

单词 在印度
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Amindivi Islands〕A group of islands in the Arabian Sea off the southwest coast of India, part of the region of Lakshadweep.阿明迪维群岛:阿拉伯海的一群岛,在印度西南海岸附近,是拉克沙威伯群岛的一部分美国传统〔Anglo-Indian〕A person of English birth or ancestry living in India.英裔印度人:住在印度的英国出生或有英国血统的人美国传统〔Anglo-Indian〕The variety of English used in India.印式英语:在印度使用的各种英语美国传统〔CLASS〕In the south of India there are up to 20 different castes. 在印度南部,有多达20个不同的种姓。朗文写作活用〔Dard〕A group of Indic languages spoken in the upper Indus River valley.达尔德语:在印度河上游河谷说的印度语群美国传统〔Darjeeling〕A fine variety of black tea grown especially in the northern part of India.大吉岭茶:一种上等的红茶,尤其生长在印度北部地区美国传统〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕After various hair-raising adventures in Afghanistan, Newcombe settled in Northern India. 纽科姆在阿富汗经历了种种令人毛发直竖的危险后,在印度北部居住了下来。朗文写作活用〔Gond〕A member of a Dravidian people inhabiting central India.冈德人:居住在印度中部的德拉维人美国传统〔Hindu〕A native of India, especially northern India.印度人:尤指居住在印度北部的原居民美国传统〔IDEA〕The novel was inspired by her own experiences in India. 这部小说是她受到了自己在印度的生活经历的启发而写成的。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕It's a book about travelling round India. I thought you'd find it interesting. 这是一本讲述在印度旅行的书,我想你会觉得它有趣。朗文写作活用〔Indian〕At Bath there are many old Indians.在巴思城有不少曾长期在印度居住的英国老人。英汉大词典〔Indic〕Of, relating to, or constituting the Indo-European languages of the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka.印度语支的:属于、组成或与印欧语系在印度次大陆和斯里兰卡存在的语支有关的美国传统〔KILL〕The assassination of Indira Gandhi caused a crisis in India. 英迪拉·甘地被刺杀在印度引发了一场危机。朗文写作活用〔Maratha〕A member of a Hindu people inhabiting Maharashtra in west-central India.马拉地人:生活在印度中西部的马哈拉施特拉邦的印度民族的成员美国传统〔NEW〕I spent six months living in a monastery in northern India, which was a novel experience. 我在印度北部的一个寺院里住了六个月,那是从未有过的一次经历。朗文写作活用〔POOR〕Charles was shocked by the poverty he saw in India. 查尔斯为自己在印度所见的贫困现象所震惊。朗文写作活用〔POOR〕Leaders of developing countries from around the world met in Indonesia to devise ways to improve their economies. 世界各发展中国家的首脑在印度尼西亚聚首,共同策划发展经济的大计。朗文写作活用〔REGRET/NOT REGRET〕My one regret is that I never visited the Taj Mahal when I was in India. 我有个遗憾,就是在印度时没去游览泰姬陵。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕My grandmother converted to Hinduism while living in India. 我祖母在印度生活期间皈依了印度教。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕When Aunt Agnes caught cholera out in India, we all expected her to die -- but she's a tough old lady and she pulled through. 阿格尼丝姑妈在印度得了霍乱时,我们都以为她活不了了—但她是个坚强的老太太,最后挺过来了。朗文写作活用〔Santal〕A member of a Munda people inhabiting parts of northeast India, Bangladesh, and Nepal.桑陀族:孟达人的一支,居住在印度东北部、孟加拉国及尼泊尔的部分地区美国传统〔Sri〕Used in India as a title of respect for a man.先生:在印度地区对人的敬称美国传统〔Tamil〕A member of a Dravidian people of southern India and northern Sri Lanka.泰米尔人:一支居住在印度南部和斯里兰卡北部的德拉威人的成员美国传统〔WAY〕Although he was educated in India, he went to an English-style boarding school. 他虽然是在印度受教育,但他上的是一所英式的寄宿学校。朗文写作活用〔Wellesley〕British politician and colonial administrator who expanded the British Empire in India and sought reconciliation between Protestants and Catholics in Ireland.韦尔兹利:英国政治家和殖民地总督。他扩展了英帝国在印度的领地,并企图在爱尔兰实现新教徒与天主教徒的妥协美国传统〔anna〕A copper coin formerly used in India and Pakistan.安那:旧时在印度和巴基斯坦使用的铜币美国传统〔around〕We travelled round/around India.我们在印度各地旅行。牛津高阶〔backdrop〕Indochina is the backdrop for this story.