

单词 状态
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OLD-FASHIONED〕Huge amounts of aid will be needed if this society is ever to drag itself out of the dark ages. 这个社会若要脱离落后的状态便需要大量的援助。朗文写作活用〔abroach〕In a state of action; astir.活动的:处于活动状态的;活动的美国传统〔acceptance〕The state of being accepted or acceptable.领受,受理:被接受或可被接受的状态美国传统〔alert〕Soldiers and police have been put on alert.士兵和警察已处于戒备状态。外研社新世纪〔alert〕The country has put its troops on high alert.该国部队处于高度戒备状态。牛津搭配〔anaerobic〕Anaerobic respiration occurs only in particularly active tissues such as muscles during severe exercise.厌氧呼吸只有在处于剧烈运动状态的肌肉等特别活跃的组织中才会发生。柯林斯高阶〔anarchy〕The high number of strikes resulted in near anarchy.频繁的罢工导致几近无政府状态。牛津搭配〔anarchy〕The parties joined forces to save the country from anarchy.各政党联合起来,以使国家免于陷入无政府状态。牛津搭配〔anchorage〕The act of anchoring or the condition of being at anchor.抛锚,停泊:抛锚的动作或停泊的状态美国传统〔asepsis〕The state of being free of pathogenic microorganisms.无菌,无感染:无病原体微生物的状态美国传统〔backward〕By cutting expenditure on health care, I feel we are taking a backward step to the bad old days.我觉得削减医疗保健开支是一种倒退,会使我们回复到以前那种糟糕的状态。麦克米伦高阶〔beggary〕The state or condition of being a beggar.行乞,乞丐生涯:当乞丐的状态或状况美国传统〔cessation〕He would not agree to a cessation of hostilities.他不会同意结束敌对状态。柯林斯高阶〔combination〕The act of combining or the state of being combined.联合,合并:联合的行为或被联合的状态美国传统〔contamination〕The state of being contaminated.被污染:被污染的状态美国传统〔describability〕Conceit,in many cases, describes a state of serious emotional insecurity.在许多情况下,自负表示一种严重的情绪上的惶惶不安的心理状态。21世纪英汉〔disorientation〕Psychology A temporary or permanent state of confusion regarding place, time, or personal identity.【心理学】 迷向,定向障碍:对地点、时间或个人身份的暂时或永久的迷惑状态美国传统〔entropy〕In the business world, entropy rules.在商业世界中,无序状态主宰一切。牛津高阶〔execution〕The state of being executed.执行:被执行的状态美国传统〔expectancy〕The state of being expected.被期待:被期待的状态美国传统〔expulsion〕The act of expelling or the state of being expelled.驱逐,逐出:驱逐的行为或被驱逐的状态美国传统〔fashion〕To train or influence into a particular state or character.塑造:通过训练、影响使形成特定的状态或性格美国传统〔febricity〕The condition of having a fever.发热的状态美国传统〔form〕The horse has been in (good) form.这匹马的竞技状态良好。英汉大词典〔form〕The team entered the tournament in top form.该队以最好的状态参加了锦标赛。牛津搭配〔fume〕A state of resentment or vexation.愤怒或烦恼的状态美国传统〔halt〕If traffic increases beyond a certain level, the city grinds to a halt (= stops completely).如果交通流量的增长超过一定限度,城市就会陷于瘫痪状态。剑桥高阶〔hibernate〕To pass the winter in a dormant or torpid state.冬眠:在蛰伏的或昏睡的状态中过冬美国传统〔hold〕To keep in a position or state from an earlier period of time.继续维持:处于与以前同样状态或情形美国传统〔hot up〕The competition is really hotting up now.现在比赛已进入白热化状态。剑桥高阶〔hypnosis〕Hypnotism.催眠状态,催眠术美国传统〔hypnosis〕She only remembered details of the accident under hypnosis.她只有在催眠状态下才能记起那次事故的细节。牛津高阶〔hypnotic〕The psychologist put her into a hypnotic state.心理医生使她进入了催眠状态。韦氏高阶〔impropriety〕The quality or condition of being improper.不合适,不适当:不合适的状态或性质美国传统〔inequality〕The condition of being unequal.