

单词 烹饪
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COOK〕My favourite subject at school was cookery. 我上学时最喜欢烹饪课。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕Prick the potatoes with a fork before cooking them. 烹饪前先用叉子叉一下马铃薯。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕She studied at a vegetarian cookery school in London. 她在伦敦一家素食烹饪学校上学。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕We have several French cookbooks in stock. 我们店有几本法式烹饪书的现货。朗文写作活用〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕Looking through all those cook books has gotten me excited about cooking again. 看看那些烹饪书又一次激发了我对烹饪的兴趣。朗文写作活用〔PERSONALLY/YOURSELF〕Our new chef worked in Paris for many years, so he has first- hand knowledge of French cooking. 我们的新主厨在巴黎工作过许多年,所以他具备法式烹饪的第一手知识。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕The two cookbooks have sold well, and Doubleday is bringing them out in new paperback editions. 这两本烹饪书销量很好,道布尔迪公司正要推出新的平装本。朗文写作活用〔SOFT〕Methods of cooking such as braising and stewing are used to increase tenderness in tougher cuts of meat. 焖和炖等烹饪方法用于把较硬的肉块煮软。朗文写作活用〔Spanish〕Spanish art/cooking/culture/territories 西班牙艺术/烹饪/文化/领土韦氏高阶〔a thing or two〕When it comes to cooking, she could teach you a thing or two.谈到烹饪,她可以教你一两招。韦氏高阶〔activity〕His spare-time activities include cooking, tennis, and windsurfing.他的业余活动包括烹饪、打网球和帆板运动。剑桥高阶〔anglicize〕The cookbook anglicized many exotic dishes to make them easier to prepare.这本烹饪书将很多异国的菜肴英式化了,以便于烹饪。韦氏高阶〔appalling〕Alice is an appalling cook.爱丽丝的烹饪技术很差。文馨英汉〔arbiter〕The guidebook is the ultimate arbiter of culinary excellence.这本指南是评定烹饪水平的最权威评判。麦克米伦高阶〔beep〕When the cooking time's up, the microwave will beep.当烹饪时间到了的时候,微波炉会发出哔哔声。麦克米伦高阶〔binder〕The egg in the recipe acts as a binder.这个烹饪方法中鸡蛋起到黏合的作用。韦氏高阶〔black bean〕A fermented black soybean having a pungent salty flavor, preserved in salt and used in Asian cuisine.豆豉:发酵过的黑色大豆,有刺激性的咸味,用盐腌制并用于亚洲的烹饪中美国传统〔college〕He teaches cookery at the local college.他在当地的职业学校教烹饪。麦克米伦高阶〔companion〕A cookery book will be published as a companion volume to his television series.一本与他的电视系列节目配套的烹饪手册即将出版。麦克米伦高阶〔comparable〕This dinner is comparable to the best French cooking.这餐饭可与最好的法国烹饪媲美。英汉大词典〔cookery〕He also teaches cookery at Rosa Matto Cookery School.他还在罗莎•马托烹饪学校教授烹饪。外研社新世纪〔cooking〕She had no cooking facilities in her room.她房间里没有烹饪设施。外研社新世纪〔cook〕To prepare food for eating by applying heat.烹饪:通过加热加工食物使之可食用美国传统〔corruptly〕They can ensure that traditional cuisines are not totally corrupted by commercial practices.他们可以确保传统烹饪不会被商业运营模式完全破坏。柯林斯高阶〔creatively〕Cooking is creative.烹饪富有创造性。柯林斯高阶〔creole〕Creole cookery 克里奥尔式烹饪方法牛津高阶〔cuisine bourgeoise〕Simple home cooking, especially as practiced in France.家常菜:菜单的家庭烹饪,尤指法国的家常菜美国传统〔cuisine〕French cuisine 法式烹饪剑桥高阶〔cuisine〕French cuisine 法式烹饪朗文当代〔cuisine〕I like gourmet/vegetarian/ethnic cuisine.我喜欢美味/素食/具有民族特色的烹饪。韦氏高阶〔cuisine〕The cuisine of Japan is low in fat.日式烹饪的特点是低脂肪。