

单词 瞬间
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔arrived at a decision〕a split-second decision [=a decision that must be made in an instant] 必须在瞬间做出的决定韦氏高阶〔atom〕for a microscopic atom of time 一瞬间英汉大词典〔at〕at the dinner hour; at a glance. 吃饭时间;转瞬间美国传统〔bat〕in the bat of an eye 在一瞬间英汉大词典〔broadside〕the moment that the jeep braked, slewing broadside on吉普车刹车并向一侧打滑的瞬间外研社新世纪〔clink〕in a clink 一瞬间英汉大词典〔descent〕his swift descent from respected academic to struggling small businessman. 他从一名受人尊敬的学者到一个度日艰难的小商人的瞬间沦落柯林斯高阶〔fractionally〕a fractional hesitation. 瞬间的犹豫柯林斯高阶〔infinitesimal〕an infinitesimal moment in time 时间上极短的一瞬间韦氏高阶〔instant〕instant gratification. 瞬间产生的喜悦美国传统〔instant〕instant history 瞬间创造的历史英汉大词典〔minute〕at this very minute 就在这一瞬间英汉大词典〔time-lapse〕time-lapse photography 延时摄影(如对花朵开放过程分割地进行的定时拍摄,连续放映时,就能看到花朵似在瞬间开放)英汉大词典〔twinkling〕disappeared in the twinkling of an eye. 转瞬间就消失了美国传统〔twinkling〕in a twinkling 转瞬间,一眨眼工夫文馨英汉〔ultrashort〕an ultrashort flash. 瞬间的闪光美国传统




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