

单词 善意
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔amity〕a demonstration of amity and goodwill友好和善意的表示外研社新世纪〔benevolence〕do sth. out of pure benevolence 完全出于善意做某事英汉大词典〔bona fides〕bona [feminine of] bonus [good] bona bonus的阴性词 [善意的] 美国传统〔bona fide〕bonā [feminine ablative of] bonus [good] bonā bonus的阴性夺格词 [善意的] 美国传统〔companionable〕companionable laughter 善意的笑韦氏高阶〔contempt〕treat sb.'s “good will” with contempt 对某人的“善意”嗤之以鼻英汉大词典〔faith〕act in good faith 出于善意行事英汉大词典〔friendly〕a friendly warning 善意的告诫英汉大词典〔gentle〕a gentle hint 善意的暗示英汉大词典〔gentle〕a gentle sense of humor 善意的幽默感韦氏高阶〔gesture〕a gesture of goodwill 善意的表示韦氏高阶〔gesture〕a gesture of support/solidarity/goodwill 表示支持/团结/善意的姿态麦克米伦高阶〔good faith〕a gesture of good faith 善意的表示牛津高阶〔good faith〕a good-faith effort 善意之举韦氏高阶〔impute〕imputed the rocket failure to a faulty gasket; kindly imputed my clumsiness to inexperience. 把火箭发射失败的责任归咎于有故障的垫圈;善意地将我的笨拙归咎于缺乏经验美国传统〔intentioned〕a well-intentioned lie 善意的谎言[好心人]文馨英汉〔interest〕return the blow (sb.'s kindness) with interest 加重回击(报答某人的善意)英汉大词典〔kindhearted〕a kindhearted gesture 善意的手势韦氏高阶〔kindly〕a kindly smile 善意的微笑韦氏高阶〔lie〕those little white lies that we all tell 我们都会说的那些善意的小谎言朗文当代〔meaning〕a well-meaning fellow; ill-meaning intentions. 一个善意的伙计;不怀好意的企图美国传统〔meaning〕a well-meaning man 善意的人英汉大词典〔measure〕a measure of good-will. 有分寸的善意美国传统〔part〕take a joke in good part. 善意地开玩笑美国传统〔reign〕argue for the reign of good will 主张善意占上风英汉大词典〔transcend〕kindness that transcends mere courtesy决非仅是礼节性的善意21世纪英汉〔unappreciated〕an unappreciated gesture of good will. 不受赏识的善意表示美国传统〔unrewarded〕unrewarded kindness 没有得到报偿的友好善意 英汉大词典〔well meaning〕a well-meaning attempt to be helpful 尝试帮忙的善意举动牛津高阶〔well meant〕well-meant comments 善意的批评牛津高阶〔well-intentioned〕a well-intentioned but clumsy waiter; well-intentioned criticism. 一位好心但笨拙的侍者;善意的批评美国传统〔well-intentioned〕a well-intentioned lie 善意的谎言文馨英汉〔well-intentioned〕well-intentioned people/acts/remarks 出于好心的人们/善意的行为/善意的话麦克米伦高阶〔well-meant〕well-meant admonitions. 善意的告诫美国传统〔whiteness〕practitioners of white magic. 施善意法术的人柯林斯高阶a gesture of good faith 善意的表示牛津商务




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