

单词 buyer
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUILD/BUILDING〕The new development at the edge of town is aimed at first-time buyers. 市镇边缘的新建住宅区是为首次购房者建造的。朗文写作活用〔BUY〕They've had a lot of enquiries about the company - there's no shortage of potential buyers. 他们接到了大量对那家公司的询问,看来不愁找不到潜在的买主。朗文写作活用〔CHOOSE〕Import restrictions will reduce the number of cars buyers have to choose from. 进口限制将会缩小汽车买主的选择范围。朗文写作活用〔CHOOSE〕With so many houses for sale, buyers with cash can take their pick. 有那么多房子出售,持现金的买主可以任意挑选。朗文写作活用〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕It is expressly stated in the sales agreement that the buyer is to pay for any home inspection. 销售协议中明确说明,房屋检查费用由买方支付。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕Sixty cars will be displayed, and potential buyers will be able to inspect them at leisure. 将展出六十辆汽车,有意的顾客可以随便参观。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕The store is offering to install satellite dishes at no extra cost to the buyer. 该商店为购买盘式卫星天线的客户免费提供安装服务。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The Internet has opened up a marketplace where sellers and buyers are virtually unknown to each other. 互联网开辟了一个买卖双方互不认识的市场。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕As the personal computer market matured, computer makers have realized that not all PC buyers are alike. 随着个人电脑市场的成熟,电脑制造商已经意识到,并非所有的个人电脑买家都是一样的。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Mortgage interest rates have fallen, but large down payments remain a stumbling block for house buyers. 按揭利率下调,但一大笔首期付款对购房者来说依然是块绊脚石。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Both buyer and seller should agree on the terms before the contract is signed. 买卖双方应该在合同签署以前商定条款。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕The buyer did not attend the auction, but sent a representative to place the bids. 买主没有出席拍卖会,而是派了一名代理人来出价。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕He split the company in half, and then sold both new companies to different buyers. 他把公司一分为二,然后把两家新的公司分别卖给不同的买家。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕Thousands of home buyers were deceived into buying homes at inflated prices. 上千名购房者受了蒙骗,买下了价格过高的房子。朗文写作活用〔affordable〕They have increased their provision of affordable housing in order to make home ownership accessible to buyers who would otherwise be unable to buy.他们增加了经济适用房的供给量,目的是让否则无力购房的人群买得起自己的房屋。剑桥高阶〔after-sales service〕They are also attempting to keep the car buyer as a long-term customer by offering after-sales service.他们也在试图用提供售后服务的办法留住购车者, 使他们成为长期客户。外研社新世纪〔after-sales service〕They are also attempting to keep the car buyer as a long-term customer by offering after-sales service.他们也正试图通过提供售后服务来使该汽车采购商成为长期客户。柯林斯高阶〔agree〕The court had given the unions until September to agree terms with a buyer.法庭已指定工会在9月之前与一个买家谈成条件。柯林斯高阶〔anonymous〕An anonymous buyer purchased the painting.一位匿名买家买下了这幅画。韦氏高阶〔approach〕There had already been approaches from buyers interested in the whole of the group.已有对整组感兴趣的买家来进行洽谈。