这个故事的背景在印度支那。英汉大词典〔bring〕He was born and brought up in India.他在印度出生和长大。麦克米伦高阶〔bund〕An embankment or dike, especially in India.堤岸:土堤或堤防,尤其在印度美国传统〔bungalow〕A thatched or tiled one-story house in India surrounded by a wide verandah.有凉台的平房:在印度带有宽敞凉台的,只有一层的草屋或瓦房美国传统〔cachet〕The social cachet of some form of qualification in India is powerful.在印度,具有某种资格享有巨大的社会威望。柯林斯高阶〔charkha〕A spinning wheel used in India for spinning cotton.手纺车:在印度用来纺棉花的纺车美国传统〔colonial〕British colonials in India 生活在印度这块殖民地上的英国人牛津高阶〔come〕The book came out of his experiences in India.这本书取材于他在印度的经历。牛津高阶〔connected〕She was born at Ambala, India, her family being closely connected with the Indian army.她出生在印度的安巴拉,她们家族与印度军队关系甚密。柯林斯高阶〔dhoti〕A loincloth worn by Hindu men in India.印度腰带:在印度被印度男人穿着的腰带美国传统〔dhow〕A lateen-rigged ship used especially by Arabs along the coasts of the Indian Ocean.独桅三角帆船:一种金属薄板装配的船,尤指阿拉伯人在印度洋海岸使用的美国传统〔enduring〕I shall be left with many enduring memories of the time I spent in India.在印度的时光会在我脑海中留下难以磨灭的记忆。剑桥高阶〔excite〕The prospect of a year in India greatly excited her.有望在印度待上一年使她激动万分。牛津高阶〔film〕The film was made on location in India.这部影片在印度拍的外景。麦克米伦高阶〔find〕Simon spent a year in an ashram in India to find himself.为了寻找真正的自我,西蒙在印度的一处静修所呆了整整一年。剑桥高阶〔gap year〕He spent his gap year in India.他的间隔年是在印度度过的。外研社新世纪〔girlhood〕She lived in India during her girlhood.她在印度度过了少女时代。剑桥高阶〔godown〕In India and East Asia, a warehouse, especially one at a dockside.仓库;货栈:指的是在印度及东亚地区的仓库,尤其是指在码头区的仓库美国传统〔heroically〕His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India.他的英雄事迹在印度广为传颂。柯林斯高阶〔heroic〕His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India.他英雄般的行为在印度的各个角落广为传颂。外研社新世纪〔imbue〕His time in India imbued him with a deep love of the country.他在印度的时光使他满怀对这个国度的热爱。外研社新世纪〔khaddar〕A coarse homespun cloth made in India.卡答布料:在印度制造质地粗糙的布料美国传统〔kick〕He kicked around India for a few months.他在印度闲逛了几个月。朗文当代〔life force〕In Hindi philosophy the life force is known as prana.在印度哲学中生命气息称为 prana (息)。牛津高阶〔mahatma〕In India and Tibet, one of a class of persons venerated for great knowledge and love of humanity.圣人,圣哲:在印度和西藏,因为有广博的知识和对人类充满仁爱而受到尊敬的人美国传统〔motherlode〕Cairn Energy recently struck the motherlode of oil fields in India. 卡恩能源最近在印度的油田找到了产油层。剑桥高阶〔movie〕The movie was shot entirely on location in India.这部电影全是在印度的外景地拍摄的。朗文当代〔near〕He was nearing the end of his stay in India.他在印度的逗留期临近尾声。朗文当代〔occur〕This small tree also occurs in central and southern India.这种小树在印度的中部和南部也有。麦克米伦高阶〔off〕Sarah's off in India somewhere.萨拉远在印度某地。牛津高阶〔outcaste〕In India, one who has been expelled from or has abandoned one's caste.贱民:在印度被逐出种姓或已放弃种姓的人美国传统〔passive resistance〕The Mahatma instigated several campaigns of passive resistance against the British government in India.圣雄甘地在印度发起过多次反对英国政府的非暴力抵抗运动。剑桥高阶〔remember〕She fondly remembered her early years in India.她对早年在印度度过的日子充满愉快的回忆。牛津搭配〔shared〕We talked about our shared experiences of India.我们谈论着我们在印度的共同经历。剑桥高阶〔shoot〕The movie was shot on location in Southern India.这部电影是在印度南部实地拍摄的。剑桥高阶〔stop〕I wanted to stop over in India on the way to Australia.在去澳大利亚的途中我想在印度稍作停留。牛津高阶〔summit〕We were standing at the summit of the highest mountain in India.我们正站在印度最高峰的峰顶。牛津搭配〔tale〕He told some fascinating tales about his life in India.他讲了他在印度生活的一些奇闻轶事。剑桥高阶〔tandoor〕A cylindrical oven made of clay, heated to a high heat over charcoal or wood, and used in India for baking bread and roasting meat.