不均等:处于不均衡的状态美国传统〔instrumentality〕The state or quality of being instrumental.助益:起作用的状态或性质美国传统〔intermediate〕One that is in a middle position or state.中间事物:处于中间位置或状态的事物美国传统〔irregularity〕The quality or state of being irregular.不规则性:不规则的性质或状态美国传统〔itinerancy〕A state or system of itinerating, especially in the role or office of public speaker, minister, or judge.巡回:巡回的状态或制度,特指在发言人、神职人员或法官的职位或任务中美国传统〔life〕A spiritual state regarded as a transcending of corporeal death.灵魂存在:一种被认为超越了肉体死亡的精神状态美国传统〔limbo〕Until we have official permission to go ahead with the plans we're in limbo.在该计划得到正式批准之前,我们一直处于停滞状态。剑桥高阶〔lubricity〕The quality or condition of being lubricious.猥亵:淫乱的品质或状态美国传统〔maidenhead〕The condition or quality of being a maiden; virginity.处女:作为处女时的性质或状态;童贞美国传统〔mode〕You get into survival mode.你进入了求生状态。外研社新世纪〔monochrome〕The state of being in a single color.单色:处于单色的状态美国传统〔nervy〕Alan was irritable, and very evidently in a nervy state.艾伦易怒, 而且很明显处于一种紧张的状态。外研社新世纪〔neuropathy〕A disease or an abnormality of the nervous system.神经病:神经系统的疾病或异常状态下的神经系统美国传统〔normality〕Now that the civil war is over, relative normality has returned to the south of the country.由于内战已经结束,该国南部又恢复到了相对正常的状态。剑桥高阶〔obscenity〕The state or quality of being obscene.伤风败俗的状态或内质美国传统〔occupancy〕The state of being an occupant or a tenant.居住:作为居住成员或客房的状态美国传统〔off season〕To stay fit off season, I play tennis or football.为了在休赛期间保持状态,我常打网球或踢足球。柯林斯高阶〔oneself〕One's normal or healthy condition or state.一个人的正常的或健康的状况或状态美国传统〔own〕The goalkeeper came into his own with a series of brilliant saves.守门员开始进入状态,作出了一连串精彩的扑救。柯林斯高阶〔panel〕Aside from a dent in one of the side panels the car is in good shape.除了一侧侧板有个凹痕之外,这部车状态良好。韦氏高阶〔panic〕My mood switched from mild panic to something approaching fear.我的情绪从轻微恐慌转变为近似恐惧的状态。外研社新世纪〔pique〕A state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or indignity; a feeling of wounded pride.生气,自尊受损:因被看不起或轻视而生气的状态;自尊心受损的感觉美国传统〔possession〕The state of being possessed.占有:被占有的状态美国传统〔precision〕The state or quality of being precise; exactness.精确:精确的状态或性质;准确性美国传统〔precritical〕Coming before a critical state or phase.危象前的,临危的:先于危机状态或阶段到来的美国传统〔preterit〕Of, relating to, or being the verb tense that describes a past action or state.过去时的:描绘过去的动作或状态的动词时态的,和这种时态有关的美国传统〔primal〕Village life continued in its primal innocence.乡村生活以其原始的朴真状态继续着。英汉大词典〔prime〕To prepare for operation, as by pouring water into a pump or gasoline into a carburetor.准备启动:给泵加水或给汽化器内加汽油,从而使发动或进入工作状态美国传统〔proof〕He is living proof that some players just get better with age.有些运动员年纪越大状态越好, 他就是个活生生的例子。外研社新世纪〔quantal〕Existing in only one of two possible states.一种可能性的:仅存在于两种可能状态中的一种的美国传统〔reconvert〕To undergo or cause to undergo conversion to a previous state or condition.恢复原状,使恢复原状:向或使之向原来的状态或情况转变美国传统〔red alert〕All the hospitals are on red alert.所有医院都处于紧急待命状态。朗文当代〔regeneration〕The act or process of regenerating or the state of being regenerated.再生:再生的行为或过程或被再生的状态美国传统〔regress〕The patient is regressing to a childlike state.