柯林斯高阶〔approach〕There had already been approaches from buyers interested in the whole of the group.已经有对整组感兴趣的买家来进行洽谈。外研社新世纪〔assign〕The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker.卖方经纪人须随后将部分佣金分给买方经纪人。柯林斯高阶〔bargain〕Something offered or acquired at a price advantageous to the buyer.廉价货:以对买者有利的价格出售货物美国传统〔beware〕Let the buyer beware.提醒买家注意。韦氏高阶〔bid〕Those buyers bid for as much as 100 tons a day.那些买主每天要竞买100吨之多。英汉大词典〔blackmailer〕Supermarket buyers and store managers are blackmailers, they are not fair and always have their own way.超市采购员和商店经理都喜欢操纵别人, 他们不讲 公平, 而且总是为所欲为。外研社新世纪〔bleak〕The company still hopes to find a buyer, but the future looks bleak .公司仍然希望找到买家,但前景渺茫。朗文当代〔building〕We have a buyer who would like to view the property.我们有一买主想看看这房产。牛津高阶〔buyer〕Car buyers are more interested in safety and reliability than speed.比起速度, 购车人更关心安全性和可靠性。外研社新世纪〔buyer〕Car buyers are more interested in safety and reliability than speed.购车者们更感兴趣的是汽车的安全性和可靠性,而不是它的速度。柯林斯高阶〔buyer〕Did you find a buyer for your house? 你的房子找到买主了吗?牛津搭配〔buyer〕Falling interest rates are good news for home buyers.利率降低对购房者来说是好消息。麦克米伦高阶〔buyer〕Have you found a buyer for your house? 你的房子找到买主了吗?牛津高阶〔buyer〕He's still looking for a buyer for his house.他还在给自己的房子寻找买主。剑桥高阶〔buyer〕I have a buyer for the house.这个房子我有一个买家。外研社新世纪〔buyer〕I was a buyer for the women's clothing department.我是女装部的进货员。柯林斯高阶〔buyer〕She's the buyer for a stylish boutique in Dublin.她是都柏林一家时尚精品店的采购员。剑桥高阶〔buyer〕The buyer and seller must agree on a price for the property.买卖双方必须就该房产的价格达成一致。韦氏高阶〔buyer〕There were several potential buyers.有好几个潜在的买家。朗文当代〔caveat emptor〕The axiom or principle in commerce that the buyer alone is responsible for assessing the quality of a purchase before buying.购买者注意:商业公理或原理,认为买方在购买前对所购货物的质量估计由其自己负责美国传统〔chain〕Some sellers refuse to exchange contracts with buyers who are in a chain.有些卖家拒绝和售屋链里的买家成交。剑桥高阶〔condition〕The buyer must meet the terms and conditions of the contract.买方必须遵循合同上的条款。韦氏高阶〔contract〕These clauses form part of the contract between buyer and seller.这些条款构成买卖双方所签合同的一部份。牛津高阶〔convenience〕Mail order is a convenience for buyers who are too busy to shop.邮购对于那些没有时间逛商店的购物者来说是一项非常方便的服务。柯林斯高阶〔conversely〕American consumers prefer white eggs; conversely, British buyers like brown eggs.美国的消费者喜欢白色的鸡蛋,而英国的消费者却相反,他们喜欢棕色的鸡蛋。朗文当代〔cooperate〕When buyers cooperate, they can make large wholesale purchases at a discount.如果购买者联合起来,他们可以打折扣买大批的批发商品美国传统〔corner〕Buyers came from all corners of the world.买主来自世界各地。柯林斯高阶〔corrode〕Bribery corrodes the confidence that must exist between buyer and seller.贿赂会损害买卖双方必不可少的信任关系。英汉大词典〔cropper〕If outside buyers or suppliers lose faith, a company can come a cropper very quickly.如果一家公司的外部买家或供应商失去了信心,这家公司就会很快崩溃。剑桥高阶〔custom-built〕Built according to the specifications of the buyer.定制的:按顾客的专门要求建造的美国传统〔deposit〕Under hire-purchase schemes, the buyer puts down a deposit of 10 to 15%.按照分期付款计划, 买家须付10%到15%的预付款。外研社新世纪〔deter〕Some potential buyers will be deterred by the price.一些潜在的顾客会因价格而打消购买的念头。韦氏高阶〔dummy〕Shopping mall developers often hire dummy buyers to purchase land without revealing the true purpose of the acquisition.