唐杜里烹饪法:一种用泥土制成的圆筒形的炉子,使用时在炭火或柴火上烧到高温,在印度被用来烤制面包和烤肉美国传统〔thug〕One of a band of professional assassins formerly active in northern India.刺客:从前在印度北部活动的一伙职业刺客美国传统〔tour〕He served two tours in Indo-China.他曾在印度支那服役两期。英汉大词典〔untouchable〕The class, comprising numerous subclasses, that is excluded from and considered ritually unclean and defiling by the four Hindu classes.贱民;不可接触者:印度的一个种姓,由许多阶层构成,他们被排除在印度的四个种姓之外,并被这几个种姓的人认为是在宗教上不洁的和对人有污损性的美国传统〔whatever〕Apparently he "discovered himself" in India, whatever that means (= I do not know what that means).显然他在印度“发现了自己”,不管那究竟意味着什么。剑桥高阶〔witness〕Many of these poems bear witness to his years spent in India and China.这些诗中有很多见证了他在印度和中国度过的岁月。柯林斯高阶〔witness〕Many of these poems bear witness to his years spent in India.这些诗中的很多首都见证了他在印度度过的岁月。外研社新世纪〔writing〕His experiences in India influenced his later writings.在印度的经历对他后来的作品产生了影响。牛津搭配〔writing〕His experiences in India influenced his later writings.他在印度的经历影响了他后来的著作。牛津高阶A few years ago I was in India and visited both the Canadian and American enclaves in New Delhi.几年前我在印度参观了加拿大和美国在新德里的飞地。剑桥国际A lot of the bread eaten in India is unleavened.在印度,人们吃的面包许多是未经发酵的。剑桥国际Apparently he discovered himself in India, whatever that means (= although I don't know what that means).显然他在印度发现了自我,不管这意味着什么。剑桥国际As a child, Mary had lived in India.玛丽童年时曾住在印度。剑桥国际Brahmins traditionally become priests in the Hindu religion.传统上婆罗门在印度教中成为僧侣。剑桥国际Caste is still very important within Indian society.种姓等级制度在印度社会中依然占有重要的地位。剑桥国际Floods have washed away several villages in India.在印度洪水冲走了好几个村庄。剑桥国际He served in the army in India for twenty years.他在印度服兵役20年。剑桥国际He told some fascinating tales about his life in India.他讲了些关于他在印度生活的迷人故事。剑桥国际He was captain of the touring side/team which played in India last summer.他是去年夏天在印度作巡回比赛的球队队长。剑桥国际His ward, Mary Lennox, had been orphaned in India and was now living with him.他的受监护人----玛丽·列诺克斯----在印度成了孤儿,如今与他住在一起。剑桥国际I shall be left with many enduring memories of the time I spent in India.我将保留在印度度过时光的永久记忆。剑桥国际In the Indian caste system, marrying someone from a superior caste is not allowed.在印度种性等级制度中,与等级高的人结婚是不允许的。剑桥国际In the various regions of India, Hindus worship different gods and observe different religious festivals.在印度的不同地方,印度教徒信奉不同的神灵,并庆祝不同的宗教节日。剑桥国际Living in India for eight months certainly broadened my outlook on life.在印度住了八个月肯定拓宽了我的人生观。剑桥国际Pakistan will play five one-day internationals (=games of cricket lasting only one day) in India this autumn.今年秋天,巴基斯坦将在印度参加5项为期1天的板球国际比赛。剑桥国际Roz spent last summer doing yoga in India.罗兹去年夏天在印度修练瑜伽功。剑桥国际She adopted Indian dress during her stay in the country.她在印度的时候选穿了印度服装。剑桥国际She spoke about her travels, centring on the time she had spent in India.她谈起了自己的旅行,集中谈到了她在印度度过的时光。剑桥国际The Mahatma instigated several campaigns of passive resistance against the British government in India.圣雄甘地在印度发动了几次反对英国政府的非暴力抵抗运动。剑桥国际The Mogul dynasty was founded by Babur and ruled over India for centuries.由巴布建立的莫卧儿王朝在印度统治了几个世纪。剑桥国际The installed base of PCs in India rose to 5 million units last month.个人电脑在印度的总使用数量上月上升到 500 万台。牛津商务The toys were mass-produced in India.这些玩具是在印度大批生产出来的。牛津商务We all sat and talked about our shared experiences (= those which we had all had) of India.我们坐在一起,谈论着我们在印度的共同经历。剑桥国际We got used to monsoons when we lived in India.我们住在印度的时候习惯了雨季。剑桥国际




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