

单词 河畔
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bard〕In the canon of Shakespeare, Pericles is considered one of the Bard of Avon's lesser works.在莎士比亚作品名录中, 《泰尔亲王佩力克里斯》被认为是这位埃文河畔诗圣的次要作品之一。外研社新世纪〔Domrémy-la-Pucelle〕A village of northeast France on the Meuse River east of Troyes. Joan of Arc was born here.多默尔:法国东北部特尔东北的默兹河畔村庄。圣女贞德诞生地美国传统〔July〕In late July 1914, he and Violet spent a few days with friends near Berwick-upon-Tweed.1914年7月下旬,他和维奥莱特与几个朋友在特威德河畔贝里克附近度过了几天。柯林斯高阶〔Rhenish〕Of or relating to the Rhine River or the lands bordering on it.莱茵河的:属于或有关莱茵河的或其河畔的土地的美国传统〔Vogul〕A member of a people inhabiting the region of the Ob River in western Siberia, closely related to the Ostyak.沃古尔人:一个居住在西伯利亚西部鄂毕河畔的民族,与奥斯加克人是近亲美国传统〔birthplace〕Stratford-on-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare埃文河畔斯特拉特福, 威廉·莎士比亚的出生地外研社新世纪〔birthplace〕Stratford-upon-Avon was Shakespeare's birthplace.埃文河畔的斯特拉特福德是莎士比亚的出生地。朗文当代〔candidate〕She was adopted as Labour candidate for Stoke-on-Trent.她被选定为特伦特河畔斯托克镇的工党候选人。外研社新世纪〔colourless〕We hurried through the colourless little town set on the fast-flowing Nyakchu.我们匆匆穿过湍急的那曲河畔这个毫无生气的小镇。柯林斯高阶〔country〕Stratford-upon-Avon is the capital of Shakespeare country.埃文河畔斯特拉特福是莎士比亚故乡的首府。剑桥高阶〔decline〕The hill declines to the river.山脚向着河畔倾斜。21世纪英汉〔development〕A large piece of land along the river was sold for development.河畔的一大片土地被售出用作楼盘开发。韦氏高阶〔dream〕He had his dream house built on the banks of the river Bure.他在布尔河畔建造了他的梦幻屋。柯林斯高阶〔indicate〕Kingston-upon-Thames, as the name indicates, is situated on the banks of the Thames.泰晤士河畔金斯顿区,正如其名称所示,位于泰晤士河畔。牛津高阶〔march〕We marched fifteen miles to Yadkin River.我们前进了15英里,来到亚德金河畔。柯林斯高阶〔on〕He visited relatives at their summer house on the river.他拜访了住在河畔避暑别墅的亲戚。柯林斯高阶〔pass〕After going over the Col de Vars, the route passes through St-Paul-sur-Ubaye.这条道越过瓦尔山口之后,穿过于拜河畔圣保罗。柯林斯高阶〔picturesque〕The inn is picturesquely situated on the banks of the river.小客栈坐落在河畔,构成一幅美丽的图画。牛津高阶〔riverside〕He has a cottage on the riverside.他在河畔置有一幢别墅。英汉大词典〔riverside〕I like to stroll along the riverside.我喜欢沿著河畔散步。文馨英汉〔riverside〕The bank or area alongside a river.河边,河畔:河流的岸边或沿河流的地区美国传统〔situated〕His hotel is situated in one of the loveliest places on the Loire.他下榻的旅馆位于卢瓦河畔最漂亮的地方之一。柯林斯高阶〔spacious〕This five-bedroom home offers a spacious life by the river.这栋五居室的房子位于河畔, 住起来很惬意。外研社新世纪〔summer house〕He visited relatives at their summer house on the river.他去拜访住在河畔避暑别墅的亲戚。柯林斯高阶〔summer house〕He visited relatives at their summer house on the river.他去看望了住在河畔避暑别墅的亲戚。外研社新世纪〔via〕We drove via Lovech to the old Danube town of Ruse.我们开车经由洛维奇到达了多瑙河畔的古镇鲁塞。柯林斯高阶〔waterside〕Her garden stretches down to the waterside.她的花园一直延伸到河畔。柯林斯高阶A group of students roamed the riverbank. 一群学生在河畔闲逛。译典通Ann's new house is on the river.安的新房子位于河畔。剑桥国际Hock is a general term applied to white wines which are produced beside the River Rhine.霍克酒是产于莱茵河畔的白葡萄酒的统称。剑桥国际Stratford-on-Avon is the capital of Shakespeare country.艾冯河畔的斯特拉特福是莎士比亚故乡的首府。剑桥国际Stratford-upon-Avon is a popular tourist destination.艾冯河畔的斯特拉特福是一个受人欢迎的旅游地。剑桥国际




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