

单词 aegean
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aegean〕Of or relating to the Bronze Age civilization that flourished in the Aegean area, as at Crete.爱琴文化的:属于或关于兴盛于爱琴海,如克里特等地的青铜器时代文化的美国传统〔Argolis〕An inlet of the Aegean Sea on the eastern coast of the Peloponnesus in southern Greece.阿尔戈利斯:希腊南部伯罗奔尼撒东岸爱琴海的一个入口美国传统〔Black Sea〕An inland sea between Europe and Asia. It is connected with the Aegean Sea by the Bosporus, the Sea of Marmara, and the Dardanelles.黑海:欧亚之间的一个内海。通过博斯普鲁斯海峡、马尔马拉海和达达尼尔海峡与爱琴海相连美国传统〔Chalcidice〕A mountainous peninsula of northeast Greece projecting into the northern Aegean Sea with three fingerlike extensions.哈尔基季基半岛:希腊东北部一多山半岛,以三个手指状延伸突入到爱琴海北部美国传统〔Chios〕An island of eastern Greece in the Aegean Sea off the western coast of Turkey. It was noted in antiquity for its school of epic poets.希俄斯岛:希腊东部岛屿,位于土耳其西海岸外的爱琴海中。在古代因有一群史诗诗人而著名美国传统〔Crete〕A section of the southern Aegean Sea between Crete and the Cyclades Islands.克里特区:爱琴海南部克里特岛和基克拉迪群岛之间的一个区域美国传统〔Cyclades〕A group of islands of southeast Greece in the southern Aegean Sea. The name was used in ancient times for the islands surrounding the small island of Delos.基克拉泽斯:希腊东南一群岛,位于爱琴海南部。这个名字用于古代,指得洛斯小岛四周的群岛美国传统〔Dardanelles〕A strait connecting the Aegean Sea with the Sea of Marmara. In ancient times it was the scene of the legendary exploits of Hero and Leander.达达尼尔海峡,海勒斯波特:连接着爱琴海和马尔马拉海的海峡。在古代,它是海洛和莱安德传奇功绩的发生地点美国传统〔Delos〕An island of southeast Greece in the southern Aegean Sea. It is the smallest of the Cyclades Islands and was traditionally considered sacred to Apollo.得洛斯岛:希腊东南部一岛屿,位于爱琴海南部。它是基克拉迪群岛中最小的岛,传说中被视作阿波罗的圣地美国传统〔Doric〕A dialect of ancient Greek spoken in the Peloponnesus, Crete, certain of the Aegean Islands, Sicily, and southern Italy.多立斯方言:古希腊一种方言,伯罗奔尼撒、克里特岛、爱琴群岛一部分和西西里岛以及意大利南部讲此方言美国传统〔Ikaria〕An island of southeast Greece in the Aegean Sea west of Samos. According to Greek legend, Icarus plummeted into the sea near the island.伊卡里亚岛:位于希腊东南部、爱琴海中萨摩岛以西的一个岛屿。据希腊传说,伊卡罗斯就是在该岛附近坠入大海的美国传统〔Marmara〕A sea of northwest Turkey between Europe and Asia. It is connected to the Black Sea through the Bosporus and to the Aegean Sea through the Dardanelles.马尔马拉海:土耳其西北部的一个海,位于亚洲和欧洲之间。通过博斯普鲁斯海峡与黑海相连,通过达达尼尔海峡与爱琴海相连美国传统〔Mykonos〕An island of southeast Greece in the Cyclades Islands of the Aegean Sea. It is a popular resort.米可挪斯岛:希腊东南一岛屿,位于爱琴海基克拉迪群岛中。它是一个颇受欢迎的名胜区美国传统〔Pelasgian〕A member of a people living in the region of the Aegean Sea before the coming of the Greeks.佩拉斯吉人:在希腊人到来以前生活在爱琴海地区的人美国传统〔Saronic Gulf〕An arm of the Aegean Sea in southern Greece between Attica and the Peloponnesus east of Corinth. A canal links it with the Gulf of Corinth.萨罗尼克湾:希腊南部爱琴海一海湾,位于阿提卡和伯罗奔尼撒之间,科林斯以东,通过一条运河与科林斯湾相连美国传统〔Saros〕An inlet of the northeast Aegean Sea indenting northwest European Turkey north of Gallipoli.萨罗斯湾:爱琴海东北部一海湾,将土耳其欧洲部分的西北部加利波利以北呈犬牙状割开美国传统〔archipelago〕A sea, such as the Aegean, containing a large number of scattered islands.多岛屿的海:包含有大量分散岛屿的海,如爱琴海美国传统〔diving〕I'd love to go diving in the Aegean.我很想到爱琴海去潜水。牛津高阶〔humbled〕Spyros Latsis started his career as a humble fisherman in the Aegean.斯皮罗斯·拉齐斯的第一份职业是爱琴海上一名地位卑贱的渔夫。柯林斯高阶〔humble〕Spyros Latsis started his career as a humble fisherman in the Aegean.斯皮罗斯•拉齐斯是从爱琴海一名地位卑微的渔夫起家的。外研社新世纪The Pindus mountains form the watershed between rivers flowing to the Aegean Sea and to the Ionian Sea.品都斯山脉构成了流向爱琴海和爱奥尼亚海的河流的分水岭。剑桥国际




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