大型购物中心的开发商经常雇挂名买家来买地, 以掩饰其收购的真正目的。外研社新世纪〔duopsony〕A stock-market condition wherein two rival buyers exert a controlling influence on numerous sellers.双头买方独揽:两个竟争买主对众多卖主具有控制性影响的股市状态美国传统〔duty〕The house buyer has to pay duty at 1% of the purchase price.购房者得交纳金额为房价的1%的税。麦克米伦高阶〔eagerly〕The low prices still pull in crowds of eager buyers.低廉的价格仍然吸引了大批热切的买家。柯林斯高阶〔entry-level〕Several companies are offering new, entry-level models in hopes of attracting more buyers.几家公司正推出新的入门级产品, 期望吸引更多的顾客。外研社新世纪〔entry-level〕Several companies are offering new, entry-level models in hopes of attracting more buyers.几家公司正推出新的入门级产品,期望吸引更多的顾客。柯林斯高阶〔escort〕The company escorts prospective buyers around the property.公司派人陪同潜在的买主看房。朗文当代〔excise〕New car buyers and smokers will be hit by increases in taxes and excise.新车买主和吸烟者会因为税额和消费税的提高而受到打击。外研社新世纪〔excise〕New car buyers and smokers will be hit by increases in taxes and excise.税率和消费税的提高将使新车买主和烟民受到打击。柯林斯高阶〔exemption〕The exemption applies to home buyers.该项豁免适用于购房者。牛津搭配〔fall through〕We found a buyer for our house, but then the sale fell through.我们给房子找了个买家,结果买卖没成。剑桥高阶〔frighten sb/sth away/off〕Many potential buyers were frightened off by the £1 million price tag.很多潜在的买主都对这一百万英镑的价格标签望而却步。剑桥高阶〔frighten〕Building society repossessions have frightened buyers off.建屋互助协会收回未偿清房贷的住房,这吓退了很多买家。柯林斯高阶〔gazump〕Every hour brought desperate buyers gazumping each other.每过一个小时就有孤注一掷的买家们竞相出高价。外研社新世纪〔gentleman〕She made a gentleman's agreement with her buyer.她和买主立了个君子协定。柯林斯高阶〔good〕It is good practice to supply a written report to the buyer.向买主提供书面报告是诚信的做法。牛津高阶〔heartstrings〕They would shamelessly entice buyers by tugging at their heartstrings.他们会厚颜无耻地使出情感招数来诱惑顾客购买。外研社新世纪〔hold〕Buyers are holding aloof.买方持观望态度。英汉大词典〔hold〕Buyers have been holding off until the price falls.买家们一直按兵不动,等待价格下跌。朗文当代〔hope〕I don't hold out much hope of finding a buyer.我不太指望能找到买主。牛津搭配〔house〕The bank offers attractive rates to first-time house buyers.银行给首次购房者提供的利率很有吸引力。牛津搭配〔identify〕As yet they have not identified a buyer for the company.迄今为止他们还没有为公司找到买主。牛津高阶〔inducement〕The reduced tax is a major inducement for first-time buyers.减税对首次购买者有很大的吸引力。牛津搭配〔inflate〕The buyers bid against each other and often inflate the prices they pay.买主们竞相投标,往往人为地提高价钱。英汉大词典〔injection〕An undisclosed buyer will provide a much-needed cash injection for the fragile balance sheet.一位未公开身份的买主将会注入急需的现金,以帮助公司应对脆弱的财务状况。牛津搭配〔line up〕He has a buyer lined up for his house.他已经请人给他的房子找了一个买家。外研社新世纪〔line〕The company is broadening its product lines to attract more buyers.该公司增加了其产品的种类以吸引更多购买者。麦克米伦高阶〔looker〕Some people were lookers, and they just wanted to get in to be able to look around, but they were not bona fide buyers.有些人只是观望者, 他们只想进去转转看, 并非真心实意的买主。外研社新世纪〔lure〕The price lured many buyers.这个价格吸引了许多买家。21世纪英汉〔marketplace〕The marketplace was jammed with a noisy crowd of buyers and sellers.集市上熙熙攘攘挤满了买卖东西的人。柯林斯高阶〔marry〕He tries to marry the Canadian manufacturers with the foreign buyers.他试图为加拿大的制造厂商与外国买主牵线搭桥。