

单词 犯人
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔RUDE〕rude and offensive words 粗鲁和冒犯人的话语朗文写作活用〔abominable〕abominable treatment of prisoners. 对犯人进行令人发指的虐待美国传统〔abuse〕human rights abuses 侵犯人权的行为英汉大词典〔aggression〕an aggression against personal liberty 侵犯人身自由的行为英汉大词典〔blanket〕blanket sanctions against human-rights violators. 对侵犯人权者的所有的制裁美国传统〔controversy〕a fierce political controversy over human rights abuses. 关于侵犯人权问题的激烈的政治辩论柯林斯高阶〔convict〕a convicted criminal 已经定罪的犯人韦氏高阶〔death row〕death row inmates 死囚区犯人韦氏高阶〔death row〕prisoners on death row 死囚区的犯人牛津高阶〔delinquency〕delinquency on human rights 侵犯人权英汉大词典〔deportation〕deportation of criminals from England to Australia 将犯人从英格兰驱逐到澳州文馨英汉〔escort〕to escort a prisoner.押送犯人。牛津同义词〔example〕made an example of the offender. 警告犯人美国传统〔facility〕prisoners in state and federal facilities 关押在州与联邦监狱中的犯人牛津搭配〔gear〕a prison policy which has been geared to punishment rather than rehabilitation旨在对犯人施以惩罚而非使其改过自新的监狱政策外研社新世纪〔gross〕soldiers accused of gross violations of human rights 被指控严重侵犯人权的士兵朗文当代〔handcuff〕handcuff a prisoner 给犯人戴上手铐韦氏高阶〔ill-treatment〕ill-treatment of prisoners 对犯人的虐待文馨英汉〔ill-treat〕the ill-treatment of prisoners 对犯人的虐待牛津高阶〔incommunicado〕a prisoner held incommunicado; incommunicado political detainees. 被单独禁闭的犯人;无法与外界接触的政治拘留者美国传统〔individual〕consider the cases of individual prisoners 分别审议各犯人的个案英汉大词典〔infringement〕the infringement of human freedom 侵犯人身自由英汉大词典〔inmate〕inmates serving lengthy terms 服长期徒刑的犯人牛津搭配〔intercede〕to intercede with the authority for a condemned man替犯人向当局说情21世纪英汉〔iron〕iron a prisoner 给犯人上镣铐英汉大词典〔judgment〕pass judgment on a prisoner 对犯人作出宣判英汉大词典〔kill〕the first person to be put to death in San Quentin jail 圣昆丁监狱内首名被处死的犯人朗文当代〔lock〕to lock up a prisoner把犯人关起来21世纪英汉〔march〕march the prisoners directly from jails to the boats 把犯人从监狱直接押送上船英汉大词典〔maw〕prisoners falling into the gaping maw of the criminal justice system 落入刑事司法系统这个巨大法网的犯人韦氏高阶〔oversaw〕to oversee prisoners看管犯人21世纪英汉〔remand〕remand prisoners 在押犯人朗文当代〔remit〕remit a prisoner's sentence (punishment) 赦免犯人的徒刑(处罚) 英汉大词典〔second-degree〕second-degree murder/assault/felony 二级谋杀/侵犯人身/重罪剑桥高阶〔secure〕keep a prisoner secure 把犯人严严实实监禁着英汉大词典〔shake〕shook down the prisoners' cells for hidden weapons. 彻底搜查犯人牢房以查出隐藏的武器美国传统〔stay〕granted a stay to the prisoner's execution. 批准对犯人缓刑美国传统〔stay〕stay a prisoner's execution. 延缓一犯人的行刑美国传统〔trample〕trample on human rights 侵犯人权英汉大词典〔violate〕regimes that violate human rights 侵犯人权的政权朗文当代




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