

单词 的标签
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕Take care to label all the disks with the correct file names. 在所有磁盘上小心贴好标有正确文件名的标签。朗文写作活用〔LET/ALLOW〕Some manufacturers see the current labelling regulations as licence to mislead shoppers. 一些制造商把现行的标签法规当作误导消费者的许可证。朗文写作活用〔MATERIAL〕Poisonous substances, such as garden chemicals, should be clearly labelled. 像园艺化学制品之类的有毒物质应该贴上醒目的标签。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕The new labelling is more succinct and advises consumers simply that oat bran may help prevent heart disease. 新的标签更加简洁扼要,只忠告消费者说燕麦麸有助于预防心脏病。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕Let's have a look at the label on those trousers. Are they washable? 我们来看看那条裤子上的标签,能不能水洗?朗文写作活用〔break away〕Aboriginal art has finally gained recognition and broken away from being labelled as 'primitive' or 'exotic'.土著艺术最终获得了承认,并摆脱了“原始”或“异域情调”的标签。柯林斯高阶〔care〕A label on the box read: 'Glass-handle with care'.箱子上的标签写着:“玻璃品 - 小心轻放。”牛津搭配〔care〕The label on the box said ‘Handle with care'.箱子的标签上写着“小心轻放”。麦克米伦高阶〔catch-all〕All unpackaged fresh fruit and vegetables must state their country of origin. Gone is the ambiguous, catch-all 'imported' label.所有散装的水果和蔬菜必须标明其出产国。不再使用“进口”这一模糊、笼统的标签。外研社新世纪〔confusion〕To avoid confusion, label each box clearly.为了避免混乱,给每一个盒子贴上清楚的标签。牛津搭配〔design〕The new label design provides nutrition facts.新的标签设计提供营养成分表。牛津搭配〔directive〕Thanks to a new EU directive, insecticide labelling will be more specific.根据欧盟的一项新指令, 杀虫剂的标签标注将更加明确。外研社新世纪〔directive〕Thanks to a new EU directive, insecticide labelling will be more specific.根据欧盟的一项新指令,杀虫剂的标签标注将更加明确。柯林斯高阶〔docket〕A label or ticket affixed to a package listing the contents or directions for assembling or operating.明细表:附在包裹上的标签,记有所装物品的组装或操作指南美国传统〔guarantee〕The label on this bread says it is guaranteed free of/from preservatives (= it contains no preservatives).这种面包的标签上写着保证不含防腐剂。剑桥高阶〔handle〕A label on the crate read: 'Handle with care'.板条箱上的标签写着“小心轻放”。牛津搭配〔handle〕The label on the box said: ‘Fragile. Handle with care. ’ 箱子上的标签写着:“易碎品,小心轻放。”牛津高阶〔hangtag〕A tag attached to a piece of merchandise giving information about its composition and proper care and use.商品标签:系在货物上用以提供有关成分、正确贮藏和使用方法的标签美国传统〔indelible〕The label pinned to Helen's coat was in indelible ink.别在海伦大衣上的标签是用不褪色墨水写成的。外研社新世纪〔itch〕The label on this shirt itches me.这件衬衫上的标签刺得我发痒。朗文当代〔label〕He peered at the label on the bottle.他仔细地看着瓶上的标签。柯林斯高阶〔label〕He peered at the label on the bottle.他瞟了一眼瓶子上的标签。外研社新世纪〔label〕He seems to be stuck with the label of "troublemaker".他好像被人贴上了“麻烦制造者”的标签。剑桥高阶〔label〕Some people describe him as “selfish,” but he doesn't deserve that label.有人将他描述为“自私”,但他不该被贴上那样的标签。韦氏高阶〔label〕The bottles got wet and all the labels came off.瓶子弄湿了, 所有的标签都掉了。外研社新世纪〔label〕The luggage is properly label(l)ed for London.行李上正确无误地贴好了运往伦敦的标签。英汉大词典〔label〕The produce was labelled 'Made in China'.农产品上标有“中国制造”的标签。外研社新世纪〔label〕The steel can was labelled “flammable”.这个钢罐贴有“易燃品”的标签。21世纪英汉〔label〕They are afraid to contact the social services in case they are labelled a problem family.由于害怕被贴上“问题家庭”的标签, 他们不敢联系社会福利机构。外研社新世纪〔label〕They are afraid to contact the social services in case they are labelled a problem family.