英汉大词典〔match〕It can take time and effort to match buyers and sellers.给买卖双方牵线可能需要一些时间和工夫。柯林斯高阶〔metaphorically〕The ship may be heading for the metaphorical rocks unless a buyer can be found.除非可以找到买家,否则这条船也许就像朝着岩石撞过去一样下场悲惨。柯林斯高阶〔monopsony〕A market situation in which the product or service of several sellers is sought by only one buyer.买方垄断:几家卖主的产品或服务只被一家买主惠顾的市场状况美国传统〔morally〕I think the moral of the story is let the buyer beware.我想这个故事的寓意是提醒购物者当心。柯林斯高阶〔moral〕I think the moral of the story is let the buyer beware.我想这件事告诉我们, 要让消费者提高防范。外研社新世纪〔mystery〕A mystery buyer purchased 1.5 million MGN shares.一个神秘的买家购买了150万份MGN公司的股份。外研社新世纪〔nibble〕If you bring the price down, buyers may start to nibble.如果你把价格降下来, 没准买主们就要仔细思考一番了。外研社新世纪〔opposed〕The interests of buyers and sellers are diametrically opposed to each other.买方利益与卖方利益是截然相反的。麦克米伦高阶〔outlay〕House buyers usually have a large initial outlay on carpets and furniture.购房者通常先要为买地毯和家具花去一大笔开销。朗文当代〔pass〕Ownership passes to the buyer upon payment in full.全额付款后所有权即归属购买人。韦氏高阶〔pass〕Title passes from the seller to the buyer upon payment in full.款项全部付清后所有权就从卖主转至买主。英汉大词典〔payment〕The buyer is required to enter a code to authorize payment.买方需要输入密码来授权支付。牛津搭配〔perfumery〕She is a cosmetics and perfumery buyer.她常买化妆品和香水。外研社新世纪〔perspicacious〕Channel 4's overseas buyers have foreseen the audience demand with their usual perspicacity.四频道的海外收购者以其惯有的洞察力预见到了观众的需求。柯林斯高阶〔perspicacity〕Channel 4's overseas buyers have foreseen the audience demand with their usual perspicacity.第四频道的海外买家以其惯有的洞察力预见到了观众的需求。外研社新世纪〔play〕The house seller may try to play one buyer off against another, to raise the price.房子的卖家可能会在两位买主之间挑拨,目的是为了抬高房价。朗文当代〔potential〕A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in the company.一些潜在的买主表达了对该公司的兴趣。剑桥高阶〔preference〕Car buyers have recently shown a growing/strong preference for smaller vehicles.最近,购车者显示出不断增强的/强烈的对较小型车的偏好。韦氏高阶〔production〕Buyers have increasingly outsourced production to lower-cost regions.买家已经越来越多地把生产外包给低成本地区。牛津搭配〔property〕We have a potential buyer who wants to view the property.有一个潜在的购房者要来看房。牛津搭配〔prorafion〕It is usual to prorate the taxes between the seller and the buyer in the sale of real estate.在出售房地产中,通常由买卖双方分摊税金。21世纪英汉〔put ... in〕The general manager put my brother in to act as a business buyer for his company in Tokyo.总经理雇佣我兄弟做他在东京公司的代理商。21世纪英汉〔question〕The question of buying or leasing a car is really up to the buyer to decide on.是买车还是租车的问题确实要由购买者来决定。韦氏高阶〔queue〕Manchester United would be at the front of a queue of potential buyers.在众多潜在的买家中,曼彻斯特联队将排在最前列。柯林斯高阶〔rebate〕Buyers are offered a cash rebate.购买者享受现金回扣。牛津高阶〔repo〕Repossession of merchandise or property from a buyer who has defaulted on payment.取回:从拖欠款项的买主那儿重新拥有货物或财产美国传统〔reward〕Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale.多用心去打动顾客,货物就会更快售出。柯林斯高阶〔rise〕We are pleased to see that the number of first home buyers is on the rise.我们高兴地看到首套住宅购买者的人数不断增长。外研社新世纪〔sale〕The sale of the house fell through when the buyer pulled out.房屋交易因买方退出而中止。牛津搭配〔scare〕The high price is scaring away possible buyers.