

单词 爆裂声
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cracker〕A small cardboard cylinder covered with decorative paper that holds candy or a party favor and pops when a paper strip is pulled at one or both ends and torn.彩包爆竹:外面包有装饰性硬纸板的小圆筒,里面装有糖果或聚会纪念品,从一端或两端同时拉出纸绳时,会发出爆裂声美国传统〔crackling〕The production of a succession of slight sharp, snapping noises.爆裂声:一系列连续的轻微尖锐劈啪声美国传统〔crack〕A loud crack echoed off the empty walls.巨大的爆裂声在空荡荡的围墙间回响。牛津搭配〔crack〕A sharp, snapping sound, such as the report of a firearm.爆裂声:尖锐的爆裂声(如枪击声)美国传统〔crack〕To cause to make a sharp, snapping sound.使发出尖锐的爆裂声美国传统〔crack〕To make a sharp, snapping sound.碎裂声,爆裂声:发出尖锐的爆裂声美国传统〔crack〕We heard a loud crack as the ice broke.我们听到冰块裂开时巨大的爆裂声。韦氏高阶〔crepitate〕To make a crackling or popping sound; crackle.爆裂:发出劈啪声或爆裂声;爆裂美国传统〔ear-splitting〕There was an ear-splitting crack.传来一声震耳欲聋的爆裂声。朗文当代〔explosion〕The loud, sharp sound made as a result of either of these actions.爆炸声,爆裂声:因爆炸或爆裂而产生的高而尖的声音美国传统〔fizzle〕To make a hissing or sputtering sound.发嘶嘶声或爆裂声美国传统〔pop〕To cause to make a sharp bursting sound.使发出砰的一声:使发出尖利的爆裂声美国传统〔pop〕To make a short, sharp, explosive sound.发出砰的一声:发出短促、尖利的爆裂声美国传统〔pop〕With a popping sound.砰地一声地:伴随有爆裂声地美国传统〔roar〕There was a crash and a roar from the kitchen.厨房里传来爆裂声和一声大喊。牛津搭配〔snap〕The dry wood snapped and crackled as it burned.干柴燃烧时发出劈啪的爆裂声。英汉大词典〔sputter out〕At last the engine of my car sputtered out on the way to the border.在开往边境的路上,我的汽车发动机发出爆裂声后熄掉了。21世纪英汉〔thunder〕The crashing or booming sound produced by rapidly expanding air along the path of the electrical discharge of lightning.雷声:沿闪电放电的路径迅速膨胀的空气所发出的爆裂声或隆隆声美国传统




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