

单词 盒里
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕The computers remained in their boxes until enough money was found to buy the software needed to operate them. 那些电脑一直放在包装盒里,直到有了足够的钱去买操作软件。朗文写作活用〔CONVENIENT〕Many fruit juices are now available in handy little cartons. 现在许多水果汁都装在便于使用的小纸盒里出售。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The trouble was caused by a loose connection in the fuse box. 问题是由保险丝盒里一处接触点松动而造成的。朗文写作活用〔boxed in〕He reached into the cardboard box beside him.他把手伸进身边的纸板盒里。柯林斯高阶〔box〕I'll put the messages in your box.我把这些信件放到你的文件盒里。韦氏高阶〔cartridge〕The printer has a monitor which displays the ink levels of each cartridge.这种打印机上有个监视器, 可以显示各墨盒里的墨量。外研社新世纪〔case〕He put the binoculars back in their carrying case.他把双筒望远镜放回到便携盒里。牛津搭配〔enclose〕The ring is enclosed in a plastic case.戒指装在一个塑料盒里。牛津搭配〔extrude〕I extruded three ice cubes from their rubber coffin in the freezer.我从他们冰箱的橡胶冰盒里挤出三块冰块。外研社新世纪〔lock away〕She meticulously cleaned the gun and locked it away in its case.她一丝不苟地把枪擦拭干净, 锁在了枪盒里。外研社新世纪〔lock away〕She meticulously cleaned the gun and locked it away in its case.她小心翼翼地把枪擦拭干净,放进枪盒里锁好。柯林斯高阶〔lunch box〕Magnus put oatcakes and cheese into his lunch box and went quickly outside.马格努斯把燕麦饼和干酪放进午餐盒里, 然后快步走了出去。外研社新世纪〔mirror〕There's a little mirror in my compact that you can use.我的粉盒里有一面小镜子, 你可以用。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕Passersby on the street pitched coins into her open guitar case as she played.当她弹奏时,大街上的路人往她的空吉他盒里扔硬币。韦氏高阶〔relic〕The relics were discovered in a lead box in the ruins of an abbey.在一所修道院的废墟中发现了装在铅盒里的圣髑。牛津搭配〔rough〕She pulled a couple of rough brown paper towels out of the dispenser.她从纸巾盒里抽出几张粗糙的棕色纸巾。外研社新世纪〔rummage〕Have a rummage in my jewellery box and see if you can find something you like.在我的首饰盒里翻翻,看有没有你喜欢的。朗文当代〔several〕Several blue plastic boxes under the window were filled with record albums.窗下的几个蓝色塑料盒里装满了唱片。柯林斯高阶〔shave〕He shaved some butter from the container.他从盒里刮了点儿黄油。韦氏高阶〔six-pack〕Six units of a commodity, especially six cans or bottles of a beverage, such as beer, sold in a pack.装备六个瓶装食品的纸匣:某商品的六个单位,尤指在一个包装盒里装有六瓶或六听饮料,例如啤酒美国传统〔sneak〕He sneaked some cigarettes out of my box.他从我的烟盒里偷了几支烟。21世纪英汉〔swizz〕The packet's half empty – what a swizz! 包装盒里一半是空的 — 真是骗人!朗文当代〔transparent〕Grow the bulbs in a transparent plastic box, so the children can see the roots growing.把球茎种在透明的塑料盒里,这样孩子们就能看到根的生长。剑桥高阶〔tuck〕The envelope was tucked away in her jewel box.信封藏在她的首饰盒里。朗文当代〔warp〕Left out in the heat of the sun, tapes easily warp or get stuck in their cases.如果放在太阳下暴晒,磁带很容易翘曲或在磁带盒里黏结。柯林斯高阶Be careful buying a new printer ribbon, each model uses a different size cartridge.买打印色带时要注意,每种型号都装在不同尺寸的带盒里。剑桥国际Each store offers a striking display of special-offer cans and packages invitingly spilling out of cardboard boxes.每家商店都醒目地排列着从厚纸板盒里诱人地散落出来的特价罐头和小包小盒。剑桥国际She keeps her diamond bracelet in a jewel case/box in her bedroom.她把钻石手镯放在卧室的珠宝盒里。剑桥国际She kept the buttons in an old ice-cream container.她把钮扣放在一个旧冰淇淋盒里。剑桥国际The film comes in a cartridge which simply snaps in to the back of the camera.胶卷装在胶卷盒里,只需简单地快速装入照相机后面。剑桥国际The necklace reposed in its case.项链放在首饰盒里。剑桥国际The plants are in a transparent plastic box, so the children can see the roots growing.植物在一个透明的塑料盒里,所以孩子们能够看到根的生长。剑桥国际We can bring a picnic dinner in the small cooler.我们可以把野餐食物放在小冰盒里。剑桥国际We got her a pen as a leaving present, all nicely presented in a gift box.我们送给她一支钢笔作为告别礼物,漂漂亮亮地包装在一个礼品盒里。剑桥国际




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