

单词 犯罪的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ACCUSE〕an official statement accusing someone of a crime 指控某人犯罪的正式声明朗文写作活用〔ACCUSE〕someone who is accused of a crime in a trial 审讯中被指控犯罪的人朗文写作活用〔anticrime〕anticrime bugging 防止犯罪的(电话)窃听文馨英汉〔banish〕an immigrant whose citizenship was revoked and who was expatriated because he had concealed his criminal record. 这位移民因为隐瞒了犯罪的事实被取消了国籍并被驱逐出境。美国传统〔buster〕a crime buster. 惩治犯罪的人美国传统〔bust〕crime-busting laws 打击犯罪的法律朗文当代〔chargeable〕an act chargeable under federal law 依据联邦法律可能被控犯罪的行为韦氏高阶〔citywide〕a citywide outbreak of crimes against vehicles 全市范围内车辆犯罪的激增剑桥高阶〔crime〕a child who has just witnessed a violent crime 刚刚亲眼目睹了一起暴力犯罪的孩子牛津搭配〔crime〕a crime novel (TV show) 描写犯罪的小说 (电视剧) 英汉大词典〔crime〕attempts to prevent hacking and computer crime 防止黑客非法入侵和计算机犯罪的种种努力牛津搭配〔crime〕crime prevention 防止犯罪的措施朗文当代〔crime〕the danger of copycat crimes in the wake of the shootings 继几起枪击事件之后出现模仿犯罪的风险牛津搭配〔crime〕the growing problem of organised crime. 有组织犯罪的问题越来越严重柯林斯高阶〔crime〕tough on crime (=always punishing crime severely) 对犯罪的强硬态度朗文当代〔delinquency〕an increase in juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪的增加牛津高阶〔deterrent〕a deterrent to crime 对犯罪的威慑牛津搭配〔disposition〕a disposition towards criminal behaviour 犯罪的倾向麦克米伦高阶〔drift into〕young people who drift into crime不知不觉参与犯罪的年轻人外研社新世纪〔drive〕a nationwide drive to crack down on crime 打击犯罪的全国性运动朗文当代〔epidemic〕a crime epidemic 犯罪的泛滥韦氏高阶〔felonious〕felonious intent. 犯罪的意图美国传统〔get-tough〕the government's new get-tough policy on organized crime. 政府对有组织犯罪的新的严厉政策美国传统〔hand up〕to hand up a charge or an indictment(大陪审团)上报(某人犯罪的)控告书21世纪英汉〔hotbed〕a hotbed of disease and crime 滋生疾病和犯罪的温床英汉大词典〔ineffectiveness〕the ineffectiveness of some of the police's anti-crime strategies警方某些打击犯罪的策略毫无作用外研社新世纪〔lapse〕a lapse into crime 滑入犯罪的泥坑英汉大词典〔locality〕the locality of a crime 犯罪的现场英汉大词典〔marked〕a marked increase in crimes against property侵占财产犯罪的明显增加外研社新世纪〔nest〕a nest of criminal activity. 犯罪的温床美国传统〔organized crime〕the battle being waged against organised crime. 开展的打击有组织犯罪的斗争柯林斯高阶〔prevention〕crime prevention projects 预防犯罪的计划麦克米伦高阶〔progressive〕progressive ideas on how to deal with street crime应对街头犯罪的新思想外研社新世纪〔smell〕to smell foul play感到了犯罪的迹象21世纪英汉〔strategy〕a strategy for dealing with crime 对付犯罪的行动计划朗文当代〔study〕produce an informative study of juvenile delinquency 写出一篇资料翔实的有关少年犯罪的研究报告英汉大词典〔tough love〕the activities of black communities in identifying their own law-breaking youths and then administering tough love. 黑人社区找出区内违法犯罪的青少年并施以严爱的活动柯林斯高阶〔twinge〕a twinge of guilt. 犯罪的愧疚美国传统〔victim〕victims of crime 犯罪的受害者剑桥高阶〔victim〕victims of crime 犯罪的受害者牛津高阶




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