病人开始退化至孩童状态。韦氏高阶〔respect〕The state of being regarded with honor or esteem.被尊敬或尊重地对待的状态美国传统〔reverie〕A state of abstracted musing; daydreaming.幻想,白日梦:一种抽象冥想状态;白日作梦美国传统〔roadblock〕Something, such as a situation or condition, that prevents further progress toward an accomplishment.障碍:一种阻止进一步发展的情形或状态美国传统〔rudderless〕That country was divided and rudderless.该国处于分裂及无领导状态。英汉大词典〔semiconscious〕The victim was semiconscious and could barely talk.受害者处于半意识状态,基本上无法说话。韦氏高阶〔shape〕After the night before, he was in rough shape.经历了前一天晚上的事情,他的状态差极了。牛津搭配〔state〕For the first few months after Daniel died, I was in a state of clinical depression.丹尼尔去世后的最初几个月里,我一直处于临床抑郁症的状态。柯林斯高阶〔state〕Give me the keys - you're not in a state to drive.把钥匙给我——你状态不佳,不能开车。剑桥高阶〔strength〕The state, property, or quality of being strong.力量:有力的状态,特征或品质美国传统〔stretch〕The act of stretching or the state of being stretched.伸展:伸展的动作或被伸长的状态美国传统〔study〕Goodall was studying the behavior of chimpanzees in the wild.古多尔在研究处于野生状态的大猩猩的行为。朗文当代〔such〕She hasn't been in such good spirits lately.她最近难得有如此高昂的精神状态。韦氏高阶〔support〕The state of being supported.被支持的状态美国传统〔tension〕The condition of so being stretched; tautness.绷紧状态:被这样拉紧的状态;拉紧状态美国传统〔torpor〕He had slumped into a state of torpor from which nothing could rouse him.他陷入麻木状态,任何事都不能令他振奋。柯林斯高阶〔tuberosity〕The quality or condition of being tuberous.枯节,块茎状:有块茎的状态或性质美国传统〔ubiety〕The condition of being located in a particular place.位置:位于一个特定地点的状态美国传统〔vacuum casting〕The casting of metals under a vacuum.真空铸造:在真空状态下的金属铸造美国传统〔vapor pressure〕The pressure exerted by a vapor in equilibrium with its solid or liquid phase.蒸汽气压:在蒸汽和其固体或液体状态平衡状况下产生的压力美国传统〔visibility〕The fact, state, or degree of being visible.可见性,清晰程度:能看见的事实、状态和程度美国传统〔war〕The army had been placed on a war footing.部队是按战备状态部署的。牛津搭配〔wedlock〕The state of being married; matrimony.已婚状态;婚姻美国传统〔whirlwind〕He had been swept aside in the whirlwind of reform and anarchy.在改革和无政府状态交织的混乱风暴中, 他被抛在了一边, 无人理睬。外研社新世纪〔wild〕There are very few pandas living in the wild now.现在只有极少数的大熊猫处于野生状态。朗文当代〔worn out〕Before the race, he is fine. But afterwards he is worn out.赛前他状态很好,赛后就筋疲力尽了。柯林斯高阶〔writhe〕To twist, as in pain, struggle, or embarrassment.挣扎:扭动,挣扎,如在痛苦、斗争中或在尴尬的状态下美国传统〔zone〕When he's in the zone like that, I don't think he can miss.当他达到这种最佳状态时, 我认为他不会失误。外研社新世纪After a bad year, she has regained her form.一年屡遭败绩后,她又重新恢复了状态。剑桥国际He was in a complete state of bewilderment and did not know what to do next.他处于一个彻底困惑的状态,不知道下一步该怎么做。剑桥国际Restoring the house to its original condition would be problematical because of its age and bad condition.由于年久失修,要把这房子回复到原来的状态很难办。剑桥国际These children were in a state of virtual neglect. 这些孩子实际上处于无人照管的状态。译典通When a hypnotist puts you in(to) a trance, you no longer have conscious control of yourself and you do whatever the hypnotist says.当催眠士使你陷入催眠状态时,你不再能清醒地控制你自己,你就按催眠士说的去做。剑桥国际




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