

单词 企业倒闭
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAIL〕Several thousands of small businesses fail each week. 每周都有几千家小企业倒闭。朗文写作活用〔bad debt〕The bank set aside £1.1 billion to cover bad debts from business failures.银行留出11亿英镑以抵消因企业倒闭而产生的坏账。柯林斯高阶〔bite〕Thousands of small businesses bite the dust every year.每年有数以千计的小企业倒闭。牛津高阶〔business〕This new tax will put a lot of small firms out of business (= they will stop operating).这项新的税收将导致许多小企业倒闭。剑桥高阶〔failure〕Business failures in Scotland rose 10% last year.去年苏格兰的企业倒闭现象上升了 10%。朗文当代〔receiver〕His business has failed and is in the hands of the official receiver.他的企业倒闭了,现在由法院指定的财产管理人管理。英汉大词典〔rise〕The number of business failures has risen.企业倒闭的数量增加了。柯林斯高阶Cheap imported goods are ruining many businesses (= forcing them to close).廉价的进口货物正在使许多企业倒闭。剑桥国际He started to write for a living after his business failed.他的企业倒闭后,他开始靠写作为生。剑桥国际If a business goes bust, equity investors are at the back of the queue.如果企业倒闭,股票投资者将最后得到清偿。牛津商务Last year there were a large number of new business starts, and new business failures. 去年创办了许多新企业,也有很多新企业倒闭了。牛津商务




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