

单词 水泡
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arch〕After hiking all day, his toes were blistered and his arches hurt.徒步旅行了一天后, 他脚趾起了水泡, 脚背也很疼。外研社新世纪〔bathe〕She paused long enough to bathe her blistered feet.她把双脚长时间泡在水中,以充分浸泡长满水泡的脚。柯林斯高阶〔boil〕I'll boil the kettle and make some tea.我来烧壶开水泡点茶。牛津高阶〔bothered〕I was bothered about the blister on my hand.手上起的水泡让我心烦。外研社新世纪〔bothered〕I was bothered about the blister on my hand.手上起的水泡让我心烦。柯林斯高阶〔bubble〕The act or process of forming bubbles.形成水泡:形成水泡的行为或过程美国传统〔bulla〕Pathology A large blister or vesicle.【病理学】 大水疱或水泡美国传统〔burst〕It is not a good idea to burst a blister.把水泡挑破不是个好主意。柯林斯高阶〔first-degree burn〕A mild burn that produces redness of the skin but no blistering.第一度灼伤,一度烧伤:使皮肤变红但不引起水泡的轻度的烧伤美国传统〔herpes simplex〕A recurrent viral disease caused by the herpes simplex virus, type one, and marked by the eruption of fluid-containing vesicles on the mouth, lips, or face.单纯性疱疹一型:由单纯性疱疹病毒引起的一种复发性的病毒性疾病,一型的特征为嘴、嘴唇或脸上有含有水泡美国传统〔herpes simplex〕A recurrent viral disease caused by the herpes simplex virus, type two, and marked by the eruption of fluid-containing vesicles on the genitals.单纯性疱疹二型:由单纯性疱疹病毒引起的一种复发性的病毒性疾病,二型的特征为生殖器上有水泡美国传统〔herpes〕Any of several viral diseases causing the eruption of small blisterlike vesicles on the skin or mucous membranes, especially herpes simplex or herpes zoster.疱疹:几种病毒性疾病之一,引起皮肤表层水泡状小泡或粘膜发疹,尤指单纯性疱疹或带状疱疹美国传统〔kettle〕They put the kettle on to make a cup of tea.他们坐上水壶烧水泡茶。外研社新世纪〔lather〕The shampoo lathers and foams so much it's very hard to rinse it all out.这种洗发水泡沫太多,很难冲干净。柯林斯高阶〔moleskin〕Don't forget to pack bandages, painkillers, and moleskin.不要忘了带上绷带、止疼药和防起水泡专用贴布。剑桥高阶〔phlyctena〕A small blister or vesicle, especially one of multiple blisters caused by a mild burn.小水疱:小水疱或水泡,尤指中度烧伤造成的众多水疱中的一个美国传统〔rale〕An abnormal or pathological respiratory sound.水泡音,罗音:不正常的或由疾病引起的呼吸声美国传统〔reconstitute〕Try eating reconstituted dried prunes, figs or apricots.试着吃些用水泡过的西梅干、无花果干或杏干。柯林斯高阶〔refresh〕Soak your feet in cold water to refresh them.用冷水泡脚来消除足部的疲劳。外研社新世纪〔rise〕Bubbles rose.水泡浮起。英汉大词典〔rub〕Cindy's new shoes were rubbing and giving her blisters.辛迪的新鞋子磨得她的脚都起了水泡。麦克米伦高阶〔rub〕The back of my shoe is rubbing against my heel and giving me a blister.我的脚后跟被鞋磨出了一个水泡。韦氏高阶〔second-degree burn〕A burn that blisters the skin and is more severe than a first-degree burn.二度烧伤:比一度烧伤更为严重的能使皮肤起水泡的灼伤美国传统〔steep〕She steeped the tea in boiling water.她用滚水泡茶。英汉大词典〔treat〕She treated herself to a nice hot bubble bath.她痛痛快快地让自己洗了个热水泡泡浴。麦克米伦高阶〔vacuole〕A small cavity in the cytoplasm of a cell, bound by a single membrane and containing water, food, or metabolic waste.空泡,液泡:细胞的胞体浆里的水泡,只有单层的细胞膜,里面有水、食物和新陈代谢作用的废物美国传统〔vesicular exanthema〕An acute, highly infectious viral disease of swine characterized by formation of vesicles on the snout, the mucous membranes of the mouth, and the feet.猪水疱疹,口蹄疫:猪的一种急性传染的病毒性疾病,症状是在鼻子、嘴的粘膜和脚上形成水泡美国传统Antibiotics have failed to help the injury to Fiennes's foot, which is thought to have started as a septic blister.抗生素没能治好法因斯脚上的伤口,伤口被认为是由感染的水泡引起的。剑桥国际He needled the blisters on his feet until they burst. 他挑穿了脚上的水泡。译典通Herpes causes blisters on the lips and gums.疱疹使嘴唇和齿龈起水泡。剑桥国际I bathed my feet in warm water.我用温水泡脚。剑桥国际I got blisters because I hadn't broken in my walking boots properly.我的新靴子还没穿合脚,所以我的脚起水泡了。剑桥国际I've got a blister on my left foot.我的左脚上起水泡了。剑桥国际She steeped the tea in boiling water. 她用滚开的水泡茶。译典通The first sign of the disease is the formation of blisters on the skin.这种病的最初征兆是皮肤上形成水泡。剑桥国际




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