

单词 狂喜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXAMPLE〕Some users of Ecstasy have actually died, but such instances are very rare. 有些人服用了“狂喜”迷幻药真的送了命,但是这种事例非常少。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Over 52,000 E-tablets hidden in a car door were seized by customs officials. 藏在车门内的52,000多粒“狂喜”迷幻药被海关官员没收了。朗文写作活用〔aah〕Used to express pleasure, satisfaction, surprise, or great joy.啊:用来表示快乐、满意、惊奇或狂喜美国传统〔aficionada〕A woman who is a devotee or fan.女狂热爱好者,女疯狂喜爱者美国传统〔bliss-out〕Ecstasy; bliss.狂喜;极大的快乐美国传统〔bliss〕To go into a state of ecstasy.狂喜:进入狂喜的状态美国传统〔bump〕Company bosses have come back down to earth with a bump after a period of post-election euphoria.公司老总们在经历选举后的狂喜之后已经清醒过来。外研社新世纪〔cock-a-hoop〕Being in a state of boastful elation or exultation.自鸣得意的:处于自负的得意洋洋或狂喜状态的美国传统〔delirious〕His tax-cutting pledge brought a delirious crowd to their feet.他的减税承诺让狂喜的人群欢呼雀跃起来。外研社新世纪〔drained〕And then, suddenly, the euphoria began to drain away.随后,狂喜的感觉突然开始消失了。柯林斯高阶〔ecstasy〕Intense joy or delight.狂喜:极度喜悦或欢乐美国传统〔ecstatically〕They were greeted by the cheers of an ecstatic crowd.狂喜的人群欢呼着迎接他们。柯林斯高阶〔ecstatic〕Being in a state of ecstasy; enraptured.欣喜若狂的;出神的:陷于狂喜状态中的;心醉神迷的美国传统〔ecstatic〕Marked by or expressing ecstasy.狂喜的:以狂喜为特征的或表现出狂喜的美国传统〔ecstatic〕She was ecstatic about her new car.她对她的新车感到狂喜。文馨英汉〔ecstatic〕They were greeted by the cheers of an ecstatic crowd.狂喜的人群欢呼着迎接他们。外研社新世纪〔effervescence〕She called out in a rapturous effervescence of expectation and excitement.她在期待和兴奋的狂喜中大声喊叫起来。英汉大词典〔enrapture〕She was enraptured by the thought of Rome.一想到罗马她心中就一阵狂喜。外研社新世纪〔enrapture〕To fill with rapture or delight.使痴迷,使狂喜美国传统〔enrapt〕Filled with or transported by delight; enraptured.狂喜的,神魂颠倒的:充满喜悦的或欣喜若狂的;着迷的美国传统〔enthusiasm〕Ecstasy arising from supposed possession by a god.神灵附体的狂喜:神灵感应引起的狂喜美国传统〔euphoria〕The initial euphoria following their victory in the election has now subsided.他们选举获胜之初的狂喜现在已经平静下来了。韦氏高阶〔euphoria〕The news prompted a wave of euphoria.这个消息激起了一阵狂喜。麦克米伦高阶〔euphoria〕There was a general atmosphere of pessimism after the euphoria of last year.去年一阵狂喜过后出现了普遍的悲观气氛。朗文当代〔exultant〕Marked by great joy or jubilation; triumphant.狂喜的:以极度高兴或欢呼为特征的;得意洋洋的的美国传统〔exultation〕The act or condition of rejoicing greatly.狂喜,欢跃:欢跃或狂喜的行为或状态美国传统〔exult〕To rejoice greatly; be jubilant or triumphant.狂喜:非常高兴;喜气洋洋或得意洋洋美国传统〔heigh-ho〕Used to express fatigue, mild surprise, boredom, disappointment, or sometimes exultation.嗨嗬:用于表示疲惫、惊愕、厌烦、失望,有时也表示狂喜与得意美国传统〔indistinguishable〕He reacted to the news with a shock indistinguishable from a thrill of pleasure.他对这个消息的反应,很难分得清是震惊还是狂喜。英汉大词典〔intoxication〕The feeling of intoxication that followed her victory was cut short by her father's sudden death.父亲的突然去世打断了胜利带给她的狂喜。剑桥高阶〔joy〕To fill with ecstatic happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction.使…感到狂喜、快乐或满意美国传统〔jubilate〕To rejoice; exult.欢庆,尽情欢乐;狂喜,欢腾美国传统〔mood〕The mood of exhilaration still possessed him.他还沉浸在狂喜情绪之中。英汉大词典〔overjoyed〕She was overjoyed at the good news.她对那好消息感到狂喜。文馨英汉〔preen〕To swell with pride; gloat or exult.自负:骄傲自大;心满意足或狂喜美国传统〔rapture〕The state of being transported by a lofty emotion; ecstasy.喜悦:被某种高尚情感打动后所处的状态;狂喜美国传统〔rapture〕To enrapture.使狂喜,使痴迷美国传统〔ravishment〕Rapture; entrancement.狂喜;痴迷美国传统〔rhapsodic〕Immoderately impassioned or enthusiastic; ecstatic.狂热的,狂喜的:被不适当地显示热情或热情的;狂喜的美国传统〔rhapsody〕A state of elated bliss; ecstasy.一种得意的极快乐状态;狂喜美国传统〔rush〕A familiar rush overtook him each time the store announced a half-price special on expensive stereo equipment.每当店里宣布对贵重的立体声装置实行半价特殊销售时,他总感到一种强烈的熟悉的狂喜感美国传统〔skip〕I skipped about [around] the room in an ecstasy.我狂喜得在房间里雀跃。文馨英汉〔swoon〕A state of ecstasy or rapture.狂喜:令人欣喜若狂或极高兴的状态美国传统〔swoon〕To be overwhelmed by ecstatic joy.狂喜:被令人心花怒放的喜悦所控制美国传统〔top〕In a position of great happiness or success.狂喜地:处于极度高兴或成功状态下的美国传统〔whoop〕A loud cry of exultation or excitement.高喊,欢呼:因狂喜或激动发出的大声叫喊美国传统He listened to the music with an expression of pure rapture on his face.他听着音乐,脸上带着彻底的狂喜表情。剑桥国际She went into raptures (= an expression of extreme happiness and pleasure) at the news of her success.听到成功的消息,她沉浸在狂喜之中。剑桥国际The fans were jubilant at/about/over England's victory.球迷们为英格兰队的胜利而狂喜。剑桥国际The winning team left the football ground in a bus, with crowds of fans in full cry after them (=excitedly following them).胜利的那支球队乘汽车离开了足球场,后面跟着狂喜高喊的大批球迷。剑桥国际Their moans of ecstasy could be heard in the corridor.他们狂喜的呜咽声在走廊上就可以听到。剑桥国际




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