

单词 波拿
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bonapartist〕A follower or supporter of Napoleon I and his policies and dynastic claims or of the Bonaparte family.波拿巴主义者:拿破仑一世和他的独裁政策及其帝王专断以及波拿巴家族的支持者或追随者美国传统〔Bonaventure〕Italian theologian and philosopher who taught that the goal of all the arts and sciences is the direct contemplation of God.圣波拿文都拿:意大利神学家和哲学家,他教导说一切艺术和科学的目标都是对上帝的直接反思美国传统〔PROUD〕Bonaparte wasn't all that bad. He was just a soldier who got too big for his boots. 波拿巴没那么坏,他只是个妄自尊大的士兵。朗文写作活用〔army〕Napoleon Bonaparte faced the combined armies of England, Prussia and Russia.拿破仑・波拿巴抗击的是由英国、普鲁士和俄国组成的联合部队。牛津搭配〔descendant〕He was a direct descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte.他是拿破仑‧波拿巴的嫡系子孙。朗文当代〔dynastic〕Bonaparte's dynastic ambitions波拿巴的王朝野心外研社新世纪




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