔spirit〕There are many different methods which are similar in spirit but differ in implementation details.有各种不同的方法本质上是相似的, 但具体操作不同。外研社新世纪〔straphanger〕One who grips a hanging strap or similar device for support while riding as a passenger on a bus or subway.站客:在公共汽车上或地铁里乘车时拉着吊带相似的支持物站立着的人美国传统〔strap〕Such a strip equipped with a buckle or similar fastener for binding or securing objects.吊带:带有扣或相似的扣拴物以拴住或固定住物体的这种窄带美国传统〔tapis〕Tapestry or comparable material used for draperies, carpeting, and furniture covering.挂毯或与之相似的用作帷幕的材料、地毯和家俱的覆盖物美国传统〔track〕Sculpture developed along a similar track to painting.雕塑沿着与绘画相似的路径发展。牛津搭配〔understand〕She had a similar experience, so she understands what I'm going through.她有过相似的经历,所以很同情我现在的遭遇。韦氏高阶〔unlike〕She was led into an office not unlike the one she had just left.她被领到一间与她刚离开之处相似的办公室。麦克米伦高阶〔volcano〕A similar opening on the surface of another planet.火山缺口:别的行星表面相似的开口美国传统〔v〕Something shaped like the letter V.V形物:形状与字母V相似的物体美国传统〔wart〕A similar growth or protuberance, as on a plant.瘤,树瘤:一种与上述硬块相似的生长物或凸出物,如出现于植物之上美国传统〔whip〕Something, such as a long radio antenna on a motor vehicle, that is similar to a whip in form or flexibility.鞭状物:在形式或柔韧性上与鞭子相似的东西,如机动车辆上长长的无线电天线美国传统〔wienerwurst〕A smoked pork or beef sausage similar to a frankfurter.维也纳小香肠:与法兰克福香肠相似的一种熏的牛肉或猪肉香肠美国传统〔witness〕Other witnesses were called, and gave similar evidence.其他证人也受到传唤, 并给出了相似的证词。外研社新世纪〔wolf〕Any of various similar or related mammals, such as the hyena.类似狼的动物:任何相似的或相关的哺乳动物的一种,如狼狗美国传统〔zone〕A similar division on any other planet.地带:在其它行星上相似的划分美国传统A similar proposal was heatedly discussed by the faculty of the University of California.加州大学的教员就一相似的提议展开了激烈讨论。剑桥国际His paintings are in the tradition of (= have features similar to) those of Bacon and Spencer.他的画有和培根及斯宾塞相似的特征。剑桥国际The children were similarly dressed.孩子们穿着相似的服装。剑桥国际The two groups were similar with respect to income and status.这两组在收入和地位方面是相似的。牛津商务There are several close affinities between the two paintings.这两幅画有几个非常相似的地方。剑桥国际There's a definite family likeness around the eyes.同一家族的眼部肯定是相似的。剑桥国际




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