

单词 泥中
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔DOWN〕to go down under the surface of water, mud etc 沉入水中、陷入泥中等朗文写作活用〔earthbound〕earthbound roots. 扎入泥中的根美国传统〔embed〕embed a post in concrete; fossils embedded in shale. 把柱子嵌在水泥中;牢牢嵌在页岩中的化石美国传统〔embed〕embed tiles in cement 在水泥中砌进瓷砖英汉大词典〔embed〕to embed tiles (or stones) in cement在水泥中砌进瓷砖(或石块)21世纪英汉〔grout〕grout around in the mud for sth. 在污泥中拱来拱去找东西英汉大词典〔knee-deep〕knee-deep in mud 齐膝深的烂泥中朗文当代〔knee-deep〕was knee-deep in mud. 淹在没膝的烂泥中美国传统〔slosh〕to slosh through the mud up to the knees在没膝的泥中艰难行进21世纪英汉〔step〕steps in the mud. 泥中的脚印美国传统〔wallow〕a hippopotamus wallowing in mud 在烂泥中打滚的河马剑桥高阶〔wallow〕pigs having a wallow in the mud 在烂泥中打滚的猪牛津高阶




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