

单词 班机
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ACROSS〕transatlantic flights 横跨大西洋的班机朗文写作活用〔Atlantic〕an Atlantic liner 横越大西洋的班轮(或班机)英汉大词典〔bump〕be bumped from a flight (因客满)未能乘上班机英汉大词典〔cargo〕a cargo liner 运货班船(或班机) 英汉大词典〔commercial〕a commercial airliner 商务班机韦氏高阶〔daytime〕daytime flights 白天班机英汉大词典〔direct〕a direct flight to New York 直飞纽约的班机朗文当代〔flight〕a domestic flight 国内班机文馨英汉〔flight〕mercy/relief flights(= planes taking help to countries where there is a war) 急救╱救援班机(运送救援物资至发生战争的国家)牛津高阶〔flight〕non-stop flights from London to Tehran 伦敦至德黑兰的直航班机朗文当代〔flight〕the plane on regular flights between London and Melbourne 在伦敦和墨尔本之间定期飞行的班机英汉大词典〔hold〕announce a hold on all take-offs until the weather clears 宣布所有班机暂停起飞直至天气放晴 英汉大词典〔inbound〕inbound flights/passengers 入境班机╱乘客牛津高阶〔intercontinental〕intercontinental flights 跨洲飞行[班机]文馨英汉〔launch〕the launch of a new liner 新邮轮的下水[新班机的首航]文馨英汉〔liner〕a passenger liner 班轮,班机文馨英汉〔mail〕a mail plane一架邮政班机外研社新世纪〔out〕an out flight 飞往外地的班机 英汉大词典〔ply〕the airliners plying the U.S. skies 在美国上空飞行的班机英汉大词典〔save〕to save the flight at 8:00 am.赶上早八点的班机21世纪英汉〔scrambled〕a scramble to get a seat on the early morning flight. 争订凌晨班机的座位柯林斯高阶〔through〕a through flight 直达班机文馨英汉commercial flights (= ones that carry passengers) 商业班机牛津商务




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