昂贵的价格把可能问津的主顾吓跑了。英汉大词典〔selectively〕Sales still happen, but buyers are more selective.销量仍在,但购买者更加挑剔。柯林斯高阶〔seller〕In theory, the buyer could ask the seller to have a test carried out.理论上,买方可以要求卖方进行一次测试。柯林斯高阶〔sell〕The vase was sold to a Dutch buyer.那只花瓶卖给了一名荷兰的买主。朗文当代〔service〕We offer a comprehensive service to home buyers.我们为购房者提供全面的服务。牛津搭配〔slow〕The buyers were slow to act, and the house was sold to someone else.那些有意购买者磨磨蹭蹭,房子被别人买走了。韦氏高阶〔small ad〕Prospective buyers should study the small ads in the daily newspaper.打算购物的人应该研究研究日报上的小广告。柯林斯高阶〔stated〕Buyers who do not apply within the stated period can lose their deposits.消费者如果不在规定的日期内购买, 订金不予退还。外研社新世纪〔state〕Buyers who do not apply within the stated period can lose their deposits.未能在规定期限内提出申请的买家可能会拿不回押金。柯林斯高阶〔step in〕An outside buyer has stepped in to save the company from going out of business.一个外来买主介入,使公司免于破产。剑桥高阶〔struggle〕The company is struggling to find buyers for its new product.该公司正竭力为其新产品寻找买主。柯林斯高阶〔swaption〕An option giving the buyer the right to enter into a swap agreement by a specified date.交易选择权:提供给买主的选择权,其可选择在指定日期同意进行交易美国传统〔taker〕Over 100 buyers or investors were approached, but there were no takers.已接触过 100 多个买主或投资人,不过没人愿意接受。柯林斯高阶〔taker〕Over 100 buyers or investors were approached, but there were no takers.已接触过100多个买主或投资人, 不过没人愿意接受。外研社新世纪〔time〕During a lunch break, he and the buyer passed the time with some chitchat.午饭休息时间,他与顾客谈天闲聊以消磨时间。柯林斯高阶〔tout〕I had to tout my paintings about for months before I got any buyers.我得到处兜售我的画,几个月后才找到买主。英汉大词典〔trade discount〕A discount on the list price granted by a manufacturer or wholesaler to buyers in the same trade.商业(批发)折扣:列在标价单上由制造厂家或批发商向同一行业中的买方提供的折扣美国传统〔trade-off〕For some car buyers, lack of space is an acceptable trade-off for a sporty design.对一些购车者而言,设计成跑车风格的车型即使空间狭小也是可以接受的。剑桥高阶〔trading stamp〕A stamp given by a retailer to a buyer for a purchase of a specified amount and intended to be redeemed in quantity for merchandise.赠券:由于买者购买了一定数量的商品而零售商赠予买者的一种印有印章的票,并将以付出商品的形式大量回收的一种赠票美国传统〔trot ... out〕He trotted out the horse for the buyer to watch.他让那匹马跑给买主看看。21世纪英汉〔trot〕Trot out the horses for the buyers to watch.骑上马快步跑给买主们看看。英汉大词典〔true〕What is true for buyers is equally true for sellers.对买家和卖家同样适用。牛津搭配〔turn-off〕It is a real turn-off for potential buyers when they see dirty or stained carpet.看到脏的或有污渍的地毯, 打算购买的人也觉得十分败兴了。外研社新世纪〔turn〕The poor location of the condominium turned away many prospective buyers.公寓房偏僻的位置赶跑了许多很有希望的买主美国传统〔undersigned〕The undersigned buyers agree to pay a 5,000 pound deposit.已签名的买主同意支付5,000英镑的订金。外研社新世纪〔undersigned〕The undersigned buyers agree to pay a 5,000 pound deposit.已签名的买主同意支付5,000英镑的订金。柯林斯高阶〔understand〕A secret buyer is understood to have paid $1 million for the three pictures (= there is unofficial news that this has happened).据说,有一位不愿透露姓名的买家花了100万美元买走了那3幅画。剑桥高阶〔vendee〕One to whom something is sold; a buyer.买主:接受出售物的人;买主美国传统〔view〕Several possible buyers have come to view the house.几个想买房子的人已经来看过房子了。英汉大词典〔vulture〕With no buyer in sight for the company as a whole, the vultures started to circle.