

单词 沙沙
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔coarse〕a beach of coarse sand粗沙沙滩外研社新世纪〔crackly〕a crackly phone line. 沙沙作响的电话线柯林斯高阶〔crepitant〕crepitant dead leaves 沙沙作响的枯叶英汉大词典〔crinkle〕leaves crinkling underfoot 脚下沙沙作响的树叶英汉大词典〔crinkly〕the crinkly sound of a silk dress 丝织女服的沙沙声英汉大词典〔monochrome〕scratchy monochrome movies. 带有沙沙声的黑白电影柯林斯高阶〔murmurous〕the murmurous rustle of leaves 树叶的沙沙声英汉大词典〔murmur〕the murmur of the wind in the trees 树林里沙沙的风声英汉大词典〔murmur〕the soft murmur of the wind 风儿轻轻拂过的沙沙声麦克米伦高阶〔rustle〕a rustling sound coming from beneath one of the seats. 一个座位下面发出的沙沙的响声柯林斯高阶〔rustle〕the rustle of a newspaper being folded 折叠报纸的沙沙声麦克米伦高阶〔rustle〕the rustle of leaves in the wind 风吹树叶的沙沙声朗文当代〔rustle〕the rustle of paper/silk/leaves纸张/丝绸/树叶的沙沙声外研社新世纪〔rustle〕the sound of the leaves rustling softly 叶子轻柔的沙沙声牛津搭配〔rustle〕the sound of the trees rustling in the breeze 树木在微风中发出的沙沙声牛津高阶〔rustling〕a rustling sound一阵沙沙声外研社新世纪〔rustling〕rustling silk (leaves) 沙沙作响的丝绸(叶子)英汉大词典〔rustling〕the rustling of dry leaves 枯叶的沙沙作响英汉大词典〔rustling〕the rustling(s) of leaves 树叶的沙沙声文馨英汉〔rustling〕the soft rustling of leaves 树叶柔和的沙沙声牛津高阶〔scratchy〕a scratchy old recording of some folk songs 一张录了些民歌的、有沙沙杂音的旧唱片朗文当代〔scratchy〕a scratchy voice; a scratchy record. 沙沙的声音;有沙沙声的唱片美国传统〔scratchy〕listening to scratchy old records 聆听有沙沙杂音的老唱片韦氏高阶〔sough〕branches soughing with the wind 迎风沙沙作响的树枝英汉大词典〔whisper〕the whisper of leaves in the breeze 微风中树叶的沙沙声英汉大词典〔whisper〕the whisper of wind through the branches of the trees风穿过树枝发出的沙沙声外研社新世纪




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