

单词 消防人员
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blaze〕When the firemen arrived, the fire was blazing out of control.消防人员到达时,火正猛烧得失去控制。文馨英汉〔commendation〕Several of the firefighters received commendation for their bravery.数位消防人员因表现英勇而受到了表彰。剑桥高阶〔company〕A unit of firefighters.小队:消防人员的一个单位美国传统〔control〕Firefighters battled to get the blaze under control.消防人员奋力控制住火势的蔓延。外研社新世纪〔devotion〕The judge praised the firefighters for their bravery and devotion to duty.法官赞扬消防人员的勇气和敬业精神。牛津搭配〔district〕Fire crews from all the surrounding districts helped to fight the fires.来自周边各区的消防人员参与扑火。牛津搭配〔enjoin〕The firefighters enjoined the onlookers to stand clear.消防人员叫围观者让开。英汉大词典〔false alarm〕The fire service was called out but it was a false alarm.消防人员接到报警后出动,但这是假报火警。牛津高阶〔fire marshal〕A person in charge of firefighting personnel and equipment at an industrial plant.防火负责人:工厂里负责消防人员和灭火设备的专门人员美国传统〔fire〕Fire crews arrived and began to fight the flames.消防人员赶到,开始救火。牛津搭配〔get〕The crowd moved aside to let the firemen get by.人群退向一边,让消防人员通过。英汉大词典〔picket line〕Fire crews refused to cross the picket line.消防人员拒不冲破围厂队伍人墙。牛津高阶〔pump〕The fire department is still pumping floodwater out of the cellars.消防人员仍在用水泵从地下室里往外抽洪水。朗文当代〔put〕Firefighters soon put the fire out.消防人员很快把火扑灭了。牛津高阶〔rescuer〕Five children were pulled from the smoke-filled house in heroic rescues by fire crews.在消防人员英勇的营救行动中,有5个孩子从浓烟弥漫的房子里被救出。柯林斯高阶〔run〕Firefighters are to run 500km to raise money for a children's charity.消防人员将跑 500 公里为一个儿童慈善机构筹款。朗文当代〔summon〕A fire crew arrived, took one look, and summoned an ambulance.一组消防人员到达后,看了一眼,便叫了一辆救护车。麦克米伦高阶〔tackle〕There were over 50 firefighters tackling the blaze.有50多名消防人员在灭火。麦克米伦高阶As onlookers stand behind barricades, helmeted firemen surveyed the collapsing building.旁观人群站在路障后面,戴头盔的消防人员开始勘查倒塌的大楼。剑桥国际Fire crews refused to cross the picket line.消防人员拒绝冲破罢工纠察线。牛津商务Firefighters were driven back by the overpowering (= too strong) heat of the flames.消防人员被火焰的强热浪击退。剑桥国际Several of the firefighters received commendation (=praise) for their bravery.几位消防人员因英勇事迹而受到了表扬。剑桥国际




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