

单词 trying to find
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕Nora had spent her whole life trying to find happiness. 诺拉一生都在寻找幸福。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPEAR〕Stock has been going missing from the stock room, and we're trying to find out who is responsible. 仓库里不断丢失货物,我们在设法查出是谁干的。朗文写作活用〔FAULT〕The police are trying to find out who was responsible. 警方正设法查出这是谁的责任。朗文写作活用〔IMPOSSIBLE〕Police now face the hopeless task of trying to find the bombers. 警方现在面临着找出爆炸元凶这样一个不可能完成的任务。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕Drug companies are trying to find an alternative drug, which will not have such serious side-effects. 制药公司想找一种不会产生这么大的副作用的替代药品。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕I spent half an hour trying to find a parking space. 我花了半小时找一个停车的地方。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕Jill was up in the attic trying to find her old school books. 吉尔在阁楼上找她以前的课本。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕The toy companies are always trying to find another money-spinner like Monopoly or the Barbie doll. 玩具公司总想发掘另一种像“大富翁”游戏或“芭比”娃娃那样赚钱的产品。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕We traipsed around every store in town, trying to find the right color paint. 我们拖着疲惫的身躯逛了镇上每一家商店,想要找到颜色合适的油漆。朗文写作活用〔about〕I've been running about all morning trying to find you.我跑了一上午到处找你。剑桥高阶〔acceptable〕We're trying to find a solution that will be acceptable to everyone.我们正努力寻求一个能被所有人接受的解决方案。韦氏高阶〔box in〕We are not trying to box anybody in, we are trying to find a satisfactory way forward.我们并不是要限制任何人,我们是在努力寻找一个令人满意的出路。柯林斯高阶〔box in〕We are not trying to box anybody in, we are trying to find a satisfactory way forward.我们不想限制任何人, 我们正在设法找到一个令人满意的出路。外研社新世纪〔brood〕They were trying to find food for their brood.它们正设法为自己的一窝雏鸟觅食。外研社新世纪〔buyer〕He's trying to find a buyer for the restaurant.他正在努力给饭店找个买家。韦氏高阶〔chase〕He was always trying to find a new girlfriend and seemed to enjoy the thrill of the chase.他总是不断地想换女朋友,似乎很享受追求的刺激。韦氏高阶〔check〕I think I should have given check (= attacked my opponent's king) at move 23 instead of trying to find a safer square for the rook.我觉得下一步不应该把车移到安全位置,走到23步直接将他的军会比较好。剑桥高阶〔drop out〕They are dropping out and trying to find new ways of living.他们在逃避社会现实并试图找到新的生活方式。21世纪英汉〔exhausted〕Trying to find a solution to the problem had left the sisters mentally exhausted.姐妹几个想方设法要找出问题的解决方法,结果弄得个个伤透脑筋。麦克米伦高阶〔find〕Charles began writing as a way of trying to find himself.查尔斯开始写作, 以试图发现自我。外研社新世纪〔flounder〕Right now, you've got a president who's floundering, trying to find some way to get his campaign jump-started.现在,你们的总统正踌躇不前,试图找到某种办法来推动他的竞选活动的开展。柯林斯高阶〔joke〕It's no joke trying to find a job these days.这些日子想找工作可不是件容易事。牛津高阶〔niche〕They're still trying to find their niche in the market/industry.他们依旧在这个市场/行业寻找商机。韦氏高阶〔of〕We had a hell of a time trying to find a parking space.找个停车的地方真让我们花了很多时间。麦克米伦高阶〔out〕They're trying to find an out so that they don't have to pay for the damage.他们试图寻找一个借口,以便不必赔偿损失。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕We've been trying to find her a place in a residential home.我们一直在努力找机会让她进养老院。朗文当代〔project〕My latest project is trying to find a site for a shop I want to open.我最近的计划是找个地方开店。外研社新世纪〔rake〕He raked through his pockets, trying to find a pen.他仔细搜他的口袋,想找一支钢笔。麦克米伦高阶〔rat〕I am trying to find out who ratted on me.我正在设法想方设法找出是谁出卖了我。韦氏高阶〔roam〕She roamed through the village trying to find the house which she had once lived in.她在村庄里走来走去想找到她过去曾居住过的房子。21世纪英汉〔skim〕He skimmed through the article trying to find his name.他浏览文章找自己的名字。牛津高阶〔solution〕Both sides are trying to find a peaceful solution .双方都在努力寻找和平的解决方法。朗文当代〔the/a devil of a sth〕We had the devil of a job/time trying to find this place! 我们找这个地方可费了不少周折/时间!剑桥高阶〔think〕I have thought very deeply about this problem, trying to find an answer.我已经深入地思考过这个问题,努力想找出答案。韦氏高阶〔unify〕They're trying to find a candidate who will unify all factions.他们正试图寻找一位能联合各派系的候选人。麦克米伦高阶〔whole〕The whole of the morning was wasted trying to find the documents.整个上午都找文件浪费掉了。朗文当代〔wrong〕The doctors are still trying to find out what's wrong.医生们仍在试图找出问题的症结。剑桥高阶A series of killings took place in the State of Florida. The authorities are trying to find who the perpetrator was. 美国的佛罗里达州发生了连续杀人事件。执法单位正在找肇事者。译典通Graduates trying to find jobs are facing cutthroat competition.求职的毕业生们面临着你死我活的竞争。剑桥国际I think I should have given check at move 23 instead of trying to find a safer square for the rook.我想我本应当在第23步将军,而不该试着给我的车找一个更安全的方格。剑桥国际I'm trying to find an excuse for missing (= not going to) the office party.我正要找个不去办公室聚会的理由。剑桥国际I'm trying to find someone to do (= repair) the garden wall.我想找人来修补花园里的墙。剑桥国际I've just spent the afternoon schlepping around town trying to find a birthday present for my girlfriend.我刚刚在城里费力地兜了一个下午,想要给我的女朋友买一件生日礼物。剑桥国际Scientists are trying to find ways to prevent disease. 科学家们正试图找到预防疾病的方法。译典通She looked through the exam paper trying to find an easy question to answer.她通读试卷,想找个容易的问题来回答。剑桥国际She's trying to find a way of satisfying her desire for revenge.她力图找到一种方式,能满足她复仇的欲望。剑桥国际The authorities are trying to find out what caused the melee between the crowd and the police. 有关单位想查出来,造成群众和警察混战的原因是什么。译典通They are trying to find a better way of transmitting energy. 他们正试图寻找一种更好的输能方法。译典通We are trying to find ways of counteracting the sterility of the land.我们正在找办法来同土地的贫瘠作斗争。剑桥国际We were additionally (=as well as everything else) faced with trying to find somewhere to stay at two o'clock in the morning.另外我们还面临着在凌晨两点钟寻找歇脚地点的问题。剑桥国际




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