因为眼下没有买家要买整个公司, 一些劫掠成性的人开始打它的主意。外研社新世纪〔vulture〕With no buyer in sight for the company as a whole, the vultures started to circle.由于公司目前找不到买主,趁火打劫者开始围攻。柯林斯高阶〔worthwhile〕High prices in the UK make it worthwhile for buyers to look abroad.英国的高价足以使买主把视线转向国外。牛津高阶〔wring〕Buyers use different ruses to wring free credit out of their suppliers.买主们千方百计想从供货商那儿无息赊购。柯林斯高阶〔wring〕Buyers use different ruses to wring free credit out of their suppliers.买主们千方百计想从供货商那里无息赊购。外研社新世纪Buyer and seller strike a bargain with each individual purchase.买卖双方就每一笔交易都达成了协议。牛津商务Buyers can flex their start time and occasionally work from home.买主可以灵活决定其开工时间,偶尔还可以在家工作。牛津商务Buyers from stores are given the opportunity to go through fashion collections item by item (=one thing at time) and place orders.从商店来的买主有机会逐件观看时装展中的时装并下订单。剑桥国际Buyers who have waited for bargains at the end of the year will find slim pickings.等待年底减价的购物者将会发现买不到什么好东西。剑桥国际A group of financial buyers is interested in acquiring the business (= because they want to make a profit, not run the business).一群想赚钱的买家对吞并这家企业感兴趣。牛津商务A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in the company.一些潜在的买主表达了对该公司的兴趣。剑桥国际A secret buyer is understood to have paid £1 million for the three pictures (= there is unofficial news that this has happened).据说, 一位不愿透露姓名的购买者花了一百万英镑购买那三幅画。剑桥国际Always be polite to prospective buyers.对可能成为顾客的人应当总是很礼貌。剑桥国际An outside buyer has stepped in to save the company from going out of business.为使公司避免破产,一个外界的买主已经介入。剑桥国际As yet they have not identified a buyer for the company.迄今为止他们尚未找到公司的买主。牛津商务At least four potential buyers have registered an interest.至少有四位潜在顾客表示有兴趣。牛津商务For some car buyers, lack of space is an acceptable trade-off for a sporty design.对一些购买汽车的人来说,空间狭小是可以接受的,只要汽车的设计是赛车型的。剑桥国际Goodwill is the amount a buyer pays above a company's assets.商誉是买方支付的超出所买公司资产之上的金额。牛津商务He works as a buyer for a department store.他是一家百货商店的采购员。牛津商务High buyer concentration (= only a few buyers) increases buyers' bargaining power.买主高度集中(只有几个买主)增强了买主讨价还价的能力。牛津商务Home buyers are considering remortgaging to cut interest rates.购房者在考虑修改抵押条款来降低利率。剑桥国际Housing starts rose 2.4% in November as low mortgage rates attracted buyers.由于低抵押贷款率吸引买主,十一月新屋开工率上升了 2.4%。牛津商务It was a fair deal so both the buyer and the seller went away happy.这是个公平的交易,因而买卖双方都高兴地离去了。剑桥国际Key members of decision-making units include buyers, users and influencers.决策单位的主要成员包括购买者、使用者和影响者。牛津商务Once acceptance has taken place, the buyer cannot reject the goods.一旦接受,买方即不能拒收货物。牛津商务Our buyers insist on high standards of workmanship and materials.我们的买方对工艺和材料坚持要高标准。牛津商务Problems arise when building society valuers undervalue houses--in some cases not even close to the price agreed between buyer and seller.建筑协会价格核定人对房屋价格评估过低----有的甚至还不到买主和卖主之间达成的协议价,这样就出现问题了。剑桥国际Raising the price at the last minute was a mean trick to play on the buyers.在最后一刻提高价格是给顾客开的一个拙劣的玩笑。剑桥国际Rising property prices have put an ordinary house beyond the reach of many buyers.不断上涨的房地产价格使许多买家买不起普通房屋。牛津商务Several journalists have noticed stirrings of interest among foreign buyers.