柯林斯高阶〔culinary〕She was keen to acquire more advanced culinary skills.她渴望学到更高级的烹饪技巧。外研社新世纪〔dab hand〕He's a dab hand at cooking.他是烹饪高手。韦氏高阶〔day-to-day〕I am a vegetarian and use a lot of lentils in my day-to-day cooking.我是一个素食者, 日常烹饪时会用到很多小扁豆。外研社新世纪〔depend〕The cooking time needed depends on the size of the potato.所需的烹饪时间取决于土豆的大小。柯林斯高阶〔depth〕I am out of my depth when it comes to cooking.提到烹饪,就超过我的所能了美国传统〔drain off〕When the beans have cooked long enough to be tender, drain off the water and set them aside.当豆子经过长时间烹饪变软后,控干水分放在一旁备用。韦氏高阶〔educated guess〕Estimating the right cooking time will always be an educated guess.拿捏好烹饪的时间常常需要日积月累。柯林斯高阶〔egg white〕The albumen of an egg, used especially in cooking.蛋白:通常用于烹饪的鸡蛋白美国传统〔flip〕I had a quick flip through my cookery books and found a recipe that sounded quite nice.我翻了翻烹饪书,找了个似乎相当不错的菜谱。朗文当代〔fondness〕He has a (great) fondness for red wine [cooking].他(很)喜欢红酒[烹饪]。文馨英汉〔fond〕I'm not overly fond of cooking.我不怎么喜欢烹饪。朗文当代〔fusion〕The chef cooks fusion.这位厨师烹饪混合菜式。外研社新世纪〔gift〕This excellent cookbook would make an ideal gift for anyone just going away to college.这本精美的烹饪书送给要上大学的人是很好的礼物。朗文当代〔good〕She's good at cooking [languages].她擅长烹饪[语言]。文馨英汉〔great〕Jane's a fabulous cook.简的烹饪技巧堪称一绝。牛津高阶〔great〕She is great at Chinese cooking.她很擅长中餐烹饪。韦氏高阶〔hint〕The magazine includes hints on fashion and cookery.这本杂志包括了一些关于时尚和烹饪的建议。外研社新世纪〔hobby〕Susan's hobbies include reading, cooking, and drama.苏珊的业余爱好包括阅读、烹饪和戏剧。朗文当代〔impart〕Cooking on charcoal imparts a distinctive smoky flavour to your meat.用木炭来烹饪给肉增添了不同寻常的烟熏味。麦克米伦高阶〔inept〕I'm completely inept at cooking.我对烹饪一窍不通。外研社新世纪〔ingredient〕He uses only the finest/freshest ingredients in his cooking.他烹饪时只使用最好/最新鲜的配料。韦氏高阶〔joy〕One can never learn all there is to know about cooking, and that is one of the joys of being a chef.钻研烹饪之道是永无止境的,这也是当厨师的乐趣之一。柯林斯高阶〔known〕My mother is known for her cooking.我母亲以其烹饪闻名。英汉大词典〔know〕I don't know the first thing about cooking/sports/children.我对烹饪/体育/孩子一无所知。韦氏高阶〔lesson〕He took lessons in Thai cookery.他上了泰式烹饪课。牛津搭配〔matter〕Baking a cake isn't difficult - it's just a matter of following the recipe.烤蛋糕并不难——只需照着烹饪指南做就行。剑桥高阶〔miscellany〕She's just finished editing "A Miscellany of English Cookery".她刚刚完成了《英国烹饪术》一书的编辑工作。剑桥高阶〔modify〕He modified the recipe by using oil instead of butter.他改变了烹饪方法,用食用油代替了黄油。韦氏高阶〔muster〕His cooking could pass muster in an expensive French restaurant.他的烹饪技术在高级法国餐厅也能得到认可。韦氏高阶〔noticeable〕There has been a noticeable improvement in Tim's cooking.蒂姆的烹饪水平有了显著提高。剑桥高阶〔olive oil〕Oil pressed from olives, used in salad dressings, for cooking, as an ingredient in soaps, and as an emollient.橄榄油:从橄榄榨出的油,烹饪中用于沙拉调料,是肥皂的成份之一,还可做润肤剂美国传统〔on your mettle〕Cooking for such important people really puts you on your mettle.为如此重要的人物烹饪真是要拿出看家手艺才行。剑桥高阶〔onion〕The recipe calls for chopped onion.这种烹饪方法要求用洋葱碎韦氏高阶〔onion〕The recipe calls for chopped onions.这种烹饪方法要求用洋葱碎。韦氏高阶〔outpouring〕Last year saw an outpouring of cookery books.去年出版了大量烹饪方面的书。