

单词 毛料
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Glengarry〕A woolen cap that is creased lengthwise and often has short ribbons at the back.苏格兰帽:一种毛料帽,顶部从前到后有折缝,后背通常带短飘带美国传统〔MATERIAL〕The main trade was the production of woollen cloth. 主要的生意是生产毛料。朗文写作活用〔acknowledge〕The mill produces what is widely acknowledged to be the finest wool in the world.那家工厂生产公认的世界最优质毛料。朗文当代〔bet〕Wool is still the best bet in winter clothing.冬令服装仍以毛料最为理想。英汉大词典〔camelhair〕The soft fine hair of the camel or a substitute for it.骆驼毛:柔软细致的骆驼毛皮或是类似的毛料美国传统〔cassimere〕A plain or twilled woolen cloth used for suits.开斯米呢:一种西服用平纹或斜纹羊毛料美国传统〔castor〕A heavy wool fabric used especially for overcoats.厚毛料:一种主要用作大衣的厚毛料美国传统〔clean lines〕She wore a formal wool suit with clean lines.她穿着一身线条简洁利落的毛料正装。韦氏高阶〔contrast〕A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture.毛料上衣配真丝长裤,质地上的差异非常有趣。牛津高阶〔contrast〕Silk was used with wool for contrast.丝绸和毛料用在一起以形成对比。柯林斯高阶〔exchange〕Wool and timber were sent to Egypt in exchange for linen or papyrus.毛料和木材被运到埃及以换取亚麻布或纸莎草纸。牛津搭配〔feel〕She felt the fabric to see if it was wool.她摸了摸面料,看是不是毛料的韦氏高阶〔itch〕I can't wear wool - it makes me itch.我不能穿毛料衣服——穿了就浑身发痒。剑桥高阶〔kerseymere〕A fine woolen cloth with a fancy twill weave.克尔赛梅尔短绒大衣呢:具有别致的斜纹的一种精致毛料美国传统〔kersey〕A twilled woolen fabric, sometimes with a cotton warp, used for coats.克尔赛手织粗呢:一种斜纹的毛料织物,有时有棉纵向线,用于做大衣美国传统〔kersey〕A woolen, often ribbed fabric formerly used for hose and trousers.克尔赛呢:过去用来做齐膝短裤和裤子的一种常有罗纹的毛料织物美国传统〔lay〕Traditional wool fabric requires regular brushing to lay the nap down in one direction.传统毛料要求将毛朝一个方向刷平。外研社新世纪〔mackinaw〕A short, double-breasted coat of heavy, usually plaid, woolen material.麦基诺厚大衣:一种短而厚重的双排扣大衣,由带方格花纹的毛料制成美国传统〔material〕I'd like three metres of blue woollen material.我想要3米蓝色的毛料。英汉大词典〔melton〕A heavy woolen cloth used chiefly for making overcoats and hunting jackets.麦尔登呢:一种厚重的羊毛料子,主要用来做大衣及打猎用之夹克美国传统〔only〕This fabric is similar to wool, only (= except that it is) cheaper.这种布料跟毛料类似,只是价格更便宜。剑桥高阶〔prickle〕His new wool trousers prickled his legs.他的新毛料裤子扎疼了他的腿。麦克米伦高阶〔prunella〕A strong, heavy fabric of worsted twill, used chiefly for shoe uppers, clerical robes, and academic gowns.普鲁内拉毛料:一种牢固、硬实的精纺斜纹布织物,主要用于作鞋的面料、教士袍或学院服装美国传统〔scratchy〕Wool is so scratchy that it irritates the skin.毛料衣服太扎人,令皮肤很不舒服。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕Wool stands up better than silk.毛料比丝绸牢。英汉大词典〔tariff〕They set a tariff of 36% on British wool cloth.他们对英国的毛料征收 36% 的关税。牛津搭配〔tartan〕A twilled wool fabric or garment having such a pattern.格子呢:具有这样一种图案的斜纹毛料织物或服装美国传统〔tweed〕A coarse, rugged, often nubby woolen fabric made in any of various twill weaves and used chiefly for casual suits and coats.粗花呢:一种粗糙不平的,通常为表面粗糙的毛料织物,用各种斜纹毛呢制成,主要用于制作休闲套装和外套美国传统〔wear〕These woollen suits are not designed for wear in hot climates.这些毛料西服不是设计为炎热气候下穿着的。牛津高阶〔whipcord〕A worsted fabric with a distinct diagonal rib.马裤尼:一种精纺毛料纤维,带有明显的斜纹凸起罗纹美国传统〔woolens〕He wore his best woolens.他穿着他最好的毛料衣服。韦氏高阶〔woollen〕Her father is in the woollens trade.她父亲是做毛料服装生意的。英汉大词典〔woollen〕Woollens should always be hand-washed in warm water.毛料(或毛线)衣服总是应在温水里用手洗的。英汉大词典〔wool〕She doesn't like wool because it can be itchy.她不喜欢毛料衣服,因为它会让皮肤发痒。韦氏高阶〔wool〕The carpets are made in wool and nylon.这些地毯是用毛料和尼龙制成的。柯林斯高阶He worked as an independent craftsman in the Norfolk worsted industry.他是诺福克精纺毛料行业的一名独立手艺人。剑桥国际I don't like woollen trousers because they tickle.我不爱穿毛料裤,因为它使人发痒。剑桥国际I hate washing woollens--they take such a long time to dry.我讨厌洗毛料衣服----它们要好长时间才能干。剑桥国际Many people wear wool in winter. 冬天许多人穿毛料衣服。译典通She wore a pale grey worsted suit.她穿着一套淡灰色的精纺毛料衣服。剑桥国际The fibres in cheaper woollen cloth tend to be shorter.便宜些的毛料里的纤维经常会短些。剑桥国际Wool stands up better than silk. 毛料比丝绸耐久。译典通




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