

单词 清脆
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔apple〕crisp juicy apples 清脆多汁的苹果韦氏高阶〔bark〕the bark of a bugle 清脆的军号声英汉大词典〔clarity〕the clarity of sb.'s voice 某人嗓音的清脆英汉大词典〔clear〕a clear voice 清脆的嗓音英汉大词典〔clipped〕the clipped speech of an Englishman 英国人清脆快速的言谈英汉大词典〔crackly〕a roar of crackly laughter 一阵清脆的大笑声英汉大词典〔crack〕the sharp crack of a single gunshot 一声清脆的枪声麦克米伦高阶〔crisply〕crisp lettuce. 清脆的生菜柯林斯高阶〔liquid〕the liquid notes of an oriole 黄莺清脆的鸣叫声英汉大词典〔liquid〕the liquid song of a blackbird 乌鸫清脆的呜啭牛津高阶〔patrician〕her crisp, patrician voice. 她清脆的贵族口音柯林斯高阶〔peal〕the peal of wedding bells 清脆的婚礼钟声韦氏高阶〔rap〕hear a loud rap at the door 听见一下清脆的叩门声英汉大词典〔resounding〕a resounding slap in the face 一记清脆的耳光 英汉大词典〔ringing〕a ringing crack 清脆的爆裂声 英汉大词典〔ring〕the ring of horse's hooves on the cobblestones 马蹄在鹅卵石上发出的清脆响声牛津高阶〔silvery〕a silvery sound.银铃般清脆的声音。牛津同义词〔silvery〕a silvery voice 清脆的嗓音英汉大词典〔voice〕a booming/breathy/clear/deep/fruity/gravelly/husky/squeaky voice 低沉/带喘息声/清脆/深沉/圆润/粗哑/沙哑/尖细的嗓音剑桥高阶




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