

单词 没命
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALMOST〕She was very lucky. She very nearly lost her life. 她非常幸运,差一点就没命了。朗文写作活用〔BELIEVE〕I finally accepted the fact that I would die if I didn't stop smoking. 我终于接受了这么一个事实:如不戒烟就要没命了。朗文写作活用〔DIE〕Davis had suffered a stroke and was near death. 戴维斯曾患中风差点没命。朗文写作活用〔If looks could kill〕I've never seen her so angry. If looks could kill, I'd be dead right now. [=she looked at me in a very angry way] 我从未见过她如此生气,如果眼神可以杀人的话,我当时就没命了。韦氏高阶〔MAYBE〕It's a good thing we got her to the hospital right away -- the doctor said she could have died if we'd waited. 幸亏我们立即把她送去医院,医生说我们如果等着的话,她可能就没命了。朗文写作活用〔SHOCKED/SHOCKING〕It gave me a shock to realize that I had almost died. 我惊讶地意识到,我差一点就没命了。朗文写作活用〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕It gave me a shock when I realized how close I had come to being killed. 我意识到自己刚才差点儿没命,吓了一大跳。朗文写作活用〔act〕Had the paramedics not acted so swiftly, he would have died.要不是急救人员行动迅速,他就没命了。麦克米伦高阶〔beat〕The bird was beating its wings(= moving them up and down)frantically.鸟儿没命地扑着翅膀。牛津高阶〔bolt〕They attacked the driver and he straightaway made a bolt for it.他们袭击司机,司机没命地逃跑。朗文当代〔break〕The moment had come to make a break or die.那个时候不跑就没命了。柯林斯高阶〔could〕You could have been killed!.你差点儿就没命了!柯林斯高阶〔could〕You could have been killed!你差点就没命了!外研社新世纪〔do〕If the guards see us, we're done for.要是卫兵看见我们,我们会没命的。麦克米伦高阶〔false move〕One false move and I knew Sarah would be dead.我知道萨拉一失足就会没命了。柯林斯高阶〔get〕You're going to get us all killed! 你会让我们都没命的!朗文当代〔gorge〕We gorged ourselves on ripe plums.我们没命地吃成熟的李子。朗文当代〔go〕The driver is going it.司机在没命地开着快车。英汉大词典〔hell〕We've been working like hell since morning.我们从早上起就没命地工作。韦氏高阶〔hysteria〕The woman, close to hysteria, began to scream.那女人快要歇斯底里大发作了,没命地尖声大叫。英汉大词典〔intervene〕She might have been killed if the neighbours hadn't intervened.要不是邻居介入,她可能会没命了。牛津高阶〔might〕It was terrifying. We might have been killed.好可怕,我们差点没命了。朗文当代〔might〕You might have been killed!你差点儿就没命了!外研社新世纪〔move〕She held the gun to his head and said, "One move and you're dead!" 她拿着枪对着他的头,说:“动一下你就没命了。”剑桥高阶〔or〕She had to have the operation, or she would die.她必须动手术,要不然就没命了。柯林斯高阶〔price〕There may be a price to pay for such relentless activity, perhaps ill health or even divorce.这样没命地工作可能要付出代价,也许是健康受损,甚至是离婚。柯林斯高阶〔price〕There may be a price to pay for such relentless activity, perhaps ill health or even divorce.这样没命地干可能要付出代价, 也许是健康受损, 甚至是离婚。外研社新世纪〔shock〕It shocked me to think how close we had come to being killed.想到我们差点就没命,我心惊肉跳。朗文当代〔spell〕Defeat spells death.失败就没命。文馨英汉




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