

单词 漩涡
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Charybdis〕A whirlpool off the Sicilian coast, personified as a ship-devouring sea monster and located opposite the cave of Scylla.卡律布狄斯漩涡:西西里海岸附近的一个漩涡,位于希拉洞穴的对面,被拟人化为一个吞噬船只的海怪美国传统〔French horn〕A valved brass wind instrument that produces a mellow tone from a long, narrow tube that is coiled in a circle before ending in a flaring bell.法国号:一种有活瓣的铜管乐器,从漩涡形且端部有喇叭口的又长又细的管子里发出圆润的乐音美国传统〔Jacuzzi〕A trademark used for a whirlpool bath or a device that swirls water in a bath.佳骨肌泡沫浴装置:一种用于涡流式沐浴或用于在浴池中产生漩涡的装置的商标美国传统〔absent〕She was able to absent herselffrom trouble.她得以置身于是非漩涡之外。英汉大词典〔backset〕An eddy or countercurrent in water.逆流:水中的漩涡或逆流美国传统〔cartouche〕A structure or figure, often in the shape of an oval shield or oblong scroll, used as an architectural or graphic ornament or to bear a design or inscription.漩涡花饰:一种通常是椭圆形的盾状徽章或是长方形的漩涡装饰的结构或造型,用作建筑或雕刻的装饰物或带有一种设计图案或题字美国传统〔cartouche〕An oval or oblong figure in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that encloses characters expressing the names or epithets of royal or divine personages.漩涡花饰牌匾:古埃及象形文字中的一种椭圆形或长方形造型,里面圈有表示皇族或神职人员名字或标号的字母美国传统〔catch〕There are a lot of very dangerous whirlpools that will catch a boat and whirl it round.有许多危险的漩涡会把小船冲得打旋。外研社新世纪〔centre〕A social worker was at the centre of the scandal.一位社会工作者处于这起丑闻的漩涡之中。剑桥高阶〔churn〕The recent rain had churned up the waterfall into a muddy whirlpool.最近的一场雨把瀑布搅成了泥水漩涡。柯林斯高阶〔downward〕She was trapped in a downward spiral of personal unhappiness.她陷入了个人不幸的漩涡难以自拔。牛津高阶〔eddy〕A current, as of water or air, moving contrary to the direction of the main current, especially in a circular motion.漩涡:与主流部分流向相反的水流或气流的一部分,尤指以圆周运动方式流动美国传统〔eddy〕The eddying water made gurgling noises against the rock.水中的漩涡拍打在岩石上, 潺潺作响。外研社新世纪〔eddy〕The racing river caused swirling eddies.湍急的河水形成了许多漩涡。朗文当代〔eddy〕The water eddied around in a whirlpool.水流形成了一个漩涡。剑桥高阶〔eddy〕To cause to move in or as if in an eddy.使象漩涡一样运动,使旋转美国传统〔embossed〕The paper on the walls was pale gold, embossed with swirling leaf designs.墙纸是淡黄色的,上面饰以漩涡状叶片凸起图案。柯林斯高阶〔fearlessly〕She leapt fearlessly into the swirling waters to save him.她毫不畏惧地跳入漩涡中去救他。外研社新世纪〔gulf〕Something, such as a whirlpool, that draws down or engulfs.漩涡:拖下或吞没的东西,如漩涡美国传统〔leafage〕All four legs of the table show scrolls and leafage.桌子的四条腿都有漩涡形和叶状装饰。英汉大词典〔maelstrom〕She was caught in a maelstrom of emotions.她陷入了感情的漩涡。韦氏高阶〔maelstrom〕The ship was drawn into the maelstrom.船被卷入漩涡之中。韦氏高阶〔plunge〕The rocky cliffs plunge into the swirling rapids below.岩石峭壁陡然向下,伸入下面的漩涡急流中。韦氏高阶〔roil〕Below the bridge the river roiled in brown eddies.大桥下翻腾着棕色的漩涡。外研社新世纪〔spiral〕The company has entered a death spiral.这个公司已经进入了死亡的漩涡。牛津搭配〔suck〕The canoe was sucked down into the whirlpool.划艇被卷进了漩涡。牛津高阶〔swirl〕Pour the soup into bowls and add a swirl of cream.把汤倒进碗里并把奶油成漩涡形浇在上面。麦克米伦高阶〔volute〕A spiral, scroll-like ornament such as that used on an Ionic capital.螺旋饰:一种漩涡卷轴形饰物,如用于爱奥尼亚柱头上美国传统〔vortex〕A spiral motion of fluid within a limited area, especially a whirling mass of water or air that sucks everything near it toward its center.漩涡:在一定地域内液体的螺旋状运动,尤指把附近各种东西吸向其中心的螺旋水流或空气美国传统〔vortex〕He was caught in a swirling vortex of terror.他陷入了恐惧的漩涡。韦氏高阶〔vortex〕They were caught up in a whirling vortex of emotion.他们陷入了感情漩涡。牛津高阶〔vortex〕When marriages break down children are swept into the vortex of their parents' embittered emotions.当婚姻破裂时,孩子们也被卷进父母感情日益恶化的漩涡中。柯林斯高阶〔vortical〕Of, relating to, or moving in a vortex; whirling.漩涡的:漩涡的,与漩涡有关的,在漩涡中运动的;旋转的美国传统〔waltz〕The boat waltzed round in the eddying water.船在漩涡中快速平稳地行驶。麦克米伦高阶〔whirlpool〕She became caught in a whirlpool of hate.她陷入了仇恨的漩涡。外研社新世纪〔whirlpool〕She became caught in a whirlpool of hate.她陷入了仇恨的漩涡。柯林斯高阶〔whirlpool〕They felt they were being sucked into a whirlpool of publicity.他们觉得好像陷入了一个宣传的漩涡中。柯林斯高阶〔whirlpool〕They felt they were being sucked into a whirlpool of publicity.他们觉得自己好像陷入了一个宣传的漩涡中。外研社新世纪He lost his footing on the bridge and fell into the swirling water below.他在桥上摔了一跤,跌入桥下的漩涡中。剑桥国际The bend in the river had cause an eddy of fast swirling water.河流转弯处形成一个快速旋转的漩涡。剑桥国际The boat was sucked down into the whirlpool. 船被漩涡吞没了。译典通The water eddied around in a whirlpool.水在一个漩涡里旋转。剑桥国际They were sucked into a vortex of despair.他们被吸进了绝望的漩涡。剑桥国际




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