

单词 流行的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔app〕a popular app 流行的应用软件韦氏高阶〔belief〕the prevailing belief 流行的看法英汉大词典〔catch fire〕a new technology that has caught fire with the public 已在民间流行的新工艺韦氏高阶〔climate〕a set of ideas that challenge the prevailing climate of pessimism 对流行的悲观情绪提出质疑的一整套思想牛津搭配〔course〕a fad that ran its course. 流行的趋势美国传统〔craze〕the latest dance/fashion/music craze 最新流行的舞蹈/时装/音乐韦氏高阶〔current〕current fashions.流行的式样。牛津同义词〔endure〕an enduringly popular tradition 持久流行的传统韦氏高阶〔enduringly〕enduringly popular一直流行的外研社新世纪〔expressively〕the present fashion for intuitive, expressive painting. 当前流行的强调直觉、富于表现力的绘画柯林斯高阶〔form〕a popular form of entertainment 一种流行的娱乐方式韦氏高阶〔last〕the last thing in swimwear. 最流行的泳装美国传统〔make〕a very popular make of car 非常流行的汽车型号麦克米伦高阶〔misconception〕a common/popular misconception(=one that many people have) 普遍的/流行的错误看法麦克米伦高阶〔moment〕the film of the moment 当前最流行的影片麦克米伦高阶〔most〕the most common/popular kind 最普通/流行的类型韦氏高阶〔pandemic〕a pandemic virus/disease 大范围流行的病毒/疾病韦氏高阶〔prevailing〕the prevailing fashions in dress 流行的服装式样英汉大词典〔prevalent〕a fashion that is prevalent among teenagers 青少年中流行的时尚韦氏高阶〔rap〕a popular rap song 一首流行的说唱乐朗文当代〔received〕contrary to the received wisdom of the day 与时下流行的常识相反的英汉大词典〔relaxation〕a popular herb known to induce relaxation 已知能使人放松的一种流行的草药牛津搭配〔resurgence〕a resurgence of interest/popularity 兴趣/流行的再度兴起韦氏高阶〔retro〕a retro style 重新流行的款式剑桥高阶〔revive〕a fashion that has revived 重新流行的服装款式英汉大词典〔ridden〕a disease-ridden slum 疾病流行的贫民窟牛津高阶〔role〕the views prevalent in society about female roles 社会上普遍流行的有关女性角色的观点牛津搭配〔sickly〕a sickly summer 一个疾病流行的夏季英汉大词典〔single〕the classic comeback single from Take That 接招乐队再度流行的经典单曲牛津搭配〔slang〕last year's slang 去年流行的俚语英汉大词典〔suggestion〕that fashionably faint suggestion of a tan. 略带一点流行的古铜色柯林斯高阶〔top〕the latest top fiction 最近最流行的小说英汉大词典〔trendy〕a trendy haircut 流行的发型麦克米伦高阶〔undated〕a classic, undated dress. 古典而始终流行的衣服美国传统〔value〕a prevailing set of cultural values 一套流行的文化价值观牛津搭配〔vogue〕the hippie-ethnic look which came into vogue in the late 60s. 60年代末流行的嬉皮士形象柯林斯高阶〔vogue〕the new/current vogue for scarves 最新/当下流行的围巾款式韦氏高阶〔vogue〕the type of pop song in vogue at that time 当时流行的那种通俗歌曲牛津搭配〔wear〕a style that is much worn非常流行的式样21世纪英汉the latest trendy must-haves 最新流行的必备品牛津商务




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