由于害怕被贴上“问题家庭”的标签,他们不敢联系社会福利机构。柯林斯高阶〔lead〕We've been led to believe that the labels on food items disclose all ingredients, but it's becoming clear that this is not the case.我们被误导认为食物上的标签标出了所有的配料,但是渐渐发现,事实并非如此。韦氏高阶〔make〕The label on the box said "made in China".盒子上的标签写着“中国制造”。剑桥高阶〔mercenary〕He has been branded a mercenary for his frequent moves between clubs.他因在俱乐部之间频繁转会而被贴上唯利是图的标签。外研社新世纪〔misbrand〕To brand or label misleadingly or fraudulently.错贴标签,贴假标签:给贴上有错误引导倾向的或欺骗性的标签美国传统〔molester〕He'd been publicly labelled a child molester.他已被公开贴上儿童性骚扰者的标签。外研社新世纪〔price tag〕A label attached to a piece of merchandise indicating its price.价格标签:附在货物上表明价格的标签美国传统〔properly〕The boxes were not properly labeled.这些箱子的标签贴错了。韦氏高阶〔say〕It says on the bottle to take three tabletsa day.瓶子的标签上写着一日服用三片。剑桥高阶〔scrape〕The bottle's label had been scraped away.瓶子上的标签被刮掉了。麦克米伦高阶〔sticker〕One that sticks, as a gummed or adhesive label or patch.粘附物:粘着的东西,如涂有胶或粘着剂的标签或纸块美国传统〔stick〕Stick a numbered label on each case.把每个箱子贴上标了号的标签。外研社新世纪〔tab〕Move between pages by clicking on the tabs at the top of the screen.点击屏幕上方的标签转换页面。剑桥高阶〔tag〕Have you tied the airline tags on the luggage? 你已把航空公司的标签系上行李了吗? 英汉大词典〔tag〕The items were tagged for the sale.这些商品贴上了特价出售的标签。韦氏高阶〔tally〕A label, ticket, or piece of metal or wood used for identification or classification, especially in gardens and greenhouses.标志牌:用来识别名称或分类的金属或木制的标签、小条或小块,尤指在花园和暖房里美国传统〔tear〕She tore the label off the suitcase.她扯掉了手提箱上的标签。牛津搭配〔ticket〕An identifying or descriptive tag attached to merchandise; a label.标签,票签:贴在商品上的标明性或描述性的标签;标签美国传统〔tickle〕The tag on the sweater tickled his neck.毛衣上的标签弄得他脖子发痒。韦氏高阶〔tie〕I tied a label to my suitcase with my name and address on it.我把一个写着我姓名、地址的标签系在手提箱上。外研社新世纪All his suitcases were tagged with his name and address. 他所有的手提箱都贴著有他名字和地址的标签。译典通Apparently, we have to change all the labels on the books during the next week.看来下个星期我们得把书上的标签全都换了。剑桥国际His battered old car was covered in jokey stickers which said things like “My other car's a Porsche.” 的又旧又破的汽车上贴满了滑稽的标签,写着“我另一辆车是一辆波尔施”之类的话。剑桥国际I consider myself a feminist, but I hate the labels and separatism.我认为自己是个女权主义者,但我憎恨形形色色的标签以及分离主义。剑桥国际It would be a crime to dignify this rhyme with the label poetry.给这篇韵文贴上诗歌的标签来抬高它简直是罪过。剑桥国际The label on the bottle said ‘sterile until opened’.瓶上的标签写着‘开瓶前无菌’。剑桥国际The label on the bottle says the dose is three of the pills with every meal.瓶子上的标签说,用量是每餐3颗药丸。剑桥国际The label on the bottle says“Twist cap to open', but I can't get it off.瓶子上的标签写着“拧开瓶盖”,但我拧不开。剑桥国际The label on the box said ‘Made in China’.盒上的标签写着“中国制造”。剑桥国际The label on the packet indicated all the ingredients in the biscuits.小包上的标签标示了饼干的所有成分。剑桥国际The label on this bread says it is guaranteed free of/ from preservatives (= it contains no preservatives).这个面包上的标签说保证不含防腐剂。剑桥国际The parcel had a label on it saying ‘Handle with care’.包裹上的标签写着“小心轻放”。剑桥国际The system prints out labels for use in packing and shipping.这套系统可以打印用于包装及运输的标签。牛津商务These suits have designer names and a price tag to match.这些服装的标签上写有设计者的名字和价格。剑桥国际They were forced to change the labelling on their products.他们被迫更换产品上的标签。牛津商务




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