

单词 沉闷
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔BORING/BORED〕to try to make a situation less boring 尽力使情形变得不那么沉闷朗文写作活用〔SAD〕a dreary winter's day 一个沉闷的冬日朗文写作活用〔blandness〕the blandness of television. 电视的沉闷乏味柯林斯高阶〔break〕break up a dull routine 打破沉闷的常规 英汉大词典〔breathless〕a breathless evening 无风而沉闷的夜晚英汉大词典〔brown〕brown years in boarding houses 寄宿舍里沉闷的岁月英汉大词典〔clunky〕clunky dialogue 沉闷的对话韦氏高阶〔deadly〕a deadly boring/dull meeting 极度乏味/沉闷的会议韦氏高阶〔deadly〕deadly dullness 难以忍受的沉闷英汉大词典〔dead〕a dead acoustic沉闷的音质外研社新世纪〔dead〕a dead party 沉闷的舞会英汉大词典〔desolate〕a desolate life 沉闷的生活英汉大词典〔dismal〕a dismal book; a dismal performance on the cello. 乏味的书;沉闷无趣的大提琴演奏美国传统〔drearily〕a dreary little town in the Midwest. 位于中西部的沉闷的小镇柯林斯高阶〔dreary〕a dreary little town 沉闷的小城剑桥高阶〔dreary〕a dreary winter's day 沉闷的冬日朗文当代〔dull〕a dull movie 一部沉闷的电影朗文当代〔dull〕a dull thud 沉闷重击声英汉大词典〔grey〕the drab grey tedium of his life 他那枯燥乏味、沉闷无趣的生活麦克米伦高阶〔hollow〕hollow footsteps. 沉闷的脚步声美国传统〔inanimate〕an inanimate conversation 沉闷的谈话英汉大词典〔joyless〕a joyless occasion/person/look 沉闷无趣的场合;闷闷不乐的人;郁郁寡欢的样子韦氏高阶〔joyless〕a joyless trip 沉闷无趣的旅行英汉大词典〔languor〕the languor of a hot afternoon 炎热午后的沉闷朗文当代〔leaden〕a leaden English translation from the Latin一篇沉闷的拉丁文英译文本外研社新世纪〔lengthy〕a lengthy sermon 冗长沉闷的讲道英汉大词典〔monochrome〕a monochrome, dreary existence 单调沉闷的生活剑桥高阶〔muffle〕the muffle of distant thunder 远处沉闷的雷声英汉大词典〔muted〕the muted sound of distant thunder 远处沉闷的雷鸣声麦克米伦高阶〔oppressively〕an oppressively dull office 沉闷得让人难以忍受的办公室韦氏高阶〔pallid〕a pallid musical performance 呆板沉闷的演奏英汉大词典〔ponderous〕a ponderous speech.See Synonyms at heavy 沉闷的演讲 参见 heavy美国传统〔ponderous〕students struggling to stay awake during a ponderous lecture 在沉闷的讲座中尽量不打瞌睡的学生们韦氏高阶〔spiritless〕a spiritless performance 沉闷的表演韦氏高阶〔stifling〕the stifling atmosphere of her unhappy family life 她不幸的家庭生活的沉闷气氛麦克米伦高阶〔tedium〕relieve the tedium of a long journey 排遣长途旅行的沉闷英汉大词典〔toneless〕a toneless colour 沉闷的颜色英汉大词典〔uneasily〕an uneasy mix of thudding bass, drums and screaming guitar. 沉闷的贝司声、鼓声和尖利的吉他声胡乱混杂在一起柯林斯高阶〔unglamorous〕unglamorous work/surroundings 乏味的工作/沉闷的环境剑桥高阶〔wooden〕a wooden thud 沉闷的嘭的一声英汉大词典




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