

单词 的游戏
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔GAME〕a game for four players 四个人玩的游戏朗文写作活用〔absorbing〕an absorbing book/game 一本引人入胜的书;一场极有趣的游戏牛津高阶〔active〕games for active youngsters 面向好动年轻人的游戏朗文当代〔age group〕a game for children in the 7–10 age group 适合7至10岁儿童的游戏麦克米伦高阶〔amusement〕childhood amusements 儿时的游戏朗文当代〔anagram〕anagrams (used with a sing. verb)Games A game whose object is to form words from a group of randomly picked letters. anagrams (与单数动词连用)【游戏】 字谜游戏:用随意选出的一组字母组成单词的游戏美国传统〔ancestor〕a game that many see as the ancestor of basketball 一种被许多人认为是篮球原型的游戏麦克米伦高阶〔anybody〕anybody's game [race] (胜败难以预料而)任何人都有希望获胜的游戏[赛跑]文馨英汉〔boisterous〕a boisterous game 激烈的游戏剑桥高阶〔boyish〕boyish games 男孩玩的游戏英汉大词典〔cat and mouse〕a game of cat and mouse 欲擒故纵的游戏麦克米伦高阶〔charade〕play charades 玩看手势猜字谜的游戏文馨英汉〔cheat〕the latest game cheats 最新的游戏秘技剑桥高阶〔competitive〕competitive games.有竞争的游戏。牛津同义词〔downloadable〕downloadable games. 可下载的游戏柯林斯高阶〔download〕games that can be downloaded free from the Internet 可以从因特网上免费下载的游戏朗文当代〔educational〕educational games 寓教于乐的游戏朗文当代〔edutainment〕edutainment games寓教于乐的游戏外研社新世纪〔entertaining〕games and ideas to entertain children. 带给孩子们快乐的游戏和想法柯林斯高阶〔fashion〕a game that enjoyed a vogue in its day). See also Synonyms at method 一种流行于它的时代的游戏) 参见同义词 method美国传统〔fun〕a game that's fun for kids 让孩子们高兴的游戏牛津搭配〔game〕a game of chance/skill 靠运气决定胜负╱凭技巧取胜的游戏牛津高阶〔game〕children's games 儿童的游戏文馨英汉〔interest〕a game of cops and robbers 警察抓强盗的游戏牛津高阶〔massively〕a massively popular game. 极受欢迎的游戏柯林斯高阶〔massively〕a massively popular game非常受欢迎的游戏外研社新世纪〔mimetic〕mimetic games of children 儿童模仿性的游戏英汉大词典〔occupy〕a game that will occupy the kids for hours 能让小孩一玩就是几个小时的游戏牛津高阶〔player〕a game for four players 四人玩的游戏牛津高阶〔play〕imaginative play 富有想象力的游戏韦氏高阶〔plug-in〕a plug-in game. 一个插入式的游戏美国传统〔pulsate〕a pulsating game 令人兴奋的游戏牛津高阶〔rubbishy〕all those rubbishy game shows所有那些劣质的游戏节目外研社新世纪〔scientific〕a scientific game 需要技巧的游戏英汉大词典〔silly〕a silly game 不适宜的游戏麦克米伦高阶〔silly〕a silly game 无聊的游戏牛津高阶〔specific〕games suitable for specific age-groups 适合特定年龄组的游戏朗文当代〔tag〕play tag 玩捉迷藏的游戏文馨英汉〔young〕a game for young and old 老少咸宜的游戏英汉大词典the most billboarded game of the season 当季宣传攻势最猛的游戏牛津商务




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