

单词 热带地区
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MONEY〕Many tropical countries welcome people of independent means as long-term residents. 许多热带地区的国家很欢迎有独立收入的人去长期居住。朗文写作活用〔Neogaea〕A region that is coextensive with the Neotropical region and is considered one of the primary biogeographic realms.新热带区:与新热带地区有相同范围的地区,被看作是原始的生物地理分布区之一美国传统〔adventurous〕He had always wanted an adventurous life in the tropics.他一直想到热带地区过冒险的生活。柯林斯高阶〔adventurous〕He had always wanted an adventurous life in the tropics.他一直想到热带地区过惊险刺激的生活。外研社新世纪〔appendix〕The guidebook has an appendix on health risks in the tropics.这本旅游指南的附录有关于热带地区健康风险的介绍。外研社新世纪〔beat ... out〕The drummers beat out their tropical music,and the women danced.鼓手们敲奏出热带地区风格的曲调,妇女们跳起舞来。21世纪英汉〔brood〕For some time he brooded about in the tropics.有段时间他来往于热带地区。英汉大词典〔caecilian〕Any of various legless, burrowing, wormlike amphibians of the order Gymnophiona, of tropical regions.蚓螈:一种蜥蜴目无腿、善钻洞、蛆样的两栖动物,生长在热带地区美国传统〔care〕It was definitely hotter than any place in the tropics you'd care to mention.那地方绝对比任何热带地区都热。麦克米伦高阶〔condense〕Another idea is to condense water vapor from the atmosphere in the tropics by cooling it with cold ocean water.另一个想法是, 用冰凉的海水把热带地区大气中的水蒸气冷却凝结。外研社新世纪〔conjure up〕Jimmy Buffett's music conjures up a warm night in the tropics.吉米·巴菲特的音乐让人想起热带地区温暖的夜晚。柯林斯高阶〔descend〕Night descends quickly in the tropics.热带地区黑夜来得快。牛津高阶〔fall〕Darkness falls quickly in the tropics.在热带地区夜幕降临迅速。牛津高阶〔hornbill〕Any of various tropical Old World birds of the family Bucerotidae, having a very large bill often surmounted by an enlarged protuberance at the base.犀鸟:一种犀鸟科属鸟类,产于东半球的热带地区,其嘴巨大,且基部有扩大的突出部分美国传统〔ibis〕Any of various storklike wading birds of the family Threskiornithidae of temperate and tropical regions, having a long, slender, downward-curving bill.鹮:鹮科中生活在温带和热带地区的一种象鹳的涉禽。长有细长的、向下弯曲的嘴美国传统〔inoculation〕Travellers in the tropics should have typhoid inoculations.在热带地区旅行的人应该注射伤寒预防针。英汉大词典〔intertropical〕Between or within the tropics.南北回归线之间的:热带地区之间或之内的美国传统〔intertropical〕Of or relating to the tropics.热带地区的:属于或关于热带地区的美国传统〔jungle fever〕Any of various diseases native to the tropics.任何一种源于热带地区的疾病美国传统〔jungle fever〕Malaria, especially a severe form occurring in the East Indies and other tropical regions.丛林热:疟疾,尤指出现在东印度群岛和其它热带地区的恶性疟疾美国传统〔moray〕Any of numerous chiefly tropical, brightly colored marine eels of the family Muraenidae that are ferocious fighters and commonly inhabit coral reefs.海鳝:任一种生活于热带地区的海鳝科鲜艳海鳝鱼,它凶恶好斗并通常居住于珊瑚礁中美国传统〔originate〕The disease is thought to have originated in the tropics.这种疾病据说起源于热带地区。牛津高阶〔overwinter〕These birds generally overwinter in tropical regions.这些鸟通常在热带地区过冬。朗文当代〔pith helmet〕A lightweight hat made from dried pith and worn in tropical countries for protection from the sun.遮阳帽:一种轻便的遮阳帽,用晒干木髓制成,热带地区国家人为遮阳而戴美国传统〔plantain〕The fruit of this plant, used as a staple food in tropical regions.大蕉:大蕉的果实,作为热带地区的主要食物美国传统〔polar front〕The region or boundary separating air masses of polar origin from those of tropical or subtropical origin.极锋:将南极气团与赤道或亚热带地区气团隔离开来的区域或分界美国传统〔predispose〕The end of the hot season in the tropics predisposes to malaria.热带地区暑末易流行疟疾。英汉大词典〔savanna〕A flat grassland of tropical or subtropical regions.热带大草原:热带或亚热带地区的平坦草原美国传统〔season〕The two divisions of the year, rainy and dry, in some tropical regions.时节:在某些热带地区一年内的两段时期,如多雨季节和干燥季节美国传统〔subtropical〕Subtropical regions are cooler than equatorial regions.亚热带地区的气候比热带地区要凉爽一些。剑桥高阶〔subtropics〕Subtropical regions.亚热带地区美国传统〔tarantula〕Any of various large, hairy, chiefly tropical spiders of the family Theraphosidae, capable of inflicting a painful but not seriously poisonous bite.鸟蛛:任一种主要生长在热带地区的鸟蛛科的大型且体表多毛的蜘蛛,人被这种蜘蛛咬后会觉得很痛,但并无剧毒美国传统〔tropic〕She's a botanist and spent several years doing research in the tropics.她是个植物学家,花了几年时间在热带地区做研究。剑桥高阶〔tropic〕Tropics or tropics The region of the earth's surface lying between these latitudes. Tropics 或 tropics 热带地区:位于上述两纬度之间的地球表面地区美国传统〔visitable〕The tropics are visitable only during the winter.热带地区只有在冬季去才好。英汉大词典〔worm lizard〕Any of various small, legless, burrowing lizards of the family Amphisbaenidae, resembling worms and found chiefly in tropical regions.蚓蜥:一种穴居无足小蜴蜥,属蚓蜥属,貌似蚯蚓,多见于热带地区美国传统〔zebrawood〕Any of several African or tropical American trees having striped wood.牛栓藤:一种非洲或美洲热带地区的有条纹的树木美国传统Darkness falls (= comes) early in the Tropics.热带地区天黑得早。剑桥国际Most tropical areas have rainy and dry seasons. 大多数热带地区有雨季和旱季。译典通She's a botanist and spent several years researching in the tropics.她是个植物学家,花了几年的时间在热带地区搞研究。剑桥国际Subtropical regions are cooler than equatorial regions.亚热带地区比赤道地区凉爽。剑桥国际The toucan is a largish brightly-coloured bird with an enormous bill which is native to the New World tropics.巨嘴鸟是一种相当大的毛色鲜亮的鸟,有一个巨大的喙,产于新大陆的热带地区。剑桥国际When we went to the tropics, we had to have several different vaccinations.我们去热带地区的那阵子,我们得接种好多不同的疫苗。剑桥国际




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