

单词 one by one
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔APPEAR〕As the sky grew darker, the stars came out one by one. 天色渐暗,星星一颗颗地出来了。朗文写作活用〔BURN〕She lit a fire and burned his letters one by one. 她点了火,把他的信一封接一封地烧掉了。朗文写作活用〔DELIBERATELY〕She got rid of her victims one by one, with cold and calculated precision. 她一个个地除掉了她的迫害对象,手法冷酷,计划精到。朗文写作活用〔DOWN〕According to the only survivor, his comrades went under one by one. 根据唯一的幸存者描述,他的同伴一个接一个地沉了下去。朗文写作活用〔ORDER〕One by one, the students were called in to be interviewed. 学生一个一个地被叫进去面试。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕The stars appeared one by one in the sky. 星星一颗接一颗地在天空中出现。朗文写作活用〔against the clock〕One by one the skiers sped downhill, racing against the clock.滑雪选手一个接一个滑下了山,分别计时。韦氏高阶〔announce〕One by one the guests were announced.来宾的名字一个接一个地通报了。外研社新世纪〔by〕One by one the men came forward to receive their medals.那些人一个一个地上来领取奖章。麦克米伦高阶〔by〕One by one, the men stepped forward.那些人一个一个走上前来。朗文当代〔by〕The children have one by one fallen asleep.孩子们一个个睡著了。文馨英汉〔call over〕I had to call over the items one by one on the list.我只好把清单上列的项目一个个地念一遍。21世纪英汉〔check〕One by one he checked them off on his register.他在登记表上逐一给它们打钩。朗文当代〔contest〕The contestants are eliminated one by one until the last two compete in a head-to-head contest.参赛选手一个一个被淘汰,最后只剩下两名选手一对一较量。牛津搭配〔count〕To name or list (the units of a group or collection) one by one in order to determine a total; number.算出总数:一个接一个地说出或列出(一群或一组中的各个单位)以得其总数;计数美国传统〔deliberately〕Calmly and deliberately, she cut up his suits one by one.她平静从容地把他的西服一件一件剪成碎片。剑桥高阶〔die off〕The animals died off one by one.动物一个个相继死去。韦氏高阶〔die〕Her few remaining kinsfolk died off one by one.她仅存的几位亲属也相继去世。英汉大词典〔disappear〕One by one his symptoms disappeared.他的症状一个一个地消失了。21世纪英汉〔discover〕One by one these old fishing villages have been “discovered” by a prominent painter.由于一个著名画家的介绍,这些古老的渔村一个个逐渐为人们所知晓。英汉大词典〔drift off〕One by one the lovers drifted off into the moonlight.情人们成双成对地在月光下漫步。21世纪英汉〔fall off〕His friends fell off one by one when he was in adversity.在他身处逆境时,他的朋友一个接一个离他而去。21世纪英汉〔fall〕His friends fell off one by one.他的朋友一个一个地跟他疏远了。英汉大词典〔fan〕Korontzis picked up his hand slowly and fanned out the cards one by one.科龙奇斯慢慢抬起手,一张一张地把牌展开。柯林斯高阶〔grub up〕One by one, orchards were grubbed up.果园被一个接一个地铲掉了。柯林斯高阶〔methodical〕He went through the papers methodically, one by one.他一份接一份有条不紊地审查这些文件。朗文当代〔narrate〕One by one the witnesses narrated the sequence of events which led up to the disaster.目击者一个接一个地叙述了导致惨祸发生的一系列事件。剑桥高阶〔obeisance〕One by one the noblemen made their obeisances (= bent at the waist) to the queen.贵族们一一向女王鞠躬行礼。剑桥高阶〔obeisance〕One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.他们挨个儿走上前去,勉强地咕哝出几句欢迎词,生硬地鞠躬致礼。柯林斯高阶〔obeisance〕One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.他们挨个儿走上前去, 勉强地咕哝出几句欢迎词, 生硬地鞠躬致礼。外研社新世纪〔one by one〕One by one the old buildings in the city have been demolished and replaced with new high rises.这座城市里的旧楼一幢接一幢地被拆除,取而代之的是现代化的高楼大厦。剑桥高阶〔one by one〕The performers took the stage one by one.演员们逐一登场。韦氏高阶〔one by one〕They entered the room one by one.他们一个接一个走进房间。剑桥高阶〔one〕One by one each soldier approached the coffin and gave a final salute.士兵们逐个走到灵柩前致以最后的敬礼。朗文当代〔one〕One by one the houses burst into flames.房子一幢接一幢地燃起熊熊大火。柯林斯高阶〔one〕I went through the items on the list one by one.我逐条看了清单上的条目。牛津高阶〔one〕We went into the room one by one.我们挨个儿走进房间。柯林斯高阶〔one〕We went into the room one by one.我们挨个儿走进房间。外研社新世纪〔peel away〕The fighting planes,flying in formation, one by one, peeled away to left and right.编队飞行的战斗机一架架地向左右两边飞离编队。21世纪英汉〔peel〕One by one the aircraft started to peel off.飞机一架接一架脱离了编队。麦克米伦高阶〔pick〕The hunter picked the ducks off one by one.猎人把鸭子一个个击中美国传统〔snuff sth out〕One by one she snuffed out the candles.她把蜡烛一支支地吹灭。剑桥高阶〔snuff〕One by one she snuffed the candles.她把蜡烛一支支地吹灭。剑桥高阶One by one she snuffed (out) the candles.她把蜡烛一支支地熄灭。剑桥国际One by one, the prime minister's supporters fell away (= stopped supporting him/her).首相的支持者们一个一个地背弃了他。剑桥国际Give me your answers one by one starting off with Lucy.一个挨一个地回答问题,从露西开始。剑桥国际He ticked the items delivered one by one. 他把交付的物品一项项作了记号。译典通The noblemen came forward one by one and made their obeisances (= bent at the waist) to the Queen.贵族们一个接着一个地走上前,向女王行礼。剑桥国际The snipers picked the soldiers off one by one as they ran for cover.当士兵们跑向掩蔽物时,阻击手逐个瞄准射击。剑桥国际The ticket agent checked in the passengers one by one. 售票员逐一登记乘客。译典通




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