

单词 沉着
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aplomb〕pass the test with one's usual aplomb 以惯常的沉着态度通过测试英汉大词典〔approach〕approach life with calm and caution 沉着而审慎地对待生活英汉大词典〔assurance〕meet danger with assurance 沉着地对付危难英汉大词典〔brazen〕brazened out the crisis. 沉着面对危机美国传统〔delivery〕a fine (cool,slovenly) delivery 优美 (沉着,杂乱无章) 的演讲风格英汉大词典〔dignity〕her extraordinary dignity and composure. 她那种端庄沉着的非凡气质柯林斯高阶〔fineness〕the ease, poise and fineness of every motion 每一动作的从容、沉着和优雅英汉大词典〔firm〕speak in a firm voice 声音沉着地说话英汉大词典〔generalship〕cool generalship 沉着冷静的指挥才能英汉大词典〔glacial〕a glacial calm 冷静沉着英汉大词典〔glacial〕a glacial composure. 沉着冷静美国传统〔ice-cool〕his ice-cool, unflustered demeanour他那沉着冷静的风度外研社新世纪〔imperturbable〕remain calm and imperturbable 保持沉着冷静英汉大词典〔monolithic〕a monolithic calm 稳如磐石的沉着英汉大词典〔nervous〕a nervous, fidgety young man 易激动、不沉着的年轻人麦克米伦高阶〔poise〕a woman of poise 沉着的女人英汉大词典〔possessed〕be possessed in time of trial 在经受考验时刻表现得沉着坚定英汉大词典〔scowl〕his scowling face 他阴沉着的脸麦克米伦高阶〔sedate〕a sedate turn of mind 思想的沉着安详英汉大词典〔smooth〕a smooth temperament. 沉着的性情美国传统〔steady〕a steady mind (或head) 冷静沉着的头脑英汉大词典




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