有些记者注意到了在外国买主中开始涌现出的兴趣。剑桥国际She works as a fashion buyer for an upmarket London department store.她的工作是为伦敦的一家高档百货公司采购时装。牛津商务She's the buyer (= the person who decides what will be bought) for a stylish boutique in Dublin.她是都柏林一家时髦商店的采购员。剑桥国际The buyer can refuse to accept the goods if they arrive later than the agreed date.如果货物晚于规定的日期到达,买方有权拒绝接受货物。牛津商务The buyer is entitled to repudiate the contract and reject the goods.买方有权拒绝履行合同并拒收货物。牛津商务The company acts as an intermediary between buyers and growers.这家公司充当买方和种植者的中间人。牛津商务The company is still for sale after a prospective buyer backed out of the deal.一位潜在买主退出这笔交易后,这公司仍可供出售。牛津商务The company is trying to find a buyer for its toiletries business.公司正试图找到一位购买其洗漱用品业务的买主。牛津商务The goods are stored in warehouses until a buyer is found.在找到买家之前,商品一直存贮在仓库中。牛津商务The group has issued an information memorandum on its publishing arm for potential buyers.这个集团向准买家发布了其出版部门的信息报告。牛津商务The high price scares away any possible buyers. 昂贵的价格把有意光顾的买主吓跑了。译典通The law is intended to protect both the buyer and the seller.这项法律旨在保护买卖双方。牛津商务The legal title to the shares is transferred to the buyer.股票的合法所有权已转让给买方。牛津商务The lower the buyer concentration (= the more buyers there are) the better it is for your industry.买主集中程度越低(有较多的买主),对你的行业越好。牛津商务The market for these vehicles is price-sensitive -- buyers look for the best deal they can get, comparing prices rather than performance figures.这些车辆的市场对价格很敏感----买主找最合算的买,比较价格而不是性能。剑桥国际The market for this product is reaching saturation point (= a situation when few new buyers can be found).这款产品的市场正趋于饱和。牛津商务The scheme offers home buyers the option to overpay their mortgage by amounts of £50 to £500 a month.这个计划提供给房屋买主一个选择,即以每月50至500英镑的数额多支付他们的抵押借款。剑桥国际The stolid, rather old-fashioned look of the new car has discouraged some potential buyers.这新车缺乏吸引力的老式外表颇让一些潜在的购买者失望。剑桥国际The tiny six-employee operation originates mortgage loans for home buyers.这家只有六位员工的小公司帮购房者办理抵押贷款。牛津商务There will be a queue of buyers for the company.会有很多人希望收购这家公司。牛津商务These clauses form part of the contract between buyer and seller.这些条款构成买卖双方所签合约的一部分。牛津商务They are seeking buyers for a majority stake in their Australian operation.他们正在寻找购买他们澳大利亚公司多数股权的买主。牛津商务They're running out of time to find a buyer.他们没有时间寻找买主了。牛津商务Time is running out for the company to find a buyer.这家公司已经没有时间寻找买主了。牛津商务We believe the two perfumes appeal to different buyers and won't cannibalize one another's sales.我们相信这两种香水吸引不同的人购买,不会自相竞争而降低各自的销售量。牛津商务We found a buyer for our house, but then the sale fell through.我们为我们的房子找到了买主,但后来这笔买卖落空了。剑桥国际What attracted buyers to this house was its roominess. 对买主来说,这栋房子的吸引人之处是它的宽敞。译典通What happens if a buyer fails to pay an instalment promptly? 如果买方未能及时分期付款会怎样?牛津商务When the auctioneer's hammer falls, the buyer is legally obliged to go through with the deal.当拍卖员的锤子落下,买方就受法律约束必须完成这笔交易。剑桥国际Where the sale involves fraud, the buyer can bring an action for damages against the seller.如果交易涉及欺诈,买方可以起诉卖方要求损害赔偿。牛津商务




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