剑桥高阶〔pasta〕Paste or dough made of wheat flour, eggs, and water, often formed into shapes and dried and used in a variety of recipes after being boiled.意大利面制品:由小麦面、鸡蛋和水做成的面糊或面团,通常加工成一些形状并烘干,做熟后可用于种种烹饪美国传统〔permit〕This method of cooking also permits heat to penetrate evenly from both sides.这种烹饪方法还能使热气从两边均匀地渗入。外研社新世纪〔pledge〕The chefs are pledged to keep the restaurant's special recipe a secret.厨师们被要求发誓不外传这家饭店独特的烹饪秘方。韦氏高阶〔recipe〕I enjoy trying out new recipes.我喜欢尝试新的烹饪法。牛津搭配〔rotisserie〕A cooking device equipped with a rotating spit on which meat or other food is roasted.电热轮转烤肉器:一种装有可烤肉或其它食物的回转式烤肉器的烹饪装置美国传统〔rude〕He's very rude about her cooking.他对她的烹饪十分挑剔。牛津搭配〔sauerbraten〕A pot roast of beef marinated in vinegar, water, wine, and spices before being cooked.糖醋烤牛肉:一种将牛肉用醋、水、酒及香料腌制后再进行烹饪制成的锅烤牛肉美国传统〔science〕Cooking is both a science and an art.烹饪既是一门技术,又是一门艺术。韦氏高阶〔send〕Send away for a free recipe booklet.写信索取免费的烹饪小册子。朗文当代〔sour salt〕Crystals of citric acid used in cooking.酸盐:柠檬酸的晶体,用于烹饪美国传统〔southern〕Southern hospitality/cooking 美国南方人的热情/烹饪韦氏高阶〔spend〕I love to cook, but I don't feel like spending the energy every evening.我喜欢烹饪,但不愿意每天晚上都花精力去做。朗文当代〔test〕For the cookery test we have to make a chocolate mousse.要通过烹饪考试,我们得做个巧克力奶油冻。麦克米伦高阶〔themself〕Does anyone here consider themself a good cook? 这里有人觉得自己烹饪很拿手吗?牛津高阶〔thickness〕Cooking time depends on the thickness of the steak.烹饪时间要视牛排的厚度而定。麦克米伦高阶〔trim〕Trim off the leafy ends of the vegetable before cooking.烹饪之前去掉菜多叶的一端。剑桥高阶〔vary〕Cooking times may vary slightly , depending on your oven.烹饪时间可能略有不同,因烤炉而异。朗文当代〔veggie〕Going veggie can be tasty, easy and healthy too.吃素也可以吃得很可口,烹饪也容易,并且有益健康。柯林斯高阶〔virtually〕Virtually all cooking was done over coal-fired ranges.差不多所有的烹饪都是在燃煤灶上进行的。外研社新世纪〔whizz〕Dale's a bit of a culinary whizz.戴尔有点儿烹饪高手的样子。麦克米伦高阶〔work〕A microwave oven can make light work of the cooking.微波炉能轻松烹饪食物。朗文当代〔wrap〕Wrap the chicken in foil and cook it for two hours.用锡箔纸将鸡肉包起来,烹饪两个小时。剑桥高阶A many-sided character, he wrote poetry and was a keen cricketer and cook.他是个多面手,既写诗歌,也热衷于板球和烹饪。剑桥国际Beef brisket is boneless, especially delicious when smoked. 牛胸肉没有骨头,烟熏烹饪特别好吃。译典通Cordon-bleu cookery is just one of her many accomplishments (=skills).第一流的烹饪技术只是她的许多技艺之一。剑桥国际He is all thumbs with cooking. 他对烹饪一窍不通。译典通I'm very bad at cooking (= cannot do it very well).我不擅长烹饪。剑桥国际Jim prefers traditional cooking to nouvelle cuisine because he likes to eat a lot.杰姆喜欢传统的烹饪而不喜欢新式烹饪,因为他爱吃得很多。剑桥国际Primus stoves are often used by people to cook on when they are camping.普赖默斯煤油炉常被人们在野营时用于烹饪。剑桥国际She would often use her family as a sounding board for new recipes before trying them in her restaurant.她经常把她的家人当作新烹饪法的征询者,而后再把它们运用到她的餐厅中。剑桥国际She writes recipe books.她编写烹饪书籍。剑桥国际There has been a noticeable improvement in Tim's cooking.迪姆的烹饪技术有显著的进步。剑桥国际What fantastic food--her cooking is something else! 多棒的食物----她的烹饪水平真是不同凡响!剑桥国际Your cooking puts mine to shame (= makes it seem not good).你的烹饪技巧使我甘